
Evil That Loves Good

High nobles could always rely on their family for help in one way or another. As with security, the status and position of that particular noble in the family didn't matter much.

It was all about reputation as always for Twelve Branches was sacredly important.

Thus, Zarot had every reason to believe that sooner or later Gladius and Xyrea would be in serious trouble for kidnapping him. Moreover, although Zarot was scared, he didn't think that he was going to die.

His death would cause too much publicity and trouble for his assassins and most likely his family's anger would be uncontrollable.

If a member of some great family could be killed by anyone without punishment, it was a very bad sign and a crushing blow to their reputation.

But... a few words were enough to shatter all of Zarot's hopes.

His family decided to kill him. Why did that happen?

Well, because all the rules worked both ways.
