
Empyrean Xuandi

Wang Fan, who has the secret book of Empyrean Xuandi, the origin of martial arts, is an ordinary student of the Golden Academy. In order to avenge his brother, he put on the silver tiger king mask, and since then there is another silver tiger king who threatens the world.

aotianwuheng · ファンタジー
15 Chs

Xuandi's secret book reappears, the world of martial arts is no longer peaceful

Legend has it that Emperor Xuan created the Cheats of Supreme Xuandi and became the source of the beginning of martial arts. All martial arts exercises in the world are derived from this manual of martial arts. In ancient legends, whoever gets the Cheats of Supreme Xuandi can become the second A man as powerful as Emperor Xuan.

Time flies, and the entire martial arts world has undergone great changes. Martial arts have changed from strong to weak, and then from weak to strong, and the cycle continues until today!

There used to be countless martial arts practitioners with powerful spells in this world, but now those powerhouses have all died, and they have reached the point where a single golden martial god can defeat all immortal cultivators in the world. When the powerhouses are still alive, gold Valkyrie belongs to an extremely ordinary level of combat power, but now he can dominate the world, and the race with the Golden Valkyrie is the most powerful race in the Xuanwu world.

Today, the Human Race, the Heavenly Demon Race, and the Jiuyang Ba Saber Race each have a golden warrior god, forming a three-legged situation. The rest of the small races all depend on the three major races to survive. However, the human race golden warriors are aging, and there are many rumors in the world. Ten years and eight years, or at least three years and five years, will die of old age.

As a result, the peaceful Xuanwu world is surging with dark tides!

At this time, in the Golden Academy, a middle-aged man stood in the second-floor pavilion and said loudly to the students below:

"The Golden Academy's annual intra-court martial arts competition is now officially open."

"In the first match of the preliminary round, Song Chuanxing played against Wang Fan."

As soon as he finished speaking, a young man with long yellow hair in academy clothes tied his hair into a crown, jumped up, and boarded the martial arts arena. After a while, he turned around and pointed to the back, and said arrogantly, "Wang Fan, come up and fight. "

At the same time, under the martial arts arena, a young man with a ponytail strolled towards the martial arts arena. His expression was firm, and the middle part of his forehead made him very handsome. The surrounding students watched him and whispered, and Song Chuanxing on the ring looked at him. Step by step, he walked to the stairs of the ring until he stood on the ring, raised his right hand, pointed to Wang Fan, and said arrogantly, "I have long thought that you are not pleasing to the eye."

Immediately, he stretched out his index finger and middle finger on his right hand. He stretched out three fingers in a row and counted them and said, "An ordinary student who has no family background, no talent, no ability, and can only earn tuition and living expenses by cleaning in the library."

"You are not qualified to like the most beautiful female students in our academy. I will let you know that some people are beyond your reach in your life."

As soon as he finished speaking, Wang Fan cupped his hands and said, "I admit defeat!"

As soon as these words came out, the students below burst into laughter. Song Chuanxing on the stage put his hands on his hips and pointed at Wang Fan with the other, and said, "You are not a man, you are a man, fight me, I only use one hand to follow me. You hit, no, I don't use one of my hands and two legs, I'll hit you with one hand!"

Unexpectedly, Wang Fan ignored him at all, turned around and said, "I will admit defeat." Then he walked towards the bottom of the ring!

This made Song Chuanxing anxious, and he hurriedly drank: "Hey, bastard, stop and don't leave."

Immediately, he rushed forward, his right hand was his palm, and the turquoise light gathered in his palm, and said, "Since you have already stepped into the ring, we must fight you before you can leave."

Seeing that the palm was about to hit Wang Fan, a young girl shouted, "Stop." Immediately, a palm slammed out, knocking Song Chuanxing back.

Song Chuanxing took a few steps back to stabilize his body. The blue-green light on his right hand disappeared, and he said softly to the girl in front, "Junior Sister Lu, I'm trying to make you recognize the face of this useless man!"

Who knows, the girl ignored him, turned around, and asked Wang Fan softly, "What's wrong?"

Wang Fan lowered his head and said, "Today is the third day of the fifth lunar month."

The girl instantly understood what Wang Fan was thinking, and said softly, "I'll accompany you."


After finishing speaking, the two walked down the stage together. Song Chuanxing above was very angry. Just halfway there, a student around said loudly, "Student Lu, there is still your preliminary competition."

The girl waved her hand and responded, "I'm not participating."

When the two came to the lake, Wang Fan knelt down on one knee, placed three small flowers by the lake, and said in his heart, "Brother, it's been a year, and I haven't found the murderer, it's my incompetence."

A year ago, it was raining in this place. Wang Fan hurried to the place and found that there were many people around the lake. Wang Fan quickly rushed up, but saw his brother lying on the ground being carried away. Kneeling on the ground in despair, one of the students around said softly, "I heard that Wang Ping came here today to date the beautiful Gu Ya'er!"

"Hey! Why did Wang Fan's brother die?"

"Who knows that?"

"It can't be said nonsense."

Wang Fan looked at them and thought: "Gu Ya'er?"

He immediately ran to Gu Ya'er's residence, knocking on the door and shouting loudly, "Gu Ya'er." At this time, a female student asked, "Are you looking for Senior Sister Gu? She received an order to go out to practice!"

"It is estimated that he will not be back in a short time!"

Wang Fan slammed on the door with a punch, and lowered his head, very depressed.

Later, Wang Fan returned to the lake and said, "Maybe, there will be clues at the bottom of the lake."

Speaking of which, Wang Fan didn't say a word. He stretched out his hands and jumped down into the lake. The lake was full of pink lotus and lotus leaves. On the tablet are written the secret book of Supreme Xuandi in large characters!

Back in time, Wang Fan lowered his head and said in his heart, "Brother, I will definitely find the murderer and avenge you."

Wang Fan stood up and said in his heart, "It's your soul that is protecting me. When I got the Secret Book of Supreme Xuandi, my cultivation has grown very fast. In just one year, I have cultivated the martial arts realm to the fourth level. "

Wang Fan clenched his fists and continued to read: "But now I have to hide my true abilities all the time, so that people will mistake me for an ordinary student. I believe that as long as I always pretend to be weak, the murderer will eventually leave clues. let me find it."

"Whether it is ten years or twenty years, I will definitely catch the murderer!"

Supplementary knowledge:The levels of the Supreme Xuandi cheats are from low to high: Martial Dao level, Red Vein Awakening level, Orange Power Fusion Level 1, Green Body Spiritual Response Level, Blue Dao Martial Wisdom Level, Purple Qi Heart Pool Level, Gold Martial God Level

I am a new author, thank you for watching, I hope you can support me, this is my motivation to continue writing.

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