
Chapter 5

To the fairest in the world,

Here is a token of my goodwill. I hope that you enjoy this simple gift. It is a bracelet worn by one of the former queens of Sapphire almost as enchanting as you.

This bracelet is created with white gold, diamonds, and sapphires. It was blessed in a sacred temple as well before it was gifted to Queen Veronica, my own grandmother. Her husband had this made for her after they first met. It's designed after roses—the flower that surrounded them in the gardens where they first met. It is a symbol of their love at first sight.

May this glimpse of history inspire us to really get to know each other. I am forever enchanted by your beauty as my grandfather was with my grandmother. I would love to enjoy your company when you're available. Perhaps we could spar as you wished or I could share with you my knowledge about the world's history.

Yours truly,

Prince Azaria Sapphire

Dionne opened the blue box that was set on her table. It was indeed a beautiful piece. She has heard of this before. It was said to be one of the most romantic stories in history. The love story of Queen Veronica and King Yonah.

"It is a beautiful gift," said Eviana, her lady. "Is it from the Prince of Sapphire, my princess?"

Dionne nodded. "Yes it is," she replied, "It is the bracelet gifted to Queen Veronica by King Yonah."

Eviana's eyes lit up. She too has heard of their love story. In fact, she had just read the story last week after borrowing the book from the princess' personal library.

"That is quite a romantic gesture by Prince Azaria," she comments, "But the present from Prince Andreas is also quite beautiful. It must've been quite expensive since red diamonds are the rarest in the world. Is there a story behind it, your grace?"

Dionne shrugged. "I shall find out once I meet his company later on," she said, "I want to share with you a problem that I have, Eviana."

"Of course," said the lady.

"Duke Vicente wants my hand in marriage," she says, her hands forming into balls. "I reject his offer. He, however, has the blessing of my father. I want you to help me avoid his presence. I must reject him again should he make an advance."

"But your grace," says Eviana, "Didn't you fancy his dukeship?"

"I found him attractive," Dionne clarifies, "Nothing more. He will fail the position of king and he will want to use my power. He was a good friend, but I don't see him as a good husband." She knew Vicente well enough to know he was not worthy of the crown.

Eviana nodded, obeying the princess. "Very well, your royal highness," she says, "I ought to remind you of your date with Prince Andreas today. The servants have sent word that they had finished preparing the pavilion for you."

"It is not a date," Dionne clarified, glaring at her lady. "It's an arrangement."

An arrangement that will help me get out of this pitiful situation I'm in, she thought.

"You are dismissed, Eviana," she says, "You may fulfill your other duties."

Dionne put on a cream and yellow dress that showcased her neck and shoulders paired with matching heels. For jewelry, she of course wore the present given to her by Prince Andreas. She left her hair undone with only the tiara atop her head. She opted for a more natural makeup than the heavy one she had from last night. She had to look in love and she nailed it. Acting, manipulation, and deception have always been her specialty.

As she left her chambers, she bumped into her mother. "On your way to meet the Prince?" Queen Rhea asked, staring at the expensive jewelry around her daughter's neck.

"Yes, mother," replied Dionne, "And I might be late if you keep me here any longer. So if you'll excuse me, mother, I shall be going."

Rhea caught her wrist, pulling her to the side. "Just remember what you have to do," she reminded her daughter before releasing her grip.

Dionne left for the pavilion quickly. She rather not run into anyone else. Especially not her father. She's still crossed that he gave Vicente approval without her knowing.

As she arrived, she noticed that the prince was already there. It was quite odd as he was always late and she was always early.

"Am I late?" she asked, entering the scene.

The prince looked up to meet her gaze. "I just happen to be early," he replied, gesturing for her to sit. "I see you're still wearing the necklace I gave you."

Dionne unconsciously clutched the diamond on her neck. "Yes," she says, "Isn't it part of the show?"

"Yes," was his only response. He seemed colder than he was yesterday. He seemed upset and this bothered her.

"Since when did you have this?" she asked curiously.

The prince only showed his disinterest looking rather bored. "I got it a while back when I was sixteen," he says, "It was around the time when I was sent to lead an attack. I found the diamond in one of the caves. It reminded me of your eyes so I took it."

The princess smiled. "Thank you, Prince Andreas."

He shrugged. "I was supposed to give it to you as a peace offering to forget our history," he explained, "But it helped us sell the whole story of you and me which was great."

He wants to put the past behind but he's acting like he was when he was thirteen, she thought, shaking her head. Rather than point this out, she ought to just ask him what was wrong. "Is something bothering you, Prince Andreas? You seem rather different."

He blinked. "I hadn't noticed," he says, scratching his head. Perhaps his unplanned meeting earlier with the Prince of Sapphire put him in such a sour mood. It's no excuse, but still. That Prince had some nerve challenging him.

"Forgive me," he says, avoiding her gaze, "I had the displeasure of running into one of your suitors this morning."

