
Encounters~ Skilled Jewel Empress x Nation's Spoiled Prince

Warning: If you want to earn EXP, don't do it at the expense of my novel. ANY ZERO CHAPTER REVIEW BE DELETED BY ME! "Come at me with all your might. I will silence your cries at the expanse of night." Sara James~ 23-year-old CEO, filthy rich, capable, arrogant, elegant, sharp and deadly dangerous! Riley Brown~ 25- year-old, charismatic, wild natured, cool, carefree and the nation's prince! She has a secret covering 7 years of her life. He... is rather mysterious when it comes to dealing with life! They were not meant to be. But 'ENCOUNTERS' do happen! "As a lady, have you ever chased a guy, so passionately and so romantically before?" she spoke as she twirled in front of the camera like a professional vlogger. He amusedly tossed the camera away. It landed quietly on the velvet sofa. Then, with one swift movement, he lifted her and made her seat on the kitchen counter. He had his arms hooked tight around her waist. He slowly leaned closer and she closed her eyes in anticipation. But, instead of a kiss, she heard a hoarse whisper right beside her ear, "As a lady, have you been desired so much by a man before?" Hearing his suggestive word, she blushed. Then, she prodded her forefinger and jabbed his chest in an attempt to push him away, "Mr. Brown, isn't it going out of the script?" Saying so, she jumped down but was held back and pushed into a corner. He aimed at her lips, nibbling them gently, "Mrs. Brown, don't you like when it's out of the script?" "Mmm-hmm", she moaned, enjoying the kiss. --- Hey, there! Greetings from the author. Mind you, I am a student... So, I may miss some updates. Hereby, I diligently apologize early! Cover by WEBNOVEL

Asmita_Mukherjee · 都市
42 Chs

The Empress of Iceland & the Queen of Hell

"You are not going", Riley who was smiling moments ago, had a stern look on his face.

Immediately, a hush fell over the crowd. But, later on, whispers erupted from the crowd.

"What's going on?"

"Is he angry or something?"

Jenny, worriedly looked over the crowd and grunted in a low voice, "What's wrong with you?"

But, Riley smiled and spoke loud enough for everyone to hear, "If you consider me as your little brother, then be a good girl and save me from the wrath of your beloved husband. If he knows that you missed your routine checkup because of me..."

He trailed off into silence as he stared at a distance. Jenny followed his gaze and saw a man standing not too far, leaning against a car. Jenny smiled meekly and spoke like an adorable child, "Thank you."

"Yeah. Go, go! He is already glaring", Riley waved his hand.

Jenny smiled and waved at the crowd before she disappeared into the distance. The man hugged her shoulders and led her to the car. Soon the car rode off and it disappeared. Jenny and Riley always maintained this bitter-sweet sibling relation, gaining them fame as well as respect.

Noisy chatters like 'aww', 'so thoughtful', etc., rang through the crowd. Riley turned to face the crowd with a smile. The noisy chatters immediately changed into high amplitude heartbeats pulsating among the fans, who were mostly girls.

"So, beautiful ladies and pretty girls, this boy is damn tired and graciously asks for your permission to leave."

The crowd erupted into a strong wave of affirmation, following which Riley smiled and hopped onto his car. He waved to the excited crowd as his chauffeur drove him away.


On Sara's end

Sara had her hand propped up her left cheek by the window side. Her caramel face carried a deep scowl because on her right side...

And they say

You don't tug on Superman's cape


You don't spit into the wind

You don't pull the mask on

That old Lone Ranger

And you don't mess around with me!



Ruby was noisily humming on Sara's side to a tune from the '80s along with her merciless drumming on the poor steering wheel.

Yeah I'm lookin' for the king

Of 42nd street

He's drivin' a drop-top Cadillac

Last week he took all my money

And it may sound funny

But I come to get my money back

And everybody says, Jack...

On the other side, Sara was one second away from covering her ears. But, surprise found its way to her face when the music was suddenly turned off. Sara turned her head to look at Ruby. Ruby turned her head at the same time, "Do you want to go see a doctor? Feeling uncomfortable?"

"No", Sara sighed loudly.

"A routine checkup instead?"

"Yes", Sara huffed.

"What!" Ruby almost yelled as the car screeched into a sudden halt at the roadside, "Why didn't you tell me a bit earlier? Now I have to turn back the car which is going to take almost two hours."

"Not for me", Sara said calmly against Ruby's noisy tantrum.

"For whom?" Ruby widened her eyes with shock.

"Someone who has vocal problems."

"You!...", Ruby glared at her speechlessly but said nothing. Instead, she started driving again.

Sara was quiet too ad turned to look ahead. A few moments later, Ruby broke the mum, as she spoke in a rather sad and childish tone, laced with a complaint, "You can't sing either."

"I can't and don't sing either", Sara retorted without batting an eye.

Ruby pursed her lips unhappily and swallowed the anger. Because, the person sitting beside her was her best friend.

During their high school days, they were known as the 'RUTHLESS DUO'. There ruthless nature exceeded when they created Tiara. Anybody who opposed them were bound vanish from the face of the earth. For the two of them to be best friend for so so long was indeed a miracle. They were the harshest critics of each other as well as the best support. Because it's The Empress of Iceland and the Queen of Hell we are talking about!


I will try to update 1 chapter every 2 days. I will give a mass release after we reach 100 collections! (maybe T_T)

Asmita_Mukherjeecreators' thoughts