
Enchanted To Love You

ARIELLE JACKSON was a young, sweet and charming lady of 20 years old.. If beauty was a person, it'll definitely be her. She was curvaceous, she had the perfect hourglass body shape, a lovely and flawless skin She had a baby face, naturally shapened eyebrows, long brunde hair colour(brown and blonde hair mixed together)..... rose nose, pink heart-shaped lips.... she was just 5'6inches tall She was very kind, sweet and generous but she was quite reserved and quiet.. ** FREDERICK CARSON.... a young man of 25 years of age, he was outstanding and a CEO of a large real estate company.. Frederick was an handsome man.. he had the body of a model and athlete.... he didn't look so built but he did work out some times.... he had long brown hair, bright brown eyes, pointy nose, pink plum lips, smooth and flawless skin He was a really busy man, he was always seen with his usual cold and blank expression on, he hardly smiled nor laughed.... he had never lost a contract.... he was also ranked as the most successful and the most handsome CEO in the country He had also won numerous awards for it.... he was quite upright.. Ever since his girlfriend broke up with him years back, he had given up on love and poured his time and energy into work, he had little time for his family and his only friend.. ** What will happen when these totally different people meet for the first time and get married almost soon? Not any type of marriage but an arranged one More characters in the story..

TrishaWrites · 都市
7 Chs

Which Is Worse

Arielle turned and turned and turned but the noise was unbearable for her. She opened her eyes slowly and found Claire in the room, cleaning it

She sat up slowly and rubbed her eyes before yawning, drawing her attention to her

"Good morning ma'am" Claire bowed slightly and Arielle nodded

"Good morning Claire, what's the time?" Arielle asked sleepily and then her eyes travelled to the clock.. she immediately gasped when she saw 08:15

She looked at Claire who was smiling at her

"I'm doomed" She cried, ruffling her hair.. she immediately got down from the bed as if she was being pursued.... as soon as she reached the bathroom's door, the door opened by itself and Clara walked out

"Good morning ma'am, I just prepared your bath" Clara smiled and Arielle immediately looked at both of them questionly.... what was she saying?

"You just prepared my bath?" Arielle asked to be sure of what she heard and Clara nodded

"You should go in now ma'am, sir will be very angry if you don't...."

Before she could finish her statement, Arielle immediately rushed into the bathroom and locked herself


After some minutes, Arielle left her room clad in the black one shoulder bodycon fitted cut out rib dress which Frederick bought for her.... the gown stopped at her mid thigh and it had little silver stones at the bottom front of the dress

Clara had helped her with the light makeup and even styled her hair,, she curled her hair making it look wavy.... her hair fell to her waist cutely,, Clara also added silver accessories and heels

She was looking charming and beautiful..

Arielle walked down the stairs and met Frederick at the wine cellar in a room totally different from the living room..

His back was turned to her but he still looked cute,, she could see his hair falling to his left eye, he had a side part hair, the rest were neatly brushed to the back

His black suit fitted him so well like they were made specially for him. His wristwatch was pure silver with diamonds embedded in it, it looked heavy.. Arielle could also see a silver chain on his neck.... even his scent was magnificent

Everything about him screamed wealth that she almost smiled but then she couldn't, he might look cute and clean but he was a demon to her

He poured himself a glass of tequila and was about to sip from it when Arielle saw the opportunity to talk

"I'm ready" She announced

"I can see that" He said, staring at her through the mirror she didn't was there because she was stupidly ogling her demon husband

"You woke up late" He turned to her and she looked away subconsciously. He assessed her dress and scoffed loudly

"And you spend two minutes admiring me, you are quite a character" He shook his head and shoved his hands into his pockets while Arielle took in her bottom lip in embarrassment


"Let's go" He cut her off and she frowned. Why does he do that?

