
Empyrean Xuandi

Wang Fan, who has the secret book of Empyrean Xuandi, the origin of martial arts, is an ordinary student of the Golden Academy. In order to avenge his brother, he put on the silver tiger king mask, and since then there is another silver tiger king who threatens the world.

aotianwuheng · ファンタジー
15 Chs

Just got a clue, the suspect was killed

The Silver Tiger King said, "Patriarch Song, the blow just now was too abrupt and caught me off guard. Wait for me to rest."

In just a few short sentences, the meaning of ridicule and domineering spirit was not lost. King Silver Tiger raised his finger to Song Hailong and said, "Let's come again!"

When the words fell, the Silver Tiger King jumped up from the chair, condensed strength in his right hand, and swiped at Song Hailong. Song Hailong threw his fists to meet him, but was repelled by the Silver Tiger King, stepping on the ground with both feet, surrounded by There were cracks, and the Silver Tiger King slowly landed.

Like a ferocious tiger, he didn't give his opponent a chance to breathe. As soon as he landed, he attacked again. The two of them radiated blue light from their entire bodies and started close hand-to-hand combat. In the competition between the strong, one slow step would lead to failure. The attack, and soon kicked back the master of the Song family!

The master of the Song family blocked the attack of the Silver Tiger King with both hands and retreated a few meters before unloading the Silver Tiger King's power, and then sighed: "Such a young master of Lan Dao Wuhui realm is amazing!"

The Silver Tiger King turned around and walked to the long spear he had inserted into the ground. He pulled out the long spear inserted into the ground and asked softly, "Please also ask Patriarch Song to tell me why my brother died."

The head of the Song family told the Silver Tiger King: "The night Wang Ping was killed, a student named Zhang Yunsheng was called out of the dormitory!"

"Thank you!"

After the words fell, the Silver Tiger King used the meteor step to shuttle on the roof and left the Song family.

Song Hailong turned around and walked back to the room, and Song Fei even asked, "Dad, do you just let this Silver Tiger King go?"

Song Hailong said solemnly to Song Feilian, "If I do whatever it takes, I can definitely defeat him."

Then he looked at Song Feilian and said, "But you two won't be able to leave alive."

Song Feilian said excitedly, "But the second brother..."

"If you want to take revenge, you must have strength. This Silver Tiger King's cultivation technique is very amazing. He can successfully fight against me in the early stage, and he can also seize the upper hand. If I want to defeat him, I must break through the realm."

"I have decided to try to break through to the Ziqi Heart Pond realm in retreat and practice, and you will be in charge of the family affairs for the time being."

"Remember, don't let your second brother go out and cause trouble."

At the same time, the Silver Tiger King was running towards the academy with a spear in his hand, and the running Silver Tiger King secretly swore: "I must find Zhang Yunsheng, I have known this person during the previous investigation, this person is just like the eldest brother, they all It is Gu Ya'er's suitor, Zhang Yunsheng's martial arts cultivation is indeed higher than that of the elder brother, could it be... is he the murderer?"

After the words fell, the Silver Tiger King speeded up and quickly returned to the academy's residence. After entering, he took off his mask, put away his spear, put the mask in a cabinet to hide it, and walked out of the dormitory!

On the road, some practitioners shouted, "Someone is dead, someone was killed."

"It's Zhang Yunsheng. He was actually killed. Who did he offend!"

Wang Fan, who was passing by the door, heard that Zhang Yunsheng was killed, and walked into the room to find out. Wang Fan, who went in, saw it and thought in surprise, "Why is this happening, I just found out that Zhang Yunsheng was suspected, and he died?"

"Could it be that the murderer knew in advance?"


"There is absolutely no need for the Song family to leak this matter to others. Besides, even if it is leaked, is it too late?"

Just when Wang Fan was puzzled, the instructor of the academy said to the students who were squatting on the ground crying: "Don't be nervous, everything is backed up by the academy. Think about it carefully, have you found anything?"

The student stood up, found a chair and sat down, picked up a glass full of water, took a sip, and said in a panic, "I saw the back of a wolf, yes, that person, like a wolf, just Like what I learned in class, those people of the wolf race, what they look like after they become wolves."

The vice president walked over to the deceased Zhang Yunsheng to check the wound and said, "It's Wolf Claw Fist!"

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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