
Chapter 18

Haze found herself stuck in the presence of two strangers. The only thing she knows about these two people before her are from the stories Dionne told her. Kenzo is the best friend of Prince Andreas and Princess Rini used to be Dionne's rival.

Dionne owes me a lot after this, she thought as she watched her best friend and the prince leave the throne room.

"So," she began, "I am not one to talk small. I don't like secrets either. So, why don't we talk casually? Ask me whatever it is you have in your mind. I already know what you think of me anyway. Rini made it no secret that she thinks of me as an "Animal Savage" as she called it."

She speaks more freely than Dionne, Kenzo thought, finding himself speechless. Dionne's change probably came from her.

"I do not think you are an animal savage," he said, "You're far from savage and animal."

Haze smiled, saying, "You don't flatter me, sir. I take no offense to what Rini said. Nothing she says can make me feel inferior without my consent." She turned to Rini and said, "I don't feel sorry for you."

"Why would you?" Rini asked in confusion.

"Usually, people feel sorry for those who insult other people to feel better about themselves," she explained, "I don't feel sorry for you whatsoever. Nothing about it is sad or pitiful. You came all the way here to seduce the Prince of Nifontovite in order to gain a higher station because you refuse to let go of your royal status. Your parents would be content if you marry a duke or someone from a noble house, but you want more than that. You want a throne and a crown. I see right through you, Rini of Yuksporite."

"Princess Haze," Kenzo gasped. Never in his life has he seen a woman—a royal—speak this way to anyone. She's a different breed. He should intervene and help his friend defend herself, but he can't find himself to do so. He's too stunned to speak.

"Prince Andreas of Nifontovite and Princess Dionne of Gahnospinel are in love and in a relationship," she says, "It's only a matter of time before they get engaged. From what I heard, Prince Andreas merely used you to anger Princess Dionne when you were children. Haven't you thought that maybe he's just using you yet again? What happened to you isn't sad; it's pathetic."

Rini bawled her hands into fists, ready to charge at Haze.

How dare she talk to me this way? she thought angrily. She was greatly insulted and humiliated.

"You have no decency or manners, Princess Haze," she says, "Is this how your people behave on foreign soil? Is this how you treat other royals?"

Haze shrugged, smiling innocently.

"No," she replied, "But this is how I treat people I don't like. That being said, I'm telling you that I don't like you. If you have any self-respect, you would pack up and leave right now."

"Princess haze, I believe that's enough," Kenzo finally intervened, "We do not tolerate bullying here."

She licked her lips in satisfaction. Threatening Rini was too easy.

"It is not bullying," she smiled, "I was merely stating facts."

"It would be much to my pleasure if you please refrain from insulting Princess Rini further," he says ever so politely.

Andreas owes me a lot after this, he thought to himself, I didn't sign up to be a peacekeeper between these two hot-blooded princesses.

Haze smirked, "I didn't come here to please you, my lord."

He chuckled, still stunned.

There's something about her, he thought. He wasn't just captivated by her beauty, but intrigued by her behavior as well. He felt a strong need to get to know her.

"Are you flirting just now?" Rini questioned in disbelief. "My lord, Kenzo, I find this highly inappropriate. It brings me great displeasure."

Kenzo looks so bothered by Rini's reaction, Haze thought in observation. It seems as though he has affection for the princess by the way he looks at her.

"Rini," she says, "Why don't we start over?"

"I think starting over is beyond what we can do," Kenzo says, looking over at his friend.

What is she up to? he asked himself.

My job here is to cast off Rini so Dionne takes the victory. If I get Kenzo to my side, Rini will feel alone and cast out. She'll have to leave, Haze thought. The sooner I get rid of Rini, the sooner we can leave this place with triumph. Dionne's coming-of-age ceremony is coming soon and everyone who's powerful will be there. That includes Lord Jasper and Prince Owen.

Haze holds an affection for Jasper and feels an attraction to Prince Owen. If they finish up here soon, the sooner she sees Jasper.

"You seem in deep thought, your grace," Kenzo says thoughtfully, "Do you wish to go and get some fresh air? Perhaps we can go outside together."

"I shall pass," Rini says, standing up. "I shall retire to my chambers. I believe I feel unwell."

Kenzo reached for her hand only to be pushed away.

"Good day to you, sir," Rini says as she stormed off.

Haze looked at Kenzo who looked just about done with the day. She could sympathize but she won't.

"I will take you up on that offer," she says, "Shall we go for a ride, my lord?"

He took her hand and with a smile, he said, "Yes." He escorted her out of the throneroom and led her to the stables where the finest horses were resting.

Noticing the smile on her face, he asks, "Are you pleased, Princess Haze?"

She nodded, caressing the beautiful brown horse. It was a stallion and a grand one. She could feel its emotions and hear its thoughts. She's one with them.

"They don't receive enough exercise," she says, feeding the horse a carrot. "This one is named Ken, am I right?"

