
Chapter 104


Ashley opened her eyes and found herself in a hospital. She sat upright and looked around and saw that she was connected to a drip.

She tried remembering what had happened and that was when she remembered that she'd passed out in the middle of the road.

" I wonder who brought me here" she spoke to herself.

She disconnected the drip got off the bed, she knew that staying in the hospital was not safe for her. She still had to find Becky and make things right.

She got off the bed and struggled to walk but she couldn't, she was too weak to do so.

She sighed as she laid back on the bed, her thoughts filled with her daughter, Becky.

" Becky, I know you must hate me but Mummy promises to make things right and I promise that I will fill your life with joy" she sobbed " I was a fool to have thought that Elizabeth was a good person but sadly, I was mistaken. She's not a good person" she suddenly remembered something. " Ed. Edward can help" she quickly got off the bed and held on to the bed post as she made her way to the telephone in the room.

She picked up the phone and luckily, she still remembered Edward's contact number. She dialed it in and waited patiently for him to pick up and luckily, he did.

" Ed, are you there?" She asked after hearing hello from Edward's end of the call.

" Who am I on to please?" Edward asked.

" Eddie it's me, Ashley."

" Ashley?"

" Please don't hang up. I need to tell you something very important" she begged.

" And why should I? Ten years ago, you left me for another man and now....."

" I didn't. It was Elizabeth. She....." A nurse came in.

" Madam, you have to get some rest. You haven't recovered completely" the nurse told her.

" Hold on. I just need to tell my husband something. He....."

" No madam. I can't let you, you need to rest. You're not fine" the nurse told her.

" Ashley? Are you in the hospital?" Edward asked.

" Yes I am"

" Which hospital?"

" Sorry madam. You have to rest" the nurse said 

" Sorry please, what hospital is this?" Edward asked.

" St. Louis hospital, Arizona" the nurse answered before hanging up.

" What was the need of doing that?" Ashley asked.

" It's hospital policy" the nurse replied before another nurse walked in.

" Excuse me, do you have the file reports for Ariana Wilson?" The nurse asked.

" No I don't but I heard that she needs urgent blood donation and surgery else she'll die" the nurse said.

" Alright. I'll leave now" the nurse said and left.

  Ashley scratched her head, that name sounded familiar,..... Ariana Wilson.



I know you're all wondering where the story is headed but don't worry, I'm only adding spice to it.

Make sure to stay at the edge of your seat.

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More updates coming tomorrow