
Empyrean Xuandi

Wang Fan, who has the secret book of Empyrean Xuandi, the origin of martial arts, is an ordinary student of the Golden Academy. In order to avenge his brother, he put on the silver tiger king mask, and since then there is another silver tiger king who threatens the world.

aotianwuheng · ファンタジー
15 Chs

Wang Fan was arrested

Wang Fan came to the library to clean up, looked at the time and said, "It's almost time, I should go to the martial arts field to watch the Qianying competition."

As soon as these words fell, the door was pushed open. The person who came was Lu Qianying. I really thought that whoever would meet someone, I said angrily as soon as I entered the door: "I'm so mad, I lost to Song Feilian."

Wang Fan comforted: "The death scythe he cultivated is the academy's top killing martial art. You haven't practiced it yet, so it's normal if you can't beat him."

Wang Fan asked, "How is your Feather Cloth Breeze Technique?"

Lu Qianying laughed and said, "I'm almost done with my practice. I think in another five or six days, I'll be able to master it completely."

"After you practice, I will choose the best martial arts for you!"

"That's great! It's really thanks to you that the three martial arts I'm practicing now are all selected for me by you, and they all suit me perfectly. Every time you give me advice, I'm also very good. You will accompany me to practice later, and let you See how far my martial arts has improved."

"It's not good, you just finished the ring match, you should retreat to practice, your instructor will not agree."

Lu Qianying listened well and said, "Don't worry, I will communicate with my tutor, she is my sister!"

Then he ran to the guard of the library and said something. After he finished speaking, he dragged Wang Fan and ran out into a courtyard. Lu Qianying said, "Sister is not here today, so let's practice in this courtyard!"


Immediately after Lu Qianying performed the feather coat light wind technique, it floated up. Wang Fan didn't know where he got a long spear and practiced the spear there. Did Wang Fan learn the move called spear like a dragon?

After the practice, Wang Fan went back alone, and was blocked by a person on the way. The person who came came with a pair of steel claws on his hand, turned around and introduced Wang Fan: "My name is Sun Bao!"

Dude, people who didn't know it thought you were Wolverine.

"I'm from the Song family, I have something to ask you."

At this time, two people suddenly jumped out from behind Wang Fan, blocking Wang Fan's retreat. Sun Bao turned around and threatened: "Don't make a sound, or I won't guarantee your safety."

Good guy, if Wang Fan wasn't afraid of revealing his strength, he would crush you every minute, and you don't know your mother. If I had a chance to put on my mask, I would instantly kill you.

As everyone knows, Wang Fan's roommate in the distance, Xie Wentong, saw this scene and panicked: "No, the Song family can't find the Silver Tiger King, and poured their anger on Wang Fan."

"No, Wang Fan is in danger."

Seeing this, Xie Wentong immediately turned around and ran to call for someone. At the same time, Lu Qianying and her sister were talking in the hospital. Xie Wentong came running out of breath, and her sister asked, "What's the matter with you, Xie Wentong?"

Xie Wenfeng panted and said, "It's not good, Wang Fan was caught by the Song family's guard Sun Bao to the back of the mountain."

"Presumptuous, the academy is a place where outsiders can act rashly, and the Song family has crossed the line."

After my sister finished speaking, she immediately flew to the back mountain to save people!

After a while, he slowly landed in front of Sun Bao and others, stopped Sun Bao and others, and Sun Bao said, "Lan Dao Wuhui realm?"

Instructor Lu turned around and said to Sun Bao, "The Song family has crossed the line."

Sun Bao said politely: "Mr. Lu, we just want to ask Wang Fan about the Silver Tiger King. There is absolutely no other meaning. Instructor Lu must not misunderstand."

"The Song family forgot the agreement between Dean Cheng and the three major families in Lingtian City three years ago. If the Song family forgets, I can tell Dean Cheng. I guess Dean Cheng will be happy to visit the Song family. "


Sun Bao heard that it was okay, and said quickly: "Don't don't don't, don't need it."

Then he turned his head and ordered the two hands behind him: "Let people go, let them go!"

"I hope this is the last time, otherwise the Golden Academy will show no mercy."

After Sun Bao heard it, he turned around and walked to Wang Fan's side, grabbed Wang Fan's shoulder and whispered in his ear, "I want to know the truth of your elder brother Wang Ping's death, and let the Silver Tiger King go to the Song family tonight."

Then, he patted Wang Fan twice on the shoulder and left, Wang Fan bowed his hands and said, "Thank you, mentor!"


Instructor Lu then turned around and left.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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