
ch 9 : Hello in there mother in law

~~~~~"I.. see..i understand..so i was right all along i do have a stalker isn't it "Mother in law" or should call you <Claire>!!?...

...while yesterday home building..time..

~~And when he was bussy having fun whit the finishing touches and upgrades of his new fantasy <Elvish Home> while he carried the girls on his back flying all over the place...

...<sephy> fail to notice the presence of a stalker...who was intensely looking at him from fare away> on a branch and whit her back touching the trunk of the <Mother holy-tree>...

...And the female presence was looking intensely >at <sephy> whit a dumbfounded look on her face mumbling >

~~~"we took six days to create my and reinforce my tree-body-avatar.. six days.. me and my twin worked hard and got exhausted many times.. but.. but..

~~ him did all thisss.. in a few minutes and is about to finish soon" ! she the new presence >was mumbling out loud and while >her face was showing a rainbow of intense emotions for the first time in hundreds of years she felt...and she was looking close to have a "mental meltdown" .

~~"I guess i did choose well" ! "nodding" whit a serene look on her face now...

~~And if someone would notice our new stalker? would be confused abaut the fact she looked like a carbon twin copy of lolly< Nol>..

~~After a while she calmed down and now she was looking at <sephy> whit a very sharp and strange glint in her eyes> like she made up her mind about something... and the turmoil present on her face disappear replaced whit a small smile while she was absorbed by the tree trunk of <The Mother Tree>..disappearing from sight..

~~"i have chosen wisely " !.....

...and also...

~~And again >Unknowingly to <sephy> whit his presence and actions; drastically changed the future of< Claire>....

... First> by taking every of her mature daughters as a bride >He eased her burdens initially and later he has broken the their connection of his brides whit their Mother by> taking the full responsibility of supplying all their energy needed to live as an <elf> and lastly the <Oath Seal> he gave them> made the connection permanent removing eny external interference..

~~and the younger ones the asexual innocent <High> and <Dark> <Elves>?..well whit them was different!..

~not understanding completely what the great slumber meant and since the Elves existence is connected to the holy-Tree and if slumber meant possibility of dead also meant death of all Elves so he rerouted their connection from the Tree to him..

~~at the beginning by mistake when he first> mokun-tentacle played all <Dark Elves> and the young ones were present there too..

...And the <High Elves> youth >well it is kinda embarrassing really..."Head Pats" ''..." jeez he only met them twice> ..first :

...some of them when was dating <Firis> and second time when he went to the pond to >upgrade it into a "Japanes Onsen" found them >having a bath there waited for them to finish and lots of "pat"pat" later because they are "cuteee and innocent" and basically he made an imprint on them without knowing it.....

~And secondly: by visiting the<Mother Tree> to paying his respects and studying her body..

... And because of a combo: suden more energy in her system: because <sephy> took her burden of supplying to her daughters by> doing it himself and the pervy visiting by studying his single virgin <Mother in Law> by aka> gardening while studying her..or actually softening and making more fertilit the ground were the <Tree> was planted and removing parasites and death tissues from her avatar plus a huge amount of special divine chakra introduced in her system....

.....and now at present time.....

~~"my my but.. i like it better when you called me your cute lil wife more. and... about spanking my lil bottom !!? <Claire> said while taking a thinking pose .." i guess i have no choice but to obey you...after all you are my daughters and mine..big ..bad..wolf..husband.

.. i did choose you didn't i !?"..<Claire> said while covering her lil face looking shy.....

..."say whattt!!!?"..mentally panic while at surface was looking lost..

~<sephy> was rooted to the ground looking at the carbon copy of <Nol> but whit a few lil differences> for starters her hair was a beautiful green lot longer whit more volume and free reaching the ground whit bluish tips at the end...

..., big green eyes whit a silver catlike feature in >who looked like were shining and apart from same long elf-ears she had a big wood made pair of Druid horns similar shape to a deer looking very beautiful and dressed... surprise ,surprise:only her privates arms and legs were covered by a cool looking plant vine going around her body...overall she looked like a combo of lolly exotic female druid and hot dryad...

