
Chapter 115


" what are you doing Edward? She's just a kid" Elizabeth said and rushed to pick Becky who was crying.

" Daddy, what's going on? Why are you so upset?" Micheal asked.

" It's your mother, she's left. She's left us and she's not going to return" Edward said with tears in his eyes.

" And how do you know that?" Elizabeth asked.

" Here. Read this letter and tell me if you still don't think she left"

Elizabeth took the letter and read it's content. It read,

Dear Edward, Ashley here. I'd have loved to tell you this in person but I was afraid you'd use the kids to stop me so I'd rather write to you.

I figured out that when I promised that I'd stay with you till death did us part, I lied. The maximum I could stay with you was eleven years but I'm sorry, I have to break this alliance.

Don't worry about the kids, I'm sure you can get married to Elizabeth, the kids like her so that shouldn't be a problem.

I've gone on vacation with the person I've found love with. I hope the pictures got delivered.

Expect more,


Elizabeth looked at the pictures, it was a picture of Ashley in bed with a man who seemed to be younger than her.

" Edward, you......"

" I think you should leave, leave with the kids" Edward said coldly.

" No daddy. I want to know where mummy is. I'm not going anywhere" Becky cried.

'' come Rebecca, Micheal, we need to go" Elizabeth said and carried Rebecca.

" Let me go. " Becky cried as Elizabeth carried her out of the house.

" Come on Micheal" Elizabeth said and Micheal followed her.

" I'll never forgive you for this Ashley, I'll never forgive you" Edward muttered to himself.


" Leave me, I want to see my mummy" Becky cried after they'd arrived in Elizabeth's house.

," Deal with it Becky, your mum's left and she's not coming back. I'm going to be your new mum" Elizabeth said.

" Why won't our mummy come back?" Micheal asked.

" Because she doesn't love you and she never has. That's why she has left you" Elizabeth explained.

" No. My mummy loves me and she's always told me she loves me" Becky defended.

" Believe what you want Becky, it won't change anything. The truth will remain the same. Your mum hates you and that's why she deserted you at the age of seven" Elizabeth said and Becky cried.

" It's alright dear. Come to mummy" Elizabeth said and opened her arms in a way that gestured for Becky to hug her.

Becky ran to her and embraced her.

That night, Becky stared out of the window, her thoughts filled with her mum.

" Why did you leave? Why didn't you stay with me? You're so bad" she cried.

Elizabeth walked into the room and patted Becky.

" Why aren't you asleep Becky?" She asked

" I miss my mummy"

" Come on, I'll put you to sleep" Elizabeth said and with that, she tucked Becky in. " Good night sweetie" she said pecked Becky's forehead before leaving.


" Aaaah" Becky shrieked and got out of the bed, she'd just had a nightmare. She sat on her bed and folded her knees against her chest.

" Where are you mummy? Please come back" she cried.



" Mummy please come back, please come back mummy" Ariana muttered as she rolled on the bed.

" Ari?" Casey called after she saw the sudden changes. She looked at the time, it was already past noon

" What's going on?" Ashley asked as she ran into the ward.

" I don't know. She just started calling Mummy" Mrs Lambert explained.

" I'll go get the doctor" Mariana said and with that, she left.

After some time, the doctor came in with Mariana. He took his stethoscope and checked her.

" What's going on with her doctor?" Ashley asked.

" I don't know but it seems like she is going through some childhood moments all over" the doctor said.

" And what is that supposed to mean?" Casey asked.

" It means she is remembering some hurtful childhood moments" the doctor said.

" Is that good?" Santiago asked.

" In a way it is and in a way, it's not"

" How?"

" It's good because it's going to be involving some brainwork which will get her to wake up and it's bad because it'll be causing a lot of stress on her brain which could lead to mental insanity" the doctor explained.

" So what should be done now?" Mrs Lambert asked.

" Nothing. We just have to wait and see the outcome. I'll go get an injection that'll calm her down" the doctor said and made to leave but before he left, Ariana opened her eyes.

" Mummy?"


" Ari?" Casey called in excitement.

" Mummy?" Ariana called out again.

" Mummy is here for you my darling" Ashley said and rushed to Ariana on whose head she quickly planted a kiss.

" Mummy?" Ariana called again.

" Doctor, what's wrong with her? Why does she keep calling Mummy over and over again?" Casey asked.

" You all have to leave. We need to conduct a series of tests on her" the doctor said and led them out.

He called for help and some nurses and other doctors came. They conduct some tests and it took hours.

" Why is it taking so long?" Mariana asked.

" I don't know. It's taking forever" 

Casey's phone rang, " it's Raymond. Please excuse me" with that, she excused herself.

" Hey there Casey" Raymond spoke.

" What kind of boyfriend are you?" She asked angrily, " your girlfriend's in there, fighting for her life and where are you, watching movies" she spoke in anger.

" What do you mean by that?" Raymond asked.

" If I remember correctly, Ariana has being in the hospital for three days straight and how many times have you come to see her? Let me do the math...... Zero"

" Don't you wanna know where I've being? Don't you wanna know why I've not being coming to see her" he asked.

" Tell me. I'm listening" Casey said.

" I....." Before Raymond could explain himself, the call disconnected.

" Damn" Casey cursed. Her phone had died, she hadn't charged it in two days after all. she hissed softly before going to join the others.

After sometime, the doctors came out.

" Doctor, what's wrong with her?" Mrs Lambert asked

" We've finally figured out the reason she keeps calling mummy. Something must have happened in her past that made her cry for a mother. Sadly, that's where her memories end. She had a severe head injury so trying to bring back those memories is gonna be difficult so I'll suggest you let her regain her memory herself" the doctor said.

" What is this supposed to mean doctor? Does it mean she's mentally unstable or she has had a memory loss?" Ashley asked.

" You're wrong if you're to think that she's become mentally unstable because she's not. She's just had a temporary memory loss which will return in a few weeks" the doctor explained.

" Is she awake?" Ashley asked.

" Yes she is but she needs rest. I know she attempted murder so don't ask her any questions. She needs as much mental rest as she can get so try to give her that" the doctor explained.

" Can we go see her now?" Mrs Lambert asked.

" Yes but please go one at a time. One more thing, she's in a metamorphosis so she can't really think of anything but mummy so don't stress her out." the doctor said and with that, he left.

" I'll go first" Casey said and walked into the ward.

" Mummy, please come back" Ariana muttered.

" Ari?" Casey called before going to seat beside her.

" Mummy, please come back" Ariana continued to mutter as she rolled on the bed, fear evident in her eyes.

" What have you done to yourself Ari.? Why's you try to kill yourself?" She asked as tears rolled down her cheeks at the sight of Ariana in such terrible condition.

" Mummy?'' Ariana called.

" Stop calling Mummy Ariana. Say something, say something that'll show us you are fine and okay, please" Casey begged.

" Mummy please come back" Ariana continued to mutter.

" Stop this Ariana, just say something normal. Just say something that'll show us that you're fine, please" she cried.

Mrs Lambert walked in, " Casey, it's alright dear. She's gonna be fine" Mrs Lambert assured.

" If she's gonna be fine, why can't she show it? Why can't she just show us that she's fine and start acting normal?" She asked in tears

" Remember what the doctor said, she's experiencing a temporary memory loss so this is normal" Mrs Lambert said, trying to convince Casey.

" No it's not. He said temporary memory loss, not muttering the same words over and over again"

" She'll be fine Casey, come with me" Mrs Lambert said and led Casey out.

Ariana closed her eyes, " I want you back mummy".