
Endless : Infinite Series

Hello there friend?. . . I see you came to here my tales of adventure and mysteries so now let me be you're guide into this world. Okay so basically I'm using this novel as a training ground for my writing skill so don't be surprise if my style changes a lot during the whole thing.

MA_Writecraft · ファンタジー
5 Chs

Chapter 5 Tavern

3rd and 1st person view.

Rose Valley.

I stood in front of the dragon DJ Nicholas Fyrebern. . . he's my friend? no an ally? or just a guy I drink blood juice with, who knows? I just know that he's a fun guy to hang with.

And he's with her. . . A lady with both amber skin and a light blue hair, that changes as nightfall eclipses the day. The hair turns dark to the point that it matches the navy blue night. . . and her skin it becomes as pale as the moon.

I was alluding too the Owner of the drunken bat. Lady Ashlynn Le Miel, she's a Wicked Girl, always inflating my tab every time I get drunk at her tavern and only favoring Nick. . .(sigh)

wait! who's the new guy? is he a "transfer"? its the middle of an Immersion why would they. . . hmm no I shouldn't over think it. after all I'm just a "Civilian".

I thought as he started to introduce himself to me and Bimby. . . and for some reason my hand moved by it's own accord, reaching out for his. too weirdly enough, to do a simple handshake? I didn't understand my own actions. but then when I really looked at him, I cant stop thinking that he's a really charming guy, from his sincere friendly smile, to his honest and confident words, and lets not forget the aura that he exudes that's filled with mystery and yet captivation that would make anyone curious.

The new guy, no I mean Daniel, he immediately took my hand. . . I observed him as he greeted me with enthusiasm and a charming friendly smile.

he doesn't look that bad? but why would he be buried alive, at a ruined house? hmm. . . no matter Nick would likely handle this mystery.

as my hand touched he's, I felt a weird feeling on it, like an electrical current suddenly coursed from my body to his.

he didn't seem like he noticed it though. . . how odd. now that's making me. . .no stop! you have something else to do! Focuse dammit, lets save it for later.

after our outstretched hands departed I did him the formality, of introducing Bimby and me to him.

We all talked for a few minutes, While being bathed by the last orange light of day. but because I already had something else to do and I just happened to meet Bimby here. I needed to excuse myself.

SFX(stomach sounds) " Grmmm. "

Bimby: (Giggle)

Ashly: " oh right! " (Her right hand lightly slapped the back of her head, while an expression of realization dune on her Face.)"Oh I forgot you're probably still hungry. "

Now that's a good excuse. they started to leave but I stayed behind telling Nick that I want to go and see the haunted house.

And just like that I was on my way towards tonight's goal.

I stood on top of the hill that housed an old abounded large Cabin. . . the evening air steeled my racing heart, as I waited for. . .

" Ugh. . . "

I stood, as I heard my clothes, my flesh ripped as bones gave of shattered noises.

then I felt coldness from my chest, as the steel that pierced me still embedded, seeing its point I lost any control I had on my body. collapsing into a kneel.

While I kneeled I saw the shadow of my killer loomed over me.

" Why? (cough. . .Cough) I. . I we. . . were you. . I can't. . .Were Allies!"

I screamed at the person how's ending my life, the person I thought an ally, he. . ha ha why could I have trusted you.

???: " You've been useful till now Charles, but you're the only loose end left. . . see you in class Charlee. HAHAHAHAHAHA! "

" F*ck You! Va. . . "

As I was about to scream his name, another dagger plunged itself inside my skull ending everything. . .

As Chariel's body collapsed on the ground the shadowy figure stood. . . after a minute Chariel's corpse glowed green and then puffed turning into green fireflies. . .

As they saw this, the dark figure obscure by night left, leaving behind the dagger on the white blood, pooled ground.


On the sidewalk of a road, at downtown rose Ville, a group of many walked, leaded by a blue haired beauty.

One of them looked inside the stores, they passed by, becoming more and more curious by each one.

Daniel: " So? is it normal for all this stores to be closed so early? "

The white haired curious one asked, generally making it seem, the question wasn't directly given to a specific person.

They where now momentarily stopped, In front of a Convenient store, that mirrors a Seven eleven. inside was a single employee, swiping on air as he's eyes we're unfocused.

Nicholas: " Oh that? well you see, most people in town left, to go enjoy the Trade Fair that was hosted by a town over. "

The one who answered was a hipstered dress young man how's expression was one of gentle and thought.

he's eyes gleaming Emerald green much like he's jacket.

Daniel: " So why are you guys here then? did you came back early? "

The white hair continued, as they walked through town.

Nicholas: " Oh that? hmm you know at least someone needs to hold the forth, there's at least a hand full of us how stayed mostly they where busy or just too lazy to go. "

Now they've stopped quietly looking at two people how where, selling what seems to be news paper, and another that was buying said news paper.

The seller seems eccentric As he calls out the name of the other how was called John, he seemed like he's around the same age as the other's, he wore a knees reporter black white rimmed fedora, and a Dark blue and white Suit. but in closer look you could see that he's missing a pare of eyes.

He seems intent on going on and on about something, about theories and conspiracy, but the other one was inverse to it all the one he called john.

John looked like a mechanic, with his purple jumpsuit and currently tool free brown leather tool belt. but for some reason he wore a clown makeup, that was flushed out by his messy wavy dark green hair.

Johnathan: " I would try to help you later Jayves but can I just have my Sunday paper? "

John voiced as they both stood on a news paper stand.

The bigger group talked among them selves, Ashlynn telling Daniel the names of the other two in whispers.

But then Daniel lead the group so they meet the two.

He started with a hello and then they once again talked.

Ashlynn: " So you guys didn't go the the Fair? huh.

Jayvees: " Eh to poor to go.

Johnathan: " I had work so no.

Johnathan: " No wonder!

They laugh for some reason and then continued.

Johnathan: " So whose The white hair?

Ashlynn : " Oh we found him six feet under.

Jayvees: " Wait?! you found him dead?

Nicholas: " No we found him buried, my leading theory is that someone tried killing him and buried him outside town. and apparently he has amnesia. "

The conversation dragged as they stayed at the news stand.

Ashlynn: " Why not continue this inside? "

She said as she pointed at her bar, who's actually just next to the news stand, that was set up just behind the bar. on the hedges used to divide the outdoor tables, and the street.

Johnathan: " Sure why not. "

Nicholas and Jayvees nod but while they did Bimby suddenly looked like she just remember something important.

Bimby: " Wait! I forgot a delivery, thanks Ashly but I need to go. "

She said as she run off.

They said good bye as they went inside the bar.

Ashlynn: " Welcome Daniel, to the drunken Bat! Which serves the best sandwiches in town. "

Finally Daniel ate an oddly fastly prepared crisped ham honey coated, lettuce and tomato, double sandwich, with cold molten honey beer as a drink.



oh if any of you reader's our curious, about why I take so long in writing, it's because I only write if I'm inspired so I could make quality content. so I don't need to go back and fix the faults of my writhing, but if there is any pls mention it on a paragraph comment.

Im jumping after a few chapters so dont be attached to the characters too much.

MA_Writecraftcreators' thoughts