
Chapter 13

Today's Dionne's big date with the prince of Sapphire. Haze made sure she was dressed to perfection. She made her friend wear only her finest whites and blues. Dionne wore a white dress that had dainty straps and hugged her body to perfection, and the skirt fades into a light shade of blue when it reached the tips of her dress. She also wore a pair of white lace gloves that only reached her wrists and the stunning bracelet gifted to her by the prince. Her hair was tied half up with the traditional Cerussitian hair stick.

"You look stunning as always," Haze tells her friend. She loved fashion and enjoys dressing the "fairest" in the world. It was kind of therapeutic for her.

Noticing the look on her friend's face, she asked, "Is something the matter? I thought it suited you well."

"No," Dionne assured her, "I love it. It's just that I feel a bit... nervous. This is the first time I'll be going out of the palace to meet a prince."

Haze snickered, patting her friend's shoulder. This feeling is typical for girls their age. She never felt this way before, of course. It's always the other way around.

"Listen," she says, "You'll be on that date with the prince. If you need me, just call. I'll be just around the corner. Literally. I'm the chaperone along with your ladies."

Dionne smiled. Haze truly is a good friend. She often wondered what her life would be like if she never met her. It would be an awful one.

"Thanks," she says, standing up.

Evianna came in, giving a curtsy to both.

"The prince has arrived, your grace," she says, "He awaits you downstairs."

Haze looked at Evianna from head to toe.

"Is that what you're wearing?" she asked, looking displeased.

"Yes," replied Evianna modestly, "Why? Is something wrong with it?" She was wearing a simple white shirt and green skirt. It's suitable to wear in the palace, but this attire is way out of style beyond castle walls.

"Nothing," Haze dismissed, "We have to go anyway." She turned to Dionne and said, "Let's go."

Upon reaching the main door, they were met by both princes of Sapphire. Owen was dressed in white while Azaria was dressed in blue.

"I came as my brother's chaperone," said Owen, "And who might you be?" He looked at Haze with much interest, clearly bewitched by her beauty and entrancing purple eyes.

"I came as a chaperone as well," Haze replied, giving him her hand for a kiss. "You must be the prince's younger brother. I am Princess Haze of Kovdorskite."

Owen smiled.

"Ah," he says, "Of course. You have lavender eyes. You're a beast tamer." He bowed, introducing himself, "I'm Prince Owen."

She smiled back, locking eyes with him. She fancied his beautiful golden hair and masculine physique.

"Beast tamer," she says, "Yes, I am one. Though not all of us are gifted with the ability to tame beasts. Should I try it out on you, my prince?" A wicked smile appeared on her face.

Owen chuckled at her statement. She has a fire that was hotter than Dionne's.

This girl seems fun, he thought.

"I should like to enjoy your company," he says, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Princess Haze. Now, we best be going."

Azaria nodded in agreement.

"I shall see you at the restaurant, Princess Dionne," he said, kissing her hand. With that said, both parties went on their separate carriages.

Dionne noticed that Haze was smiling unusually wide. Could her best friend have a crush on Prince Owen?

"You fancy him, don't you?" she asked, smiling.

Haze failed to hide her smile. She did fancy him. She liked his appearance and voice. She liked the way he talked and carried himself. But that was it. She just liked him; nothing more.

"I will admit that I like his looks," she says, "But I don't like how he carries himself."

"I thought you did. He acts like you," Dionne stated.

Haze replied, "Exactly. I am trouble and if he acts like me it's a guarantee that he's a heartbreaker."

"And you fear getting heartbroken?" Dionne teased, "It appears you've met your match."

Haze shook her head in response. It wasn't like that. She didn't fear getting her heart broken. What she fears is the possibility of a headache. Given that Owen shares a similar personality to her, she knows how many headaches they'd give each other.

"Don't even go there, Dionne," she says, avoiding her gaze.

Dionne grinned, nodding in agreement. She's seen that same smile before when she saw Jasper. She fancies both of them and Dionne could tell. The question is who does she like more? The one who looks like prince charming and acts like prince charming, or, the one who looks like a daydream but is indeed a nightmare?

