

After the meeting at Suttergard, Zeus and Odysseus returned to their respective ships, one in the outer rim and the other in the second circle, the Hellenic fleet being the only one that maintained a certain degree of tension and surveillance in the galaxy.

Penelope returned to the Arcadia, her crew were all officers related to the Olympeion, who were on leave, but had been enlisted for this voyage. There was nothing strange or special when they approached Alcea, the Arcadia was now officially a "private" ship so they did not go to the military base as they did before, but instead they went to one of the spaceports.

When the ship landed, Penelope expected to see her children in the hands of her mother-in-law, Aphrodite, or her own mother, however it was a group of armed soldiers who were waiting.

"Colonel, by this order you are under arrest, any act of resistance will be responded to with live fire."

"Can I see that order, Lieutenant?"