
Endless Stars Collision: The Journey of A Warrior

On that day, humanity realized they were not alone in the vast universe. The excitement of new discoveries and the fear of the unknown served as fuel for humanity to evolve and become stronger in order to face this calamity, but was their rate of evolution fast enough to keep up with those changes? Leo is a warrior who fought against the disaster that befell on Earth, until he sacrificed his life on the battlefield to save his friends, but as he was about to pass away, he was saved and sent to another world by Earth's planetary will in exchange for carrying out some quests for it. However, ever since he arrived on to the other world, he has been in an accidents, one after the other. So, how will his journey to the other world unfold? and What challenges will he face on this journey? --------------------------------------------- Please bear with the occasional grammar mishaps. English is not my native tongue.

Rhongomyniad · ファンタジー
42 Chs

leo's return

The first golden rays of sunlight broke through the horizon, warmly warming the pearly water drops.

A notice with the words "recruitment for the city army" has appeared on the streets of Oakenburn City., where people around the city had gathered

"Why would he do that?"

"Yeah, I assumed he'd flee this city as soon as danger appeared."

"Oh, you guys have no idea Duke Scarlet will come here so he may have felt secure with her coming here"

"Duke Scarlet!!!"

"Are you referring to General Scarlet, also known as the Queen of Distraction?"

"Ah, without a doubt, it's her; I heard that from one of the soldiers stationed on the city wall yesterday."

"But why would she come here instead of going to the front lines, even though hordes of monsters visit us once every two years,but that is not enough for a someone of her calibre to come here?"

"I understand what you are trying to say, for this type of danger, the empire would only need to send a commander rank if they wanted to help us get rid of this disaster, but now they sent a general something is definitely wrong about this!"

"Why would she come here? Could it be that she wanted to get rid of the mayor because..."

"You are thinking too mush, do you think just because she is a good noble to commoners,she would help us get rid of the tyrant keith you are naive man,although i have not met her before i heard a lot about her deeds from travellers that came to my inn so i can say that i understand why you are saying that,but perhaps you have forgotten something"

" forget something? What could it possibly be...ah!"

"You have realised,yes it's (the five empires contract),because of that contract unlike in the past if you want to kill or arrest a noble you need a proof and not an ordinary proof like paper or talk but some strong proof enough to consider him guilty,so now even if we go and shot with our voices as loud as we could it won't change anything if our claims were not strong enough to gain the authorization form the contract."

"It's all that contract's fault; at first, it was used to keep monsters from annihilating us, but now it's used by nobles to oppress us ."

"Sigh...and here I thought we'd finally arrive at salvation, what a shame."

"At least savour the time she'll be here because at least as long as she is ,he won't be able to do anything unless he wants his neck to roll down from his body."

"That could be correct."

"There's another notice below this one that I didn't notice until now."

"Let's see, ah!"

"It's about the Colosseum"

"It'll open today"

"It's been a long time"

"they said that one arm-spearman was badly injured from tutoring so the colosseum was closed for ten days if we counted them from the time the colosseum was closed"

"So, why did the Colosseum open ,is it for another round of fighting for the brave Leo today, or did he already died?"

"I believe he is still alive; otherwise, the Colosseum would not be closed for ten days."

"That man is a great man"

"yeah,just because he did not want to kill those who were wrongly imprisoned; he endured all manner of suffering and pain."

"ah, one can't help but admire him and that willpower of his"

"since he came 3 months ago, there hasn't been any death at all, but even so, I'm not sure how long he can hold up"

"What do you admire about his meaningless acts? He may have saved them for now, but as long as he gives up, everything he does will be meaningless, and one thing I am certain of is that no matter how strong his willpower is, he will definitely give up at some point..."

The man who said that didn't notice the gloomy eyes and looks that people who heard him were giving him while he was talking, and when he did, it was already too late as punch was delivered to his face that he saw too late to avoid, and its force was such that he was knocked out in one punch.

"How dare you say that about someone like him,at least he tried his best,what about you,what have you done and with what right, do you think you have to insult his deeds,tsk....look at you,you are already unconscious from only one punch "

"""yes,that's true"""

"if we hear anyone else insulting him, we'll beat them until they realise the reality"


"He made my son live for three months longer than expected, which allowed me to see him at least once a day for these three months."

"Me, too, my daughter"





"you guys are all going ?"

"today afternoon?"

"of course yeah!"