...but she stopped suddenly remembering something....

~"You called me <Claire> !!?... only my twin called me that way.. did..!? <Claire> playful attitude was gone now looking concerned..

...Did.. you meet <Alex>..!? asked whit hope on her voice.. ..how is he doing..!!?" <Claire> were.. asked me looking straight into my eyes whit a sad and lodging look like missing and being preoccupied abaut a loved one..

~ I ..i paused and looked at her and began to approach her made her sit with me at the edge of the pond ....

~~~"We have some talking to do !"...

...one hour later....

~~"And she fallen asleep !"..one hour later after we finished talking about everything <Claire> fallen asleep on my lap >while holding me gently by my waist... looking very cute and at peace..

~~>while i was running my fingers on her silky green long hair looking how frail and defenceless she seemed to be while sleeping.

...and i was amazed about her horns who seemed to defy logic like boobs defy gravity they are softening at contact and not hurting me when she had her head on my lap....

...I got the reason why <Alexander> was looking strange when> I offered my help for <Claire> condition...is a unexpected strange story...and..

...Quite a story there i might add because : it

appears they were inseparable from their birth always together doing everything together....

..until a heartbroken <Claire> decided to retire for good> giving her brother full reign over.. well everything and retired ....

~Their task was simple ...to observe- protect and guide> Earth and his inhabitants on the right path following a script and protect from external influences...

~~She explained me about their purpose of keeping things on the right track..minimum influence here and there...when deviation were formed...

....While <Alexander> was more like the adventurer type who was tasked whit the muscles..Claire was more the Sage Druid type who from shadow was doing her things...

~About the history of earth and the external influences of beyonders and more she talked more cuddly she got..

~~~Alfheim was created by the both of them together combining their power at their peak and took lots of time and power to make this small dimension> whit different settings of laws compared to earth, were time flow was different, just like my time-space domain...

...The planet inside of this dimension was their home and playing ground....

~Whit the passage of time <Claire> was getting more disappointed by the humans and their nature but still continued with her task well she had to.. or the would be directed consequences to her very existence..

...<Claire> was heartbroken> because; for the start humanity was cruel and made no sense...so she even broke the rules for the first time by creating the <Elves> and paid the price losing a big chunk of her divinity...

...The <Elves> race were human girls souls saved and reincarnated as elf by her ..unborn and borne children saved from a big ancient village who was reduced to nothing by war and cruelty of the winner side...man's nature..

...But she kept going on but later !..until she got her first crush; who changed everything...

..by ending very bad...the last strow you may say...

~~She fallen in love with a human boy who she stalked for years ..while <Alexander> pursued into changing her mind everytime> because of the price she would pay again by getting in conflict whit the their job and also because the boy was a mortal...

... But <Claire>was not discouraged and found a solution> she let him live his mortal life whit the intention of claiming him >after his death just> like she did by reincarnated the girls souls saved from a village destroyed by cruel men she intended to do the same whit the boy...

...But the boy hade a interesting destiny ahead of him >born a normal village boy who> lost everything to war and raised himself into a noble lord who conquered that area establishing a kingdom and ruled it as a king himself...

...He was a good boy> who became a good man> a good ruler and a good husband and father...but..!. his legacy did not go on like it should be...once old he gaved the throne to his son and retired whit his wife and concubines leaving everything in the hands of his children and trusted ones...

... The result was a disaster >spoiled children whit lots of power over the masses...their actions and cruelty were ... disgust and provoked <Claire>and as result she turned his court members including his offspring> into the first generation of monster> because of their actions they since they act like monsters so she punishing them all by actually making them into the goblins and the rest..paying the price for the second time in her existence even worse than the first time...

...And when the time come >she offered herself to him on the his deathbed..but.. she was surprised by his refusal...the man was no longer the boy she fallen in love with(made her realise what her twin actually meant whit been a mortal)...

