
Chapter 5 Stranger

It was almost like half an hour , Lily and Anne were still in the forest heading towards the village when Lily suddenly stopped to look back and immediately shocked to see Anne on her knees.

She suddenly panicked while approaching Anne." it's ok Lily, I'm parched. I just need water.". Lily sighed as she smiled with satisfaction that her mother was fine.

" I didn't take water with me, mother. But I think there's a river nearby . I'll go and fetch some for you." Lily explained as she finally disappeared into the forest in search of water.

Being an indoor , Lily was excited as she explored the forest . She was seeing birds, rabbits where she always used to see eagles from the far end sky through her window back home.

As she was in search for a water source , she heard a growl "ah, damn it." It sounded like a young man growling against pain . This really made Lily curious to know who it is and so diverted from her search.

As she followed the sound, she saw a handsome young man , perhaps in the age of 18 to 20 sitting on a log trying to pluck an arrow out of his arm. She went closer to him and as she was about to pat his shoulder , the man gave her a scorching gaze right straight into her eyes.

Lily's world seemed to halt like she couldn't hear all the animal voices echoing in the forest. She was amazed by the pair of green eyes staring directly into hers. ' His black hair, glowing tender skin and mind-blowing jaw line .oh my God, who is this creature' these words echoed in her head as she finally came back on Earth , realising she was sitting on a pricky rock.

" ouch" she immediately stood up and the boy asked " you little urchin, what do you think you're doing in this place? " he asked in a commanding sound that lily found herself as a slave talking to her master with her head bowing to him.

# So good to get many views in just three days of publishing. It means a lot . Thank you so much for this opportunity . love you all🥰.

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