He watched in awe. It's the first time he saw a Beast Tamer in action.

I never thought I'd ever witness something this magical, he thought, She knew my horse's name just by touching him.

"He's yours," she says, continuing to feed him carrots, "He loves carrots, but he prefers apples on days like these."

"You're amazing," he says unconsciously.

She smiled genuinely. He's the first to call her amazing for her god-given magic. Well, he's the first boy to mean it. Everyone else who complimented her for her power had ulterior motives.

"Is it the first time you meet a Beast Tamer?" she asked curiously, "People like you—common folk—they tend to use us for our abilities. That's the very reason why I am what I am."

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"The reason why I speak the way I do and behave freely as I please," she explained, "I do this because I see how people use my kind. I'm not weak and I'm strong-willed; there's no reason not to show it off."

I get it now, he thought in understanding.

"Does Ken know how much I adore him?" he asked.

She nodded, saying, "He wants you to ride him." She moved on to the horse next to his, caressing her head. "This one's name is Hazelnut and she hasn't been claimed at all," she says, "She feels lonely."

"She's a wild horse," he explains, "Andreas found her as a foal. We brought her here, but no one can tame her wild nature."

Haze opened the door, releasing the beauty. "She's majestic," she says, mounting it, "Well, what are you waiting for, Lord Kenzo? Come on."

He smiled, mounting his horse. He followed after her as she rode into the fields.

She looks so natural with the horse, he thought, watching her. She's the only one who managed to tame Hazelnut. She really is something else.

"Slow down, Princess," he calls out, "You might fall off the horse!"

She laughed cheerily, riding Hazelnut faster. "I won't fall, my lord," she said, "But you might. You should hold on tighter. Ken seems to want to catch up to us."

Kenzo held on tightly to his horse as Ken ran faster, eager to catch up to Haze and Hazelnut. Without Haze's warning, he would for sure have fallen off.

"Princess," he says as she finally stops, "Who taught you how to ride like that?"

"No one," she replied, "We learn to do things on our own. That's how people like me live. Tell me something about yourself, my lord. You learned a lot about me; I'd like to learn more about you."

"I'm eighteen years old," he says, "I am a lord. One day, I'll become Andreas' second in command."

"Those are things that are obvious," she says, "Tell me something about you. What are your hobbies? How do you find court life? What is it like to be you? What are your relations with Rini?"

He coughed at the mention of Rini's name. "I enjoy riding," he replied.

"Horses?" Haze grinned, making the young man blush.

What else did she think I was riding? he thought, shaking away the embarrassment he feels. "Of course, horses," he says, "As for court life, I find it interesting."

"You didn't say anything about your relationship with Rini," Haze says, "Do you fancy her?"

"You're a very straightforward lady, aren't you?" he says, "Some things aren't for sharing."

She laughed, shaking her head. "I always get what I want, lord Kenzo," she says, "You will tell me what I wish to hear, won't you?"

"I had a feeling you were spoiled," he comments.

She took no offense. She was used to the comment about her being a spoiled brat. She isn't one and it didn't matter what other people thought of her.

"I actually get what I want because I make sure I do whatever I can to get it," she says, "You, however, may be a spoiled brat. Were you?"

"Are we fighting right now?" he asked, confused and concerned. The last thing he wants is to fight with a powerful lady such as Haze. In addition, Andreas would be furious if he made enemies with her.

She shook her head in response, "No, we aren't fighting at all." Haze got off her horse, gesturing for Kenzo to follow suit. She had a glow in her he didn't understand.

Kenzo came closer, stopping a foot away from her. Looking into her eyes, he tried hard to figure her out. What was her purpose? What did she want? Surely, she didn't lead him all the way here for nothing.

He tucked the stray hair behind her ear as he mustered the courage to say the words he wished to,

"Princess Haze, Lord Kenzo?" Dionne interrupted, entering the scene with Andreas. They were both on horseback. Getting off, she says, "When we returned, they said you left to ride. We got curious, so we decided to follow you here."

"Is everything alright?" Andreas asked.

Why was Kenzo that close to Haze? Dionne thought, dismounting her horse. Was this all part of Haze's plan? What is she up to?

"Haze, how was your afternoon with Lord Kenzo?" Dionne asked.

"I merely showed him my power," Haze winked, caressing Hazelnut. "I enjoyed the afternoon with Lord Kenzo. He was... interesting, but he didn't like answering my questions."

"Your questions were something ladies shouldn't ask," Kenzo argued, scratching his head in frustration. "But I must say, I did not dread your company, Princess Haze. You're a different kind of girl."

Dionne smiled. Her friend caught Kenzo's interest. They can use him in the future.

"Let's go back," Dionne said, "We shan't stay out for long. By the way, where is Princess Rini?"

"I got rid of her," Haze says triumphantly, "Perhaps she will join us later on." With that said, the four teenagers left.