
Endless : Infinite Series

Hello there friend?. . . I see you came to here my tales of adventure and mysteries so now let me be you're guide into this world. Okay so basically I'm using this novel as a training ground for my writing skill so don't be surprise if my style changes a lot during the whole thing.

MA_Writecraft · ファンタジー
5 Chs

Chapter 4 Amnesia?

1st person view.

I was moments away from the exit, of the place of my struggles, and attainment of riches.

And as I strutted out of this entrance hall, a short haired red headed, blue clothed nurse.

Intercepted my escape and stood in front of me, blocking my clear path to freedom. plus lunch.

And of course I knew how she was. . . She's my personal assistant, and local flirty beauty, nurse Clara.

Clara : " ahem. . . And where would the magnanimous Doctor Jonathan Wattson, be going? "

" Ha ha ha that's funny Ms.Clara, I was just about to take a launch break, I see you're still on the clock, I suggest you go back to it. "

As I said that, I moved pass the momentarily stunned red lipped nurse, how was yet again trying to curry some of my favor. . .

Like I would actually go out, in public with such a B*tch, she's only good for one thing after all. . .

Now that I felt the fresh midsummer breeze, it refreshed my wondering head, that and the unusual quite of this town. . . Ah it must be because of that Trade fair that radio kid mentioned.

I walked alone, as the Night slowly ate the suns crimson rays. . . It was lovely to see the sun dive into the mountains of the valley.

And then I was outside of my destination, The "Drunken Bat" it was the only bar in town. . . an old tavern that's been doing business here for centuries, but for some reason, they only serve beer. . . And that there more famous for there honey and blood red jam sandwiches. than liquor.

So I often eat here, during my breaks . . . hmm. . . That's peculiar, there usually isn't this many people here this early in the night. . . What could they be doing?


Pov( Nicholas)

Hmm. . . who or what could this kid be?

I thought as I, Ashly and our newly acquired freind Daniel, walked the asphalted road, towards Rose Valleys town. . .

Daniel : " Hey guys, is it intentional for the sign to look like that? "

Daniel said as we where in front of the welcome sign that leads to town. . . the signs letters where messy, the letters seem to have been sprayed on. . .

must have been those young angles again, (sigh) they should have just left it as it is when they broke it. . .

Ashly : " Not really sure, we just live here."

She didn't look at Daniel as she answered him. . . Because we already realised how perceptive this kid was, I think he can somehow sense it when someone's lying.

what could he be? I asked as I, once again stolen a glance at Daniel. . . his eyes where human like with dark blue irises, with golden rings, but now as describe it, it's actually closer to an angelic eye. . . but he doesn't have a halo. . . so maybe his part angel?

He could actually just be a perfected human, I really can't see any visible Demain parts on him. . . hmm. . . but still. he's clothings normal enough, his wearing a black hoddie, a white undershirt, blue jeans and black and white high cut shoes.

hmm. . . his hair though. . . it's suspicious, its platinum white, long and its wavy at some areas. . he could actually be undead, but I do hear a hearth pulse. . . its weak but its there what could he be?

As I was loss in my circling thoughts Daniel and Ashly where talked as we walked. . . I didn't realised that where this close already.

Ashly : " Welcome to Town, I know its small but despite that, it's still a fun place, without being as noisy as a lot of other cities. "

She said it as we where on top of a hill that can mostly overlook the whole town. as her arm guided our sight like an experienced tour guide.

She was right this is place is small, but you can always find something exciting to do. like you for instant an anomaly that literally pop out of nowhere. And claiming to have Amnesia.

oh aren't those Chariel and Bimby, what could they be doing this close to the towns outskirts. especially this late?

I waved my hand to say hello to the walking Demian and Plantkin.

Chariel: " Good Early evening, Nick how's the ruins? sorry for not going with you dude. "

the one how spoke was Chariel, a Plantkin of the flower bloodline he's cool and outgoing he usual accepts my calls but weirdly he didn't today.

he's wearing a dark green polo shirt and he's signature brown sunflower pinned fedora and leather shoes and black slacks.

" No its alright Char, you where busy, and besides I had Ashly with me "

I said, as I motioned my hand at Ashly. she gave Bimby a sly smile. . . that I shouldn't have noticed. (sigh) gods Ashly keep it in you're pants.

Ashly : " Sup "

Char : " Hey Nick can you introduce you're new freind. "

He pointed out Daniel, as he motioned his light green hand towards him.

oh yes I almost forgot, why was has been so quiet? is he observing us again?

Daniel : " its okay Nick let me introduce myself, I'm Daniel. sorry but I can't remember much else. and I guess I'm the new Mr.Mystery around here, ha ha ha. "

The joke was not that funny, but it did make Ashly and me, give a light hearted chuckle. but in turn both Bimby and Char was slightly confuse by his remark.

Ashly quickly noticed this so she immediately spoke.

Ashly : " ah. . .we found him six feet under, while me and Nick were looking at the ruins, he says that he can't remember anything. other than his name of course."

Bimby finally started to speak her, voice was still so timid, and cute she wore a frilly and laced light grean blouse dress.

her hair was oak brown with white spots, and two small dulled antlers showed themselves on top of her head, one was decorated by a white bow.

Bimby " Does he have Amnesia? "