
Endless Stars Collision: The Journey of A Warrior

On that day, humanity realized they were not alone in the vast universe. The excitement of new discoveries and the fear of the unknown served as fuel for humanity to evolve and become stronger in order to face this calamity, but was their rate of evolution fast enough to keep up with those changes? Leo is a warrior who fought against the disaster that befell on Earth, until he sacrificed his life on the battlefield to save his friends, but as he was about to pass away, he was saved and sent to another world by Earth's planetary will in exchange for carrying out some quests for it. However, ever since he arrived on to the other world, he has been in an accidents, one after the other. So, how will his journey to the other world unfold? and What challenges will he face on this journey? --------------------------------------------- Please bear with the occasional grammar mishaps. English is not my native tongue.

Rhongomyniad · ファンタジー
42 Chs

Prince Edward

(i am starting to re-write the previous chapters as they were lacking a lot, i have already rewrite until the 7th chapter so if you like you can go re-read them ,if there is anywhere you would like to comment about please do)


as leo was still eating the sandwiches in his hand he heard a large numbers of footsteps sounds gathered besides him

'they finally came ' he thought

looking up he saw a group of 20 young men and women wearing a red beautiful uniform that represented the uniform of the imperial academy .

as they stare at each other for a while, leo as if he didn't care about the situation at all,was still eating the sandwiches in his hand happly.

this scene made the other side almost unable to hold back their anger as some showed the sight of moving their hands to pull their weapons.

but all that was stopped by their leader who stood in the front of the group.

"are you the one who hurt those guy's and the one who was still knocked out over there" (edward)

Leo who heard that didn't brother opening his mouth as he only nodded his head once to give his answer.

this gesture of him,brought another reaction of them except the edward.

some of them couldn't help put take a few step forward.

"how dare you, do you know who is in front of you,this is....."

but even that was stopped by edward .

"Claude,can you please back out for now, i am trying to talk to this man in front of me "

"yes please forgive me your highness"

hearing this, leo finally couldn't help but interrupted their conversation

" he said 'your highness', are you from the  royal familiy"

looking now at the man in front of him, leo finally realised that he had a purple hair that symbols the human royal family .

"ah ,you're finally released haha,so what now are you scared" (edward)

"haha very funny, anyway what does his highness doing here ,are you here to take care of your subordinates ?"

"no way, i came looking for you,just so you know i am not here with those that you had hurt before ,they still in their way here,i just have heard what happened , i didn't expect that it would be you who made this noise but because of that i could find you ,as i have been wanting to meet you for some times but i couldn't find you" (edward)

" me?,for what?,do you even know me?" (leo)

"yes i know you,but first let me introduce myself,my name is Edward ,a prince "(Edward)

" i..."

" i know you, you don't need to introduce yourself ,i heard alot about you from duke scarlets reports from the front lines, when i knew you would came here i tried to find you, but couldn't ,from the reports i heard of your eyes should be blue and your most distinguished thing is your unique black hair, but seeing you now ,your eye are purple,while your hair is blue no wonder i couldn't find you before, you dyed your hair right" (edward)

"from general scarlet ,so i am famous right now, and yes i had dyed my hair as to not stand out ,but even so i did exactly what i didn't want to , also my eye color change due to mana" (leo)

"so that's how is it, and no you are not famous but soon you will be, as the reports didn't reach all the corners of the empire yet,but some people already know about your glorious deeds" (Edward)

"glorious deeds you say,it's nothing like that i just did what i can and wanted to do that's it"(leo)

"have you not heard before ,that being too humble can be an insult sometime mr. leo" (edward)

"is that so ,anyway what do you want from me? " (leo)

"actually i would have asked you to do me a favor if you can but that can wait for another time since you have A Problem to deal with right now , so let's talk about it later" (Edward)

"is that so,then later" (leo)

"hmm,aren't you gonna ask me to help or negotiate with them for you?" (Edward)

"unneeded but thanks for the thought" (leo)

"i may be stepping over the line by saying this but i don't think that even you could come out without injuries from fighting them" (edward)

"i know" (leo)

"then why don't you ask for help "( edward )

" because that would render, what i am doing or what i am trying to do meaningless" (leo)

"hmm,are saying that you didn't kick those men just to protect that student? you also have other motives?" (edward)

"who knows?" (leo)

hearing this edward couldn't help but laugh out loud

"is that so,if you are that resolve then let see how it goes if you need help just ask " (edward)

"will do ,thanks" (leo)

"then we are going now, since they seems to have already getting closer,see you later leo" (edward)

"yeah,later" (leo)

As Leo watch their shadow getting smaller and smaler as they went away,He couldn't help but think of prince Edward.