He walked away and she followed behind him till they got to the car. Jake and Flynn immediately greeted them

"Ma'am, you look extra beautiful today" Jake said and Arielle immediately smiled. She was hoping Frederick would say something but Jake's compliment was enough

"Thank you Jake" She replied and he opened the door for her, she bowed slightly and entered before he closed it... Arielle glanced at Frederick before moving closer to the door

Frederick raised a brow at her behaviour before bringing out his phone, Arielle did the same but she couldn't help but smile.... his car was so luxurious and it was the first time she was in it


All the students could be seen in the school's large field doing what they know best.. some people were playing basketball while the cheerleaders were doing their stunts

It was their thirty minutes break before their next class, so they were all free to do anything

Khloe and Gwen both walked into the field in their cheerleading outfits; both looking stunning as always. Khloe was drinking juice from a large cup while Gwen was busy popping gum in her mouth

"Senior Khloe, let's practice some more" A girl who was in eleventh grade said to Khloe immediately they entered the room and Khloe smiled before dropping her juice on a bench

She looked at the cheerleaders who were standing according to their heights, smiling and facing her with their pum-pums in their hands

"So, let me see your cartwheel" Khloe raised her voice so they could all hear her; she was obviously the captain because they obeyed with immediately alacrity

Khloe watched them with a small smile until a girl fell while trying to do it completely, Khloe immediately gasped and rushed to her aid.... she crouched beside her and checked her out

"Are you ok? Are you hurt?" She asked worriedly as her eyes ransacked her body for any scratch. The other cheerleaders paused and went to see, Gwen showed up

"I'm not hurt senior, I'll just go to the infirmary" The girl smiled; it felt like an honor to her that Khloe was caring so much about her

"I'll take her to the infirmary" Gwen offered and Khloe nodded.... Gwen picked the girl up and they left the field to the infirmary

Khloe turned to the rest and smiled warmly at them

"Let's form the eiffel tower" She said and all their faces fell; she stopped smiling when she noticed that

"What's wrong?" She wondered aloud and a girl raised her hand up, to respond.. Khloe nodded, giving her the chance to

"We aren't complete, we need one more person to make the tower" The girl muttered sadly and Khloe smiled at them

"I'll do it" She volunteered keenly and their faces brightened.... In no time they all formed the eiffel tower with some girls standing on the shoulders of the girls on the ground

Khloe heaved a sigh before climbing the human stairs up to her destination. She stood tall that it drew the attention of the rest of the people in the field

"Wow, that's amazing"

"She's up there but still looks so cute"

Khloe was busy smiling but deep down she was scared as anything.. she was actually afraid of height

"Dude, isn't that your crush up there? She's so cute" A guy tapped Derek and he turned to face Khloe

Jamie who was listening to their conversation, brought down his headphones to his neck then turned to her direction; he immediately sighed

He knew she was afraid of height because they were close friends before

He watched carefully and just when they were falling out, Khloe shook and lost her balance, falling from that high point

"Jeez!" Jamie exclaimed loudly and stood up from the bench before running to her rescue.... just as Khloe was about to hit the ground, he caught her and everyone around clapped except Derek who was frowning; he too was going to catch her

Still in his arms, Khloe opened her eyes breathlessly and immediately frowned

"What is wrong with you, why must you always..."

Before she could finish her statement, Jamie dropped her and left the field.. he can't afford to get humiliated by her again

Khloe fell hard on her butt and she winced, luckily, Derek went to her

"Are you ok?" He asked and she blinked, not knowing what to say.. she just nodded as she admired his face.... he looked so cute up so close

He helped her up and smiled, he brushed her messy hair behind her ear and cupped her cheeks

"Be safe ok?" He kissed her forehead..


Frederick and Arielle were both in Frederick's office. They had arrived a long time ago but decided to wait until when the meeting will hold which only got Arielle annoyed

Why did he drag her out of the house if she was only going to wait in his boring office? She wondered

The large TV was turned on but it was just boring news they were showing. If only she could change the channel.... She looked over at Frederick and couldn't help but wonder how an heartless demon could look so cute while working

He would frequently write something down on a paper then take his focus back to the thing he was doing on his laptop.. some times be would bite the end of his pen and turn his swivel chair a little

He looked so busy but yet, his cute face wouldn't move Arielle a bit because only her knew the things she had gone through in her so called matrimonial home