"What happened?" she asked curiously, pouring her and the prince a cup of coffee.

Which Prince put him in such a mood? He's usually calm and uncaring, she thought. What could've possibly happened to make him this unpleasant?

"Well, Princess," he tells her with an obvious tone of displeasure, "Prince Azaria and I had a little chat. Don't worry, I did not scare him off. He's arrogant and quite proud of his empire as he should be. He dares challenge me to a duel of swords."

"What?" she gasped. She is well aware of Andreas' talents with weaponry. As for Prince Azaria, she knows none. If they proceed with a battle, she's more than confident to say that Andreas would win.

"Tell me you did not," she says in displeasure.

The smirk on his face says it all. Of course. He just has to let him know that he's the alpha male. One thing about Andreas is that he never starts fights; he finishes them. For sure, he will rip every shred of pride Azaria has.

"Why on earth would you accept his challenge when you know that you're the best swordsman in Epiphanteur?" she questioned angrily.

The smirk on his face grew as though he was teasing her. "Well, Princess, he's from foreign soil. We don't know for certain if he's horrible at swords. Who knows; maybe I met my match."

"I am your match," escaped her lips.

"That was when we were children, Princess," he says. His tone almost sounded as if he were mocking her.

What the princess had said was true. Despite what people thought—that he was fighting her with kid gloves—he wasn't holding back at all. She was as skilled as he is when it came to swordsmanship and archery. They were equals. But that's in the past. They haven't dueled in a long time.

"Is that a challenge?" she arched her brow. This challenge is something she won't refuse. Sure, it was beneath her to accept. But Andreas is the only one who can really push her buttons.

He chuckled, tilting his head back. "Princess Dionne, I should love to spar with you," he says, "But we're no longer children. I see it improper to harm you in any way whether it's a duel or not."

Still proud as ever. I should've known you wouldn't outgrow that nature. You will never let anyone triumph over you, huh? he thought.

He then continued, "Should I lose to him, I shall give up the relationship he thinks we have. If I win, he will give me a land of my choosing in his country."

Dionne was dumbfounded. What else could she say? She can't tell him to back off. She's certain he won't. But what if Azaria's secretly skilled? Sapphirians are known for their military might and high technology. Their plan will be on the line!

"Hey," he says, assuring her, "I won't lose. Especially not when you're the one I have to give up."

Thump, thump, thump... Her heart was beating at such an incredible rate and her cheeks were turning the brightest shade of red.

What is this? Why do his words have this effect on me? she asked herself. Why was the prince acting this way?

Why is she so red? he asked himself.

Changing the topic, he says, "I saw you were uncomfortable with the Duke last night. What was that all about?"

Dionne felt relief upon the changed topic. "My father favors him," she explains, "I don't want to marry him. If I fail to secure a match, he is my father's first choice. You need to help me get rid of him."

"Very well," he agreed, "Do I kill him with my own hand or do I hire someone else?"

Dionne's sweat dropped.

Is he really that dense that he thought I wanted to kill Vicente? she thought, feeling embarrassed for him.

"Not like that," she clarified.

"Oh," he sipped on his coffee. "Okay. Other than Prince Azaria, are there any other princes you had in mind?" he asked curiously. He didn't know why he was curious. All he knew was that he had to know.

"There's Lord Jasper from house Peridot," she says, "His family possessed great fleets in the sea. He's sixteen years old. He is quite charming and intelligent. He also has a passion for music. His family's great wealth and fleet would be useful."

"You consider marrying someone younger than you?" he asked in disbelief. "He sounds like a schoolboy. You didn't mention any skills such as archery or swordsmanship. He doesn't sound like your cup of tea. In addition, how will he protect you?"

Dionne sighed. "Why do you care, huh?" she asked, her voice emotionless. "Don't tell me you're jealous." She's aware he isn't, but the look on his face is priceless! He looked absolutely startled and defensive.

"Why so quiet, my prince?" she asked teasingly, "Are you? Don't tell me that a dance was all it took to win your heart."

Andreas was red both in embarrassment and annoyance.

What the heck? How could she say such things? he asked himself, looking confused as ever.

"Hey Dionne," he says, dropping her title, "You really haven't changed, have you?"

She smiled wickedly, pleased with herself. "My my my," she says, folding her arms over her chest, "You don't deny your affections, Prince Andreas, and you call me by my name... Is it true then? Have you fallen already?"

Andreas restrained himself from giving her a reaction. He tried his best to keep his cool, but his cheeks were still red in embarrassment. "I merely want to know so I know how to act around you. We need to put on a show, remember?" he says, "It's hard to do that when you're also looking for a husband who's not me!"

"Okay, okay," she says, laughing at the sight of him. She hadn't had a good laugh in a while. Perhaps a friendship with the prince is still possible. Who knows? Maybe they can really move forward without looking back. And maybe... just maybe... possibly something more?