
Endless Stars Collision: The Journey of A Warrior

On that day, humanity realized they were not alone in the vast universe. The excitement of new discoveries and the fear of the unknown served as fuel for humanity to evolve and become stronger in order to face this calamity, but was their rate of evolution fast enough to keep up with those changes? Leo is a warrior who fought against the disaster that befell on Earth, until he sacrificed his life on the battlefield to save his friends, but as he was about to pass away, he was saved and sent to another world by Earth's planetary will in exchange for carrying out some quests for it. However, ever since he arrived on to the other world, he has been in an accidents, one after the other. So, how will his journey to the other world unfold? and What challenges will he face on this journey? --------------------------------------------- Please bear with the occasional grammar mishaps. English is not my native tongue.

Rhongomyniad · ファンタジー
42 Chs

Oakenburn pass

Engineering bricks are made from clay, much like facing bricks. They are produced from high-quality clay and heated at higher temperatures than standard to offer their unique benefits. Within clay brick construction, engineering bricks will offer the best strength and water resistance available.

i tried my best to teach the mages these knowledge which surprisingly was not hard ,the mages where only somehow marveling at some new concept that they never heard of ,when i realised that i also tried to teach them about cement making as well

their fast learning made me think that they had already know a lot about science,but i didn't put that at mind as i don't fully understand what mages is truly are

so instead of that i made earth,fire,water mages work in making both the bricks and cement ,while wind mages moved the finished product to an empty area

one thing that surprised leo was the strength of the brick made by the mages,that was very strong, stronger than even normal iron,how is that possible he didn't know thought

but even thought he didn't know,at least that is not a bad news,or instead it's very good news.

with this brick leo can make an even sturdier pass .

while the mages where doing this,other workers took a day off the work.

several days later a mountain of materials has been made that was enough to build,the foundation for the pass so as a reward i made earth,fire and water mages to take a few days off of work.

while i made the wind mages spread the materials through all the hole that was made for the foundation of the pass

then the other workers would go and start building with those materials

when materials are finished the earth,water and fire mages would work again to produce then transport them to the workers to build them by wind mages and in this turn a month has passed by

Pov scarlet

a few mountains away from oakenburn city,there is a small army that is approaching the city by horses in front of them is general scarlet

"Not yet ?"

"Not yet lady scarlet please stop this, this is the hundred time i said that"

" sorry,its just boring "

"don't be although we can't return to the capital but at least the invasion from the gate stopped for a while so we have sometime to take a rest in the oakenburn city or more specifically the town that used to surronded it "

"okay okay i understand"

" it's only few min later and we would reach"

as liliana said it was only a few min before we reached where oakenburn used to be.

but both me and lilliana and the soilders that i brought with me were confused by the sight in front of us

"liliana have you brought us in the wrong way?"

"no lady i am sure this is the way "

  "then what the hell is that in front if us"

the thing that scarlet called' that' is a huge wall of 20 meter tall that is linking the surrounding mountains that the gap between them is about 2 km

it made by strange looking materials the even scarlet didn't recognozed but even so she knew that it was sturdy just by looking at it ,looking at the men that are still working above the wall, its seems that 20 m is not the end of its growth

"haven't i only asked leo to make a strong fortress where did he have the idea to make something so outrageous"

"even though you are saying it like that why are you smiling so widely lady "

"of course i would smile do you know what is in front of us"

"A wall?"

"you are not wrong but you are not right as well ,what is in front of us is an unbreakable wall as long as it's equipped enough no matter the numbers of the enemies they wouldn't have the ability to break through it "

"so strong?" 

"yes and more actually you will understand later let go first and meet leo"

as scarlet said that she led her horse to bellow the wall

but even though she looked all over the wall she didn't find the gate so she said in a loud voice to the men that were working above the wall 

"men above its me general scarlet can you please call leo ,by the way where is the gate i don't see it"

"Ah,its general scarlet"

"Yeah thats right"

"What is she doing here"

"Isn't she still defending the gate?"

as some of them were talking others went to send news to leo while others want to open the gate

"guys open the gate general scarlet has came, hurry up"

  "on it"

suddenly ten men below the wall inside the city gathered around a circle gear ,every one of them used all their strength to make it turn

as they were doing that slowly but surely a tunnel that could hold at least two to three horses in width and 4 meters tall appeared that connected between inside and outside the wall

when scarlet saw that she couldn't help but open her mouth wide apart but immediately react as she hides her mouth with her hand

'what the hell that man called leo had built' scarlet though as she look at the gap that appeared in the previous flawless wall' and how did that part that disappeared went up'

as i thought of that i with liliana and my other soldiers went through that tunnel but we took long time to pass through it  as it was very narrowed for my soliders 'this is not a good gate if we want to move the army throught it '

"i should ask him to make a bigger gate " 

"you need a bigger gate?"

" yes this one is no good...."

as i was talking i moved my head to the side

"its you leo!"  looking at leo who looked better than the last time i saw him, brighter, more handsome he also giving a carefree vibe

"yeah it's me what were you saying before?"

"i said i need you to make a bigger gate "

"if just a bigger gate the you need then we have already build it "

"where is it then ? show me"

  "guys open the second gate"

as leo said that some of his men went to a three gears like circle then gathered in the one in the middle then start to turning it

as they were doing i saw another gate beside the one we had came through before opened but this one is slightly different as it bigger than the first one

ten meters wide 5 meters tall it was truly big

" yes just like this one,it can be used to let soldiers get out of the city to fight"

"although you can use it like that ,that one was made by me for merchant actually"

"what then when is the army gate "

"it's a hassle to open it do you need me to show you "

" yes please ,by the way is it opened by That third gear that was not touched before"

"yes wait a little i will open it "

then leo by himself went to the third gate

"what are you gonna open it by yourself why don't you just let some one else like before"

"that's because they are weak"

"does one need to be strong to open that gate "

"yes i am barely able to open it with my current strength hhhh"

'what the ... even though leo isn't very strong especially since he still didn't learn how to use mana yet,but even so his physical strength should be very strong from what i can see,and here he is saying that he barely can open that gate how ridiculous what kind of gate is that'

i though as i watched leo ask someone to help him take off his t-shirt then went to the gear, as he held the gear i saw his only hand that was bulging a little then he started to turn it in a very slow manner for about a whole minute,but i was not looking at him the whole time because of the the thing that happened in front of me, i was not the only speachless one even those who were building couldn't close thier mouth from shock it seems this is the first time he opened this gate so they were also shocked

in front of me the wall that was about 2 km in width ,exactly in the middle of it , a gate start to appear as leo was turning the gear ,the gate that appeared was only about 5 meter tall but it was  a whole 500 meter in width

who would have thought he would build such a gaintic gate, seeing that i couldn't help but say as i was looking at him "crazy"

"why are you calling me crazy i only did what you told me "

"what..have i told you to do this? when i don't remember"

"didn't you ask me to build a fortress that have a strong defense there is it for you"  

" i only asked you to build a fortress not a pass but you know what it was good you did this with this wall liniking these two mountains  plus the mountain serie that surround us ,non can move from here to the inside of the empire ,leo when are you going to complete this gate"

" i don't know why?"

"then complet it as soon as you can so i can bring my army to make defences from here "

"what about the gate"

"unneed to think about that , all the monsters that are getting out from the gate are moving toward this pass as its the only way to the empire so no need to worry "

"ok then"