"Fine," she agrees, "I'll drop it. But that's only because I know you like him."

It didn't take that long for them to arrive at their destination. As they stepped out of the carriage, they noticed the flowers scattered all around the entrance. Azaria, who arrived first, had a bouquet of carnations in hand.

"This is for you, Princess Dionne," he says, handing it over. "I hope you like it."

Dionne inhaled the scent of the flowers. It smelled nice and it reminded her of the scent of Haze. Unlike herself who opts for a more vanilla and sugary scent, Haze often opts for florals.

"Thank you for the flowers," she says, handing them over to Evianna. "Shall we go in, your grace?"

Azaria nodded, escorting her in. The place was beautiful and elegant with cream walls and marble floors. It had tall pillars and flowers all around the area. The tall ceilings had chandeliers and beautiful decor.

Entering the main area, there was lush gardens everywhere and flowers in every corner. There were several pavilions in the area too.

Azaria led her in one that was decorated with shades of blue flowers. A musician was playing classical music and waiters waiting. He pulled out the chair for her to sit on and then sat across from her.

"I had the place especially decorated for you," he says, "I hope it's to your liking."

Dionne smiled and sneezed. Her sneeze was so tiny that it made Azaria laugh.

"Pardon me, Prince Azaria," she says, wiping her nose. "I sneeze when there are too many flowers. And yes, I do like the decor. It shows how much effort you put into this."

"I'm glad," he said, tilting his head. "I heard from your parents that this is the first time you left the palace with a suitor."

Dionne nodded in response.

"Yes," she said shyly, "I can't believe they told you that."

My parents don't respect boundaries at all, do they? she asked herself.

"So," he says, "I am glad you're wearing the gift I got you. To be honest, I didn't think you'd accept an invitation from me because of your courtship with Prince Andreas."

"Well that's just courtship," she replied beguilingly, "So long as we're not engaged, I believe we have the freedom to see anyone we please."

Azaria was stunned. He's never heard something like this come out of a woman's mouth before. He found it quite clever and unique.

"You truly are something else," he comments, tilting his head. "But I agree with you, Princess. It's only fair. But to you, I shall be faithful."

"I do get that a lot," she says, "But about "faithful," Prince Azaria, this is something I cannot believe. Everybody knows that Kings have their women. Men have their women. I believe you'll be just like them."

He furrowed his brows. She had a point. Most men aren't capable of fidelity. She has good reason not to trust mere words coming from him.

"I understand your distrust," he says, "But I shall prove you wrong. Some men are capable of fidelity."

"And you're one of them," she states, resting her chin on her hands. Some men just don't give up. They often give the same speech over and over again, trying to convince women that they'll be a saint. That they would change for them.

Dionne adds, "Prince Azaria, I don't mean to offend you, but I just can't seem to believe it."

He smiled, putting his hand on hers.

"I assure you, Princess Dionne," he assured, "I'm only yours."

Dionne blushed a bright shade of pink. His words had gotten to her. Somehow, she wants to believe what he said. But she knows better than to do so.

"How could you say that Prince Azaria?" she asked, "We've only just met a few weeks ago. Surely you don't believe that you're already in love."

He smiled saying, "Princess, I told you in the letter I sent that my grandparents fell in love at first sight. I believe in it. Perhaps you don't, but I know you'll grow to love me." His words were warm and honest and sincere, and the way he spoke them would make your heart melt. Azaria puts the charm in "Prince Charming." Dionne's mischievous smile made him wonder what she was thinking of. Was he being too cheesy, or did he say the wrong thing?

"What are you smiling about?" he asked curiously.

"Your innocence," she replied raptly.

Is she teasing me? he thought curiously.

He then asked, "My innocence?" He didn't understand what she meant by it.

"I admire the way you view love, Prince Azaria," she clarified, "It's innocent and refreshing. No one has ever broken your heart."

Azaria blushed. He didn't understand why she said it, but it was clear to him that pain comes along with her words. Something about her last statement had a hit of sadness in them. It's in her eyes and tone.