"of course"

"yes i will go"

"then let's meet there in few hours of our destiny allowed it "

"then see you later"


then the gathering spit up leaving the unconscious man alone in the ground as they went to do their work before going to the comosum afternoon


"Mr.Leo, it's been a long time"(Dalziel)

"That was supposed to be my sentence. Mr. Dalziel, I was the one who hadn't seen you in a long time, not you, who only saw just a few days ago."(leo)

"That's right, it's been months for you, but only ten days for me."(Dalziel)

It's been a long time since I've seen him. Being blindfolded for months and losing my hearing made me unable to communicate with anyone that I was fighting.

Even though I could communicate to some extent when I was only blindfolded, when I lost my hearing, I also lost all my ability to communicate.

But now that some duke is coming here as I've heard from Doom.

keith has stopped torturing me as well as not taking my hearing and sight until the duke has gone as to not cause troubles with her.

"It looks like you've grown a little stronger since the last time I saw you."(leo)

"It's all because of your instruction, and I'd like to thank you for that."(Dalziel)

"It's okay, you're the one who went through the pain of training; I just guided you with some words that were very easy for me to say."(leo)

"Nevertheless, I'd like to thank you because if it weren't for you, I'd never know what my flaws are."(Dalziel)

"Its okay,have you decided whatever to go to the army yet or not"(leo)

"I decided to go later because I still want to learn from you."(Dalziel)

"That is up to you to decide, but I would advise you to go to the military academy first ,after learning something there ,go to the army then,in the academy you will find better instructors who are both more skilled than me and stronger as well."(leo)

'thats atleast what doom had said

"No, there might be insractors there who are, as you say, more skilled and stronger, but nothing guarantees that they will teach me anything, so I'd rather stay for now."(Dalziel)

"It's up to you, man; then prepare to fight."(leo)

"Yes, please look after me."(Dalziel)

With that, our fight began.

our weapons start to collide at high speeds.

The audience begins to cheer as a result of our performance.

My spear and his sword clashed hundreds of times in one minute, which made me realise how much Daizel had grown in these three months, even though I was still releasing water and could still defeat him in one blow, but compared to the day we met, he couldn't even parry to the tenth clash, and now he is already beyond the hundred,and still going up .

When i felt that it was enough I knocked his sword away and placed the spear butt in front of his neck.

then as he raised his hand in the air, declaring his defeat.

"yaa,as expected,you are unbelievably strong,i still can't even put a scratch on you"(Dalziel)

"If you could do that in three months,I would have given up being a spearman entirely from depression or maybe i won't i have known people who are hundred times more talented than me but i never gave up" (leo)

"Never giving up, what an envies mentality,as always thanks for your wisdom Mr.leo"(Dalziel)

"It's all right."(leo)

After that, he exited the stage after being harshly reprimanded by the commentator for being late to get out of the stage,then he said, "The next challenger is rock the cheerful berserker."

As the commentator said that, Behind Leo, a massive shadow appeared.

Leo couldn't help but smile as he opened his hand to catch what was coming at him.

Smoke begins to appear in the stage, concealing Leo and the object as the speed of the object increases.

After the smock vanished, Leo reappeared, hugging a tall black man with a huge muscular form and a childlike face.

"Rock, how many times have I told you not to jump at me at every opportunity?"(leo)

"Hhhh,sorry,I forgot master"(rock)

Rock was a very tall young man of less than 18 years old, and despite being eight years younger than me, he at least in terms of physical strength is almost equal to mine, as I heard from him, this strength did not come through training but he was born with it, which was a bit depressing for someone like me who trained a lot to gain my strength, but I wasn't jealous ,as everyone has their talents if they don't have it, they just didn't discover it yet.

despite the fact that rock's strength has almost reached mine, he does not have very good control over it, so even with his strength, if I want to, I can defeat him in a single clash

Seeing such an undiscovered gem, I trained him more specifically.

What made me the most happy was that he never learned fighting; in other words, he was devoid of distractions that could have slowed his training speed if he had tried to learn from me.

Beginners who learned in a hurry tend to try to demonstrate fighting stances that they have learned before, whereas a real fighter should be flexible, should not stick to a stance, and should only use such stances when he have trained it enough to become something that he cab use instinctively rather than through thoughts

so for rock who have never learn anythink i can teach him anything.

"so are you ready for my teaching today rock?" (leo)

"yes, master!"(rock)

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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