
Is there anyone he can't forget (4)

Han qiqing, who had said that she was sleepy, was full of energy now. She sat on the sofa the moment she entered the room and crossed her arms with a serious expression.

She said to him, " brother, come and sit down. I want to force a confession out of you. &Quot;

"Extorting a confession by torture?"

Han Yuexu seemed to have some doubts. After hanging their coats, he walked over.

He wanted to sit next to her, but she wouldn't let him. She pushed him to the single sofa at the side.

As soon as han Yuexu sat down, han qiqing pointed at him and said, " I've thought about it. I have to ask you about this. You have to tell me the truth. Leniency to those who confess, severity to those who resist. Do you hear me? "

He said, " go ahead. &Quot;

"Ahem!" Han qiqing cleared her throat as if this was a serious matter. She stared at him and asked, " how ... How many girlfriends did you have in University? Explain everything in detail and don't miss anything!"