The door opened and a young lady walked in; she was obviously older than Arielle, probably in her mid twenties.. she also looked very cute; she had short black hair and flawless skin that Arielle almost felt intimidated

"President" Fiona called and Frederick raised his head to look at her. "The meating will be held in three minutes" She informed; her accent was even cute but Arielle immediately knew she was trying to lure him or seduce him because her shirt was extra short and her shirt exposed her cleavage

Arielle scoffed inwardly as she stared at Frederick's so called secretary

Frederick nodded and waved his hand, signalling her to leave. Fiona bowed slightly and turned to the door but not without giving Arielle one ugly look; she wouldn't deny the fact that Arielle was a million times more beautiful than she could ever be

Arielle just stared at her blankly as she left, swaying her hips more like forcing it to shake,, she seemed desperate to have Frederick

Frederick saved his documents and took his phone from the table before looking at Arielle who was watching him

"Remember when I told you that I'll be the one to tell you when you are to behave as my wife? Well, now is that time" He said blankly

Arielle's phone buzzed and she checked that it was Dennis.. she actually told him that she would be ready today

"Let's go" Frederick cold yet deep voice rang into her ears and she put her phone back in her purse before standing up.... Frederick opened the door and left while she walked behind him

Fiona did her worst by going to stand next to Frederick and Frederick did nothing.. Arielle didn't know why but she didn't like it

They got to the meeting room and after doing the introduction, they all got seated

"Wow, Mr. Carson, you have a beautiful wife" One of the investors complimented but Frederick's face held no expression that it made Fiona to almost laugh

"Let's go straight to the topic of today" Frederick changed the topic immediately and they nodded

Five minutes into the boring meeting, Arielle was almost dozing off when someone beside her touched her, she looked at the person and forced out a smile

Why was that man touching her; the man looked like the youngest amongst them, she even assumed him to be in his early thirties

"You look very beautiful" The man mouthed and Arielle smiled; a fake one though.. she just didn't want to look rude so she had to smile

Frederick turned to the man and frowned

"Are you here for business or are you here to disturb my *wife*" Frederick drawled out angrily which surprised Arielle.. did he just call her his wife. Even the way he said it was so entrancing

The man immediately apologised and faced front while Fiona was busy glaring daggers at Arielle

After what felt like forever, the meeting ended and they all rose to their feet. A man stretched out his hand to Arielle for an handshake which Arielle didn't hesitate to take

"Mrs. Arielle Frederick Carson" The man called and Arielle blinked uncontrollably, did he really have to call her that? She pulled away from the handshake and stared at the floor, playing with her fingers

"Mr. Carson, your wife is really a shy person and very cute, she's a keeper" The man said to Frederick

"Thank you" Frederick forced out a smiled and slowly they all left except Frederick and Arielle who were in the room

"I saw you on your phone during the meeting, what is wrong with you?" Frederick scowled and Arielle raised her eyebrows in confusion, if he was going to get mad why then didn't he give her rules

"Was I supposed to.."

"Zip it Arielle, shut your fvking mouth up while I'm still talking" He walked closer to her and she took a large step back, creating a large gap between them

He rolled his eyes and shoved his hands into his pockets while staring down at her

"You are really testing my patients, Arielle, you seriously don't know what I'm capable of doing" Frederick said calmly

"I.. I want to leave" Arielle muttered, hoping he would agree but he ignored her and left the room. Arielle raised her head and began punching the air, imagining him instead

"Control freak, psycho, @sshole, stupid demon" She yelled and the door opened again, revealing Frederick who had a huge frown on his face

"Is that so?" He folded his arms against his chest as he raised a perfect brow at her.... Arielle gulped down nothing, he heard what she said, she was doomed now


Candice stepped out of the coffee shop with a cup of hot coffee in her hand.. she was bored at home and decided to to there, she would have gone to work but her boss gave everyone a day off

She didn't have anything to do and nowhere to go to, she was extremely bored and to her, the day was moving too slow, making it even worse for her

Just as she was about to leave for the bus station, she bumped into someone, spilling her coffee on the man's suit jacket and it was flipping white

"I'm so so sorry" She apologised immediately and the guy scoffed loudly; he was actually wearing a face mask so she couldn't see him clearly

"You again?" He raised his eyebrows and Candice gasped. What was he saying? Was has she gotten herself into

She turned and was about to run away when he held her wrist, preventing her from running

"Not so fast, clumsy" He chuckled lightly.