'he seems like a nice guy but that maybe just him faking his intention,he may just want to befriend me so he could get something from me later, but that in itself is not a bad think ,using people and being used by them ,is something a human being can't run away from, so getting angry over such a thing is only a sight of immatureness, it's just I don't know what he would want from me, even if he want to know how to make cement and bricks he wouldn't need me as I didn't make that a secret ,when I taught the mages ,so he would only need to ask them, and he would have gotten the answer ,if  that is not what he wanted ,so what would he want from me?'

After thinking for a while he said

"whatever he need I will know later so thinking about it is of no use now" (leo)

as he said that he return to eating the sandwiches


"have you heard of what happened "

"leo that good for nothing that came last week ,fought with a group of three student from the imperial academy, and now they are gathering to get their revenge on him "

"why would he do that?"

"it seems he saw someone being bullied by them ,as what usually happened, then he helped that one that is being bullied by kicking them"

"doesn't he know what would happen if he did that"

"who knows, I wish this would not make those imperial student bully us more than what they usually do"

"tsk, just let that Idiot get some beating, would someone like go with me to watch "

"I will go"

"then me to "

"me as well"

"then lets go if we don't want to be too late"


"Is that him over there"

"that's true"

"he looks so carefree"

"that's also true"

About a hundred of men stood in front of leo , looking at him with strange looks.

they have never seeing some one so brave enough to challenge them, also being this carefree.

Its as if he didn't put them in his eye.

this conclusion for those spoiled childes who loves attention the most made them very angry .

A little bit of sanity that they still have, stopped them from attacking him directly  as they wanted to have a conversation first before beating him up.

"ar….." before one of them could even complete his word he was interrupted by leo

"have you not come here to beat me up guys why are you still wasting your breath talking with me just came I still have thing to do so hurry up please"(leo)

"wha.. do you really think that you can defeat us all ?"

"who knows?" (leo)

"I admite you have guts ,then I wish you still have it  after this."

"oh are you worried ,about my mental health thank you ." (leo)

As they were talking one of them had came to leo holding a sword in his hand.

"my name is dave,please prepare yourself" (dave)

"then please give me a moment" (leo)

leo said as dave waited for him to do what he want.

Leo throw his spear on the ground then took of his t-shirt and scarf then cover with them the  spear head of his spear as to not kill someone by mistake .

As he did that he turned to the man and said .

"sorry for making you wait let's begin…hmmm what's wrong with you all looking at me like that ,just so you know I am into girls " (leo)

"we are also into girls bastard its just…..what the hell is wrong with your body ?"

As I heard that I looked at my naked upper body that was full of scars until the neck,then I realised what they were talking about.

"Nothing" (leo)

I couldn't help but chuckled a little at looks they were giving me.

not only they were shocked by my body, but also those who came from the military academy to watch the fun were dumbfounded.

"what the hell had he gone through to make his body look like that "

"even veteran soldiers don't look like that"

Leo who heard those voice didn't care ,as he said to his opponent in front of him.

"let begin then " (leo)

"ah, yes let begin" (dave)

After he said that leo took a fighting stance.

the moment he did that,dave disappeared from his place.

the next second only the sound of metal clashing was heard .

'what a speed!!,is this the speed one can attain through reinforcement skill, I should make sure to learn it later , not only speed but also strength , he is already levels higher than me in strength, If it wasn't for my spear skill that helped me deflect the weight of his sword away I would have already lost , and it seems the one in front of me is not partially an outstanding one from the imperial academy,since he came to me first, then how strong his others classmates would be '

as leo was thinking the weapon clash between him and his dave didn't end yet.

everytime dave swang his sword to clash with leo he would left sword on the ground traces from the force he is using.

while under leo's feet was dented from the pressure dave had brought upon him.

The more time passed as they clash, the less excitement it became for leo, until it faded completely, as he have realised one big thing.

'what a let down,at first i though he was only holding down but the more i fought the more i realised that i was only overthinking,what should i have expected from those spoiled brats'i though as a sigh of disappointed came out of my mouth reflexly.

Even though dave have great strength his skill was close to zero.

it seems as if he never cared about learning the sword in his hand, as he was only swinging it, without any skill, plans,thoughts and strategies.

So leo decided to end this borining fight.