~~After a few years she stopped coming to earth and lived on their domain Alfheim taking care of her children whit the help of her twin brother <Alexander>...

...<Alex> continued doing his task going often to earth and removing outsiders influences until a day <Claire>made a life changing decision>...

... she asked <Alex> help by braking their duality and giving <Alexander>her full authority and <Claire> became one whit her avatar tree...

...Her decision hit hard <Alex> since they were inseparable from birth and he loved to much his sister not wanting to abandon her but <Claire> did it enyway even under her brother protest...

...Alfheim lil dimension> was their domain their personal paradise> built together by them and it become <Claire> eternal resting place...

...Alexander was thrown and looked out against his protest and separated forever(he could enter by force but it would endanger his sister adding more salt on the wound)...

...but she did mention that she did it also for <Alex> since >at difference of her <Alexander> was really interested in earth and earthlings and interacting whit humans but his loyalty was keeping him from enjoying and going with his life so.....

...And many thousands of years here we are me enjoying the fruit of her passion while she rest her frail body on my lap...what can someone even say in my shoes?..

~~We enjoyed this pleasant silence for a while until i finally felt the girls coming my direction...

...Their arrival and sleeping Claire put me on the spot made me reluctant on disturbing her from her peaceful sleep but hade to.

...A lil nudge made her wake up whit sleepy eyes looking at me> so i showed in her mind the image of the girls coming over..

...she understood the reason of the interruption of her beauty sleep.. nodded her head and slowly raised up hugging me and...slowly beginning to entering my body fussing together..woahw

..." Claire what's."..she send me a message before I even had the chance to ask..you are my tree now silly husband...and...3.2.1... sephy.exe.down...hus..husband.mumbling..

..."again lolly-obachan critical damage on my poor soul...!"..(and now i got myself a" jubbi" just like Naruto got Kurama)..wtf

..." hey don't take liberty's just like that... first offer me a date and dinner before getting inside of m.. a ment my pants for God's sake. will you..jeez!" and after saddling down she then began to connect even whit our home tree to.....

..."hey Claire don't you wana meet the girl's!!? i asked while having an idea about what's going on in her head...

..."I'm not ready yet...wait a few days until I'm rdy for that! "she said...and went to sleep..

..."Wow that's new !"...

...It took me a few minutes to regain myself online just in time to intercept the girls whit a wooden box under my arm contains my master piece as a craftsman> engagement and wedding gift for my girls .....