Candice wiggled her wrist and her bracelet came off, she didn't even bother looking back, she ran away causing the masked man to gasp

He stared at the bracelet in his hand and at back at Candice who was running before slowly smirking


Arielle was in her pyjamas, inside the kitchen as she washed the dishes she used in preparing dinner despite being told not to by Susan

"I'm going to get fired, ma'am, you shouldn't be doing this" Susan opposed and Arielle laughed. She dropped the last spoon and turned to Susan

"I'm done, he won't find out" Arielle smiled cutely and Susan shook her head, Arielle will not kill her

Arielle walked to the high chair and sat down on it before pulling her plate to her, she took one spoon of the spaghetti she made and smiled satisfactorily

"Omg, this is amazing, come and have a spoon" Arielle said to Susan who immediately shook her head

"No ma'am, I can't, I'm not supposed to eat with you" Susan shook her head and Arielle pouted lightly

"Please Mrs. Susan, I don't want to go to bed looking sad, I'll end up having a terrible headache in the morning, please, eat with me, just one spoon" Arielle pressed further and Susan sighed in defeat

She went to take a spoon before eating from Arielle's plate.... she chewed slowly and her eyes widened in shock. She had never tasted spaghetti as delicious as what she was tasting

"Is it good?" Arielle asked and Susan nodded immediately, taking another spoon

"This is so amazing ma'am, jeez, this is better than what I might have cooked myself" Susan muttered and Arielle smiled, she was so happy that someone liked her food

"You should give sir to try.. he has actually been complaining about eating salty or peppery foods, I'm sure he'll love this" Susan said and Arielle shook her head

Why should she give Frederick her food? Who knows, he might just say something awful about it only to make her feel bad

"I'm sorry but I can't, I'm not ready for his insults this night, he should go to bed" Arielle hissed and jumped down from the chair before rinsing her hand, she had lost her appetite

"Please ma'am, don't pay attention to him, he's actually nice when you get to know him and besides, just because he is always mean to you doesn't mean you should do the same, act mature please" Susan lectured, hoping she would change her mind

Arielle just stared at the floor, she was thinking of what to do,, she considered Susan like a mother to her so she couldn't disobey

She quickly put the food on a tray and turned to Susan with a pout

"If I do this, you'll stop calling me ma'am and you'll start calling me Arielle or any sweet name you have for me" Arielle grinned and left the kitchen with the tray

After climbing up the grand stairs, she stood facing Frederick's door. She heaved a rough sigh, contemplating whether or not to continue but then she remembered she had gone that far so she might as well end it

She knocked on the door and heard a faint 'come in' from inside and she went in, closing the door behind her.. she saw Frederick seated on the bed with a laptop in front of him, no doubt he was very busy

She dropped the tray on the side table before looking at him

"I made this and Mrs. Susan told me to give you" Arielle smiled triumphantly and Frederick scoffed before rolling his eyes

She turned to leave when..

"I don't remember permitting you to leave" He said and she stopped. "Stay till I'm done with.... this" He looked at the food in disgust

He put his laptop aside and put the tray just where the laptop was. He took the spoon and ate one spoon

"How is it?" Arielle asked, she really wanted to know what he would say about it. She kept on smiling foolishly at him

Whether he liked it or not, one couldn't tell because he had a blank expression on

"Do you want to know?" He drawled and she nodded. He pushed the tray far away from him before getting up to stare directly at her

"Yes" She replied, not understanding what was going on.. he only ate one spoon and judging from his tone, he didn't like it

"I don't know which is worse, having to wake up to your ugly face every day or this trash you called food" He said with a restraining frown on his face

Arielle gasped as she heard that, she kept on staring at him in utter disbelief and didn't even know when a tear escaped her eyes

"Huh?" She stuttered in tears