Has someone broken yours? he thought concerningly. It was none of his business, yet he felt the need to know who broke her. He felt a veil of protectiveness over her.

"I'm sorry to hear that," he said unconsciously. He mentally punched himself in disappointment.

Dionne looked up with a perplexed face.

Sorry? Was he sorry to hear that no one broke his heart? she asked herself, confused. He's a funny one.

"I beg your pardon?" she asked.

He smiled sheepishly, replying, "Sorry. The words that came out of my mind are different from what I intended to say. Yes, you're correct. No one's ever broken my heart. I never let anyone in."

Interesting, she thought, looking rather intrigued.

"So, why did you decide to let me in?" she asked, "Is it because of the crown we both wear on our heads? The obligation our parents placed on our shoulders?"

He smiled, nodding in response.

"I will admit that I was sent here for that purpose, but my heart opened up willingly upon meeting you. Something about you draws people in willingly. I wanted to get to know you not because of your crown," he says passionately, "Here I am today on a date with the first person who entered my heart and I'm happy."

"How could you say that so calmly?" she asked, blushing. He's so different. His words aren't just mere flattery. He meant them and she could feel it. She could feel every emotion in his statement.

He replied, "I don't know. I'm sure about how I feel though."

Amazing. He's got such a way with words... I wonder how Haze is doing with Prince Owen though, she thought deeply.

Shaking her thoughts away, she asked, "So, you said you liked history. What do you like about history?"

Azaria's eyes lit up. No one ever asked him about his favorite interest before. Dionne was the first.

"Well, I enjoy reading about the past stories," he said, "How our world came to be what it is today. How kingdoms fell and were built. I enjoy studying these topics in the library. What about you, Princess Dionne? What do you like about history."

"I enjoy learning about the history of magic," she replied, "As you know, there are tons of witches in the world, but only a few people are born with magic in their veins. You know my friend Haze, right? She possessed lavender eyes—a trait only their clan possessed. In the history books, they're said to be a mark making them beast tamers. Though, only a few of them in their clan possess it."

"I see," he replies, "You share this trait. Your eyes are red. You yourself are born with magic flowing through your veins. I never read anything about it in the library though. It's like all traces of information regarding your abilities have been wiped out."

"The clan who possessed these are the Cerussites. As you know, there was a massacre about a hundred years ago," she said, "The last pure Cerissites are scattered around the world."

"The King responsible for the massacre was King Andreas of Nifontivite," he says, "I remember reading about that. Both Cerussites and Nifontivites are rivals in strength and power. Both clans have magic in their veins."

Exactly. That's one of the reasons why my mother loathes Andreas and his family, she thought. Dionne learned of this when she was taken from the academy. Her family made sure that she was aware of what happened between both kingdoms and that she too would come loath the Nifontovites.

"That's right," she nods, "Which Kingdom origin do you enjoy reading about the most?"

"Can I ask you something?" he asked curiously.

Dionne nodded in response.

"What is your power?" he asked. The magic flowing in her veins was one of the reasons why his parents push both him and his brother to court the princess. They're eager to have it in the family one day.

"That's not up for discussion just yet, Prince Azaria," she said politely, pushing the topic aside. Her red eyes seemed colder than the freezing winter that befell them in the previous year.

Realizing the shift in her mood, he decided to let it go,

"Apologies if I pried," he says, "I hope you don't see me differently."

"Not at all," she smiled, "You're the first one to ask me about the topic. Let's just enjoy the rest of our date, Prince Azaria."

He nodded in agreement. They spent the rest of the day talking and eating the best the restaurant has to offer. He talked of the greatness of the Reideites and how they came to be one of the most powerful empires in history. Dionne enjoyed speaking about the kingdom of Ekanite and how grand their palaces were and their witches. The two talked as though they've known each other for years. They enjoyed each other's company.

Being friends with you is much easier than I thought it would be, Dionne thought, smiling at Azaria. Still, the fear that he's only after her power lingered within her. Should anyone find out what she's capable of, her situation will turn into a hell on earth.