..."class lessons ".....

~~~So here I'm !..face to face whit 15 overexcited teen elf girls approaching me whit happy faces for a "old fashion school safety issues class and more"..

~~Have i mentioned abaut my second guilty pleasure !?> i love the looks on their faces while looking everywhere whit big eyes ..our new garden does really make a cool impact at first sight..

"good morning girls I'm glad you were able to join me in this lovely..mor..well afternoon! "

i said while giggling at their reactions..

~After a wave of good morning and introductions from the excited Elves we being the class..

...At the beginning i explained some stuff to all of them {like how to use the door from the entrance and elevators in case of emergency making them familiar with the mechanism and the usage of their provisory medallion i just gived whit many functions }..

...And after we did the yesterday thing flying around with them on my back....

....."and class done ".....

~So after a nice let's get acquainted and have some fun hour were i explained lots of stuff while i was doing the tour guide by flying whit them on my back and showing them our new home....

...I promised them again some exploring Alfheim dates and earth visit again date and return back home for lunch plus i mentioned abaut the gifts i made for them which they will receive when we are all together after lunch...

~~Something smells good i said while reaching our kitchen i did mention about Elvish cuisine yesterday didn't i hehe my wife's are so diligent....

xxxx.but first some commercial brake from our sponsors.xxxx....

...old grandfather telling stories to his grandchildren sitting near a campfire in the middle of the woods.....

~~They say: be careful whit animals because they can smell fear..but i say: be careful whit in heat Elves brides because they can smell everything especially arousal and ...now my brides play me as they wish ..it was not enough the night and morning bullying now they bully everytime and everywhere they have the chance ..as they please..and let be honest I'm always near them so !....

...It all started by accident while walking inside the kitchen were my brides decided to surprise me whit Elvish cuisine..everything is fine at this point what's not normal is the :on her knees <Lucie> who slipped away from "Air" or her clumsiness into a very compromising explicit position; while poor lil me looks at her whit innocent eyes and a "cute tent" <Lucie> words not mine"...

...and <Nol> capitalized the moment : meaning by taking the matter in her own tiny hands and unravel the great mystery behind the cute tent formed on..my pants crouch area..and again i felt humiliated and violated by her petite hand and the innocent look on her eyes when she took my penis glands on her mouth whit an expression on her face who was saying ALL MINE...All all this produced a series of events who prohibit me to truly experience my "one time life opportunity" of tasting "warm cooked Elvish cuisine" jumpin directly on the raw meat tasting and dessert...

....did i ever mentioned i love my life because if i didn't i...."Ahhhhhhhh !" not my nipples girls!.....p.s i think i heard lolly giggles in the background...strange!.....


...And that's the way the cookie crumbles:))

~~I have dissolve my domain and returned into the living room carrying many plates of food in my hand and happy brides following me behind...and enjoy our lunch..

...Soon after we went to a huge training ground for a fashion presentation and early Christmas gifts for the girls...

~~We gathered around a stone table where a beautiful ornamental wood box was placed and i opened it. I took one small golden glowing sphere from the 23 who was placed inside and begin to explain what is it by showing them directly on me...

...Once i placed in on my chest it got absorbed and a few magic or rune circles begin to appear and rotate around me...

...Ok girls let me show what I got for all of you as a gift..i took a few paces away from them and the show began : first my clothes were being the chance from one attire to another shoes too..

...And the bla bla bla explanation how they were when ....Shiny stars on their eyes was feeding my ego....so while Milan fashion week were i was doing funny poses while keep altering between many clothes...here beachwear here winter clothes hehe looking at their faces i got a funny idea in my head and shiftsphaped into my shota appearance thinking is a good idea but...i got assaulted by my wife's which demanded their own minime and crushed by seven pairs of tities and i olmost asked for help from the young ones and regretted soon when i noticed 15 blushing and fidgeting Elves fighting the urge to join and when i was about to breathe in relief Nol sealed my faith by encouraging them to join and ..that it is isn't it i did this to myself..now 23 Elves are hugging me I'm about to faint from stimulation overload luckily i shrink my peppy saving myself from more embarrassment but i did punish my brides by biting their tits or i like to think i succeeded in punishing them..

~~~Five min later I finally succeeded to free myself from their perverted clutches not whitdout making some concessions like getting myself feed by them while I'm a shota..all of them...it was my wife Nol hand who did this to me supported by the rest of my innocent brides after Nol encouraged the young ones who were..forget about it...fortunately she never let them know that her happy face in the morning when she has breakfast on my lap is not because of the food only but also for good magic usage on my pants and boxers who magically melt and the ondulatory movement she makes is because...ok all stop...tnx creation i can use illusion....

~~And now I'm naked well covered by black latex bodysuit at first and soon boom i was covered in a cool looking one pice armour like the booster gear from DxD..but not bulky and uncomfortable type ..and their faces are falling on the ground ..

...My own body armour is a combo of IronMan and issei Booster Gear whit Albion wings..

~Full body armour who looks like is melted and shaped on my body whit simple helmet similar to ironman style but more shaped like my face whit a huge visor half of my face...> turning slowly into sacred gear by adding: <Neck collar Armour> <Breastplate armour> <Pauldrons>Vambraces> <knee demi- leg and> <greaves> who make it seem one pice leg armour and the fantasy :two pointy 1m and half <Albion> wings(but more fairy shaped) going up and two shorter 1m wings going down;a long 1 m and half tail and particularly is very cool round helmet whit huge black visor half my face..all this are added on "the melted on body look" Ironman slim suit ...colour opaque bluish silver..

