
Enchanted Kingdom

This manga is set in medieval times but there is magic. There are 16 different types of magic Reaper Magic, Light Magic, Dark Magic, Fire Magic, Water Magic, Stealth Magic, Hunter Magic, Void Magic, Lightning Magic, Earth Magic, Wind Magic, Demon Magic, Gravity Magic, Dragon Magic, and Healing Magic. There are 8 different kingdoms in Japan Keodora Dynasty - West japan Goxihan Empire - North japan Oudoyiran Dynasty - North West japan Steburgian Empire - East Japan Thaiban Kingdom - North East Japan Inotonian Kingdom - South Japan Diponian Empire - South East Japan Erucian Kingdom - South West Japan Most of the kings in Japan are corrupt because they are hungry for power and war, so they mostly abuse their power The higher districts are looked down upon the kings because they think their inferior and are only worthless dogs. So they abuse their power and sometimes terrorize their lower districts. There are 4 that are determined to destroy all corruption Shi Kisoki, Kenta Nagami, Tashiro Hisako, and Ari Miyoshi Shi Kisoki Is the main character. All 4 characters will form a group called The Black Rose, A group that is determined to destroy corruption. P.s. This is my first manga ever and I’m writing this for fun because it is my dream to become a manga writer so it might be pretty bad but I hope you like it as it goes on.

Rudy_Gallegos · ファンタジー
13 Chs

The Beginning

(Scene Fades in) *Shi Kisoki Stretches and yawns waking up in the morning after a long day of training* Shi Kisoki says in his head: It has been 10 years since that day….I still remember her screams...I promise never to let it happen again. *suddenly an arrow from the woods starts heading towards Shi's head and Shi senses it coming* Shi Kisoki groans tiredly and says: Let me wake up first damn.. *Shi Kisoki suddenly in the blink of an eye is standing up with the arrow in his hand* Shi Kisoki Say's: You Think they would learn, But these soldier scum are corrupted and dumb?! *he sighs* how pathetic *Shi Kisoki uses the hunter spell called hunters call showing the trail to the person of who shot the arrow and uses hunter spell called birds eye showing a overview of wherever he is* Shi Kisoki Says in a cocky tone: Let's see who our lucky winner is today.. *the bird eye shows a overview of the forest and Shi pans to the part of the forest the arrow was shot from, and Shi counts 11 soldiers and 1 archer* Shi Kisoki laughs in enjoyment and says in a cocky voice: Hoho! Let's have some fun then!! *Shi Kisoki's aura glows red around his feet as he gets in a jumping stance, and as he jumps the sheer force of his launch creates a humongous crater and he his red aura makes a red trail as he flies through the air and he slams making a huge explosion when he slams into the ground where the soldiers are. The soldiers scream in fear* One of the soldier's says: I-It's..the demon of inoton!!