
Frozen Lake

Atlas awoke with a start, and was more confused then anything at why all of a sudden he was in an area he never saw before, and above all why it felt so familiar to him.

Looking around all he could see was an empty expanse of nothing but a clean sheet of clear ice, and below that ice water that was twisting and turning so much that it could be seen by the naked eye even though their was no space in between the ice and water. Their was also noise soo much noise all he could hear or think of was the sound of moving water nothing more nothing less.

The noise was so all encompassing that their was nothing he could do except lye down and cover his ears in a desperate cry to stop the noise, but that didn't work, so he started smashing his head and scratching his body as futile attempt to stop the noise.

After seamanly an eternity of torture, the noise stopped, no not just the noise everything stopped, even the tears and blood that had been running from his body, stopped moving. It was mesmerizing seeing all the droplets floating in air unable to fall down. Then their was noise once again but this time instead of the all encompassing flow of water, it was quite steps that slowly became louder and louder, until a pair of feet came into Atlas's view and the feet looked like an inexperienced ice sculpture's attempt at carving feet. With something other then the endless expanse of ice in view Atlas wanted to do nothing more then look up, but he was like everything else was frozen in place incapable of moving, the smallest amount.

Eventually the person no thing that came over turned around and left just as slowly as before, and as the steps got farther and farther away, the noise from the water started getting louder and louder, until all that remained once again was the noise, the mind wrenching noise.