~~"Ok girls how do I look!?" i say awakening them from the trance while i levitate 2m from the ground while equipped whit my special bodysuit armour and a gigantic cleaver on my shoulder..whit opened wings in X shape and my tail slowly moving into a hypnotic dance ..

....And here it comes their reactions::cool so pretty woww and on"!...

~~"Cool I'm happy you love it because i made one for each of you. !" i said while unsummoning my Armour and setting my feet on the ground..then from my body 22 other me came into the picture got all the remaining items for the wooden box separating all the Elves girls and being to give their gifts..

~~~The gift is basically a "SACRED GEAR" under the form of a "MARRIAGE OATH" in theory: a small personal dimension "for say"..adapted for each of them...connect whit me and my true body <The dimension body>whit the sequence functions:

~True MARRIAGE OATH permanent for my brides and for my cute lil Elves FIANCE OATH which can be broken if they see it fit.....(which comes whit all the perk's)...

~- INVENTORY(personal 1000m³ storage space And joined space on my personal dimension : UNLIMITED)... and

~"ITEMS EQUIP":(can whit a thought wear or use eny they stored in INVENTORY)...also a ~WARDROBE (which is basically one item who can take eny shape of clothes the user Stored in.. for now filled whit all my special clothes and accessories which they can be restored if damaged )...

~personal ARMOURY ( FULL BODY ARMOUR and WEAPON'S ..their own personalized , customized and upgradeable Body armour and weapon's who can shift shape)...

~~I put in each ones chest the Golden glowing sphere while repeating my "Marriage Oath" again and i watch how the orb was absorbed by their body's and in return unde the form of one engagemen ring and a weeding ring were from on my brides fingers..

...And on the young Elves fingers an "Engagement ring" was formed all different from each other because they were custom made...and i got tackled down on the floor by each of my brides..soon followed from their example by the adorable younger Elves ..lol being crushed by cuteness what a way to die...."oh heaven !!"....and when I was enjoying the boob's fest i got a cold shower under the form of Claire comment :

`Congratulations ! ..but.. you do realise that now the younger generation of <Elves> are no longer bound to my former ASEXUAL self !!?" right!?..


...it mean they will no longer mature sexually when they reach 700th year of their life..that was with me but..whit you...




~~Ooh relax would you! instead of 7 wife's you have now 24 what the big deal!?" <Claire>said fixing the thing by more of cold shower ..

~~24 wait they are 23 ohh i se you are enjoying yourself don't you <Claire>

~~no i don't..

~~well the giggling sounds in my head says otherwise my sweet soon to be spanked lil Mother in law...and she took the fifth and disconnected.....

...and after my brain recovered and i removed myself's from their imprisonment i took each one on a Alfheim date while teaching them how to use their new treasure while exploring and some disgusting wildlife hunts ..

...our new best friends the goblins were very collaborative in life test of their new Gear as they volunteered willingly as test subjects and surprisingly they kept coming even when there was no hope for them..

...a few cute moments have and there whit the girls trying the new wings for testing most of them usually ending the ecchi way into my arms..

...and lots of ecchi moments when they were changing their new clothes proving my theory of them being totally airhead or nudist when it came about decenty or keeping their clothes on ; making my life a lil more hard than it should be...and Claire comments in my head wasn't helping much...

...and it was so fun like a game tutorial while having a date whit a hot elf or more like 23 dates in the same time...

...and fortunately i thought about everything in advance by putting in a kick ass optic interface for more control and whit a combination of illusions and share senses we were done in the evening whit the tutorial and the date was fun....

...Imagine 23 Elves woman's flying around our home while wearing cool fantasy bodysuits all different shapes and colours bumping into each other while I came to the rescue..