
Emperor of the White Moon


TheDarkness_ · ファンタジー
6 Chs

The Beginning

I blinked my eyes a couple of times believing that I was hallucinating. A fruity aroma filled my nose and my eyes were filled with the image of a white haired woman's face sitting an inch away from my face. "Are you okay?" Out of all the questions in my head that was not one them.

"That is what I asked you." I could feel the breath behind her words as it brushed across my face but I was still to preoccupied with the gorgeous woman sitting on my bed.


"I asked you if you were okay. So, are you?"

"Yes, I think Im okay but I am a little embarrassed to have you so close to my face."

"Well I do not get many visitors so please excuse my manners, in fact you are the first living guest I have seen for over 2,000 years."

I could not help but stare in disbelief, "2,000 years?".


"You do realise that that is very strange?"


A few moments passed as what she said sank in, I still did not know whether to believe her but the way she spoke almost convinced me that everything she said is true.

"How long have you lived for?"

"I was living for 25 years. I have been dead for 15,000." She said it so calmly that it did not shock me at first, after a few seconds I realised what she has just said and my jaw hit the bedding.


She cocked her head at an angle as if saying that I was the one who was crazy.

"My life ended after the experiment that I was apart of failed, the purity that was being kept under strict surveillance got out of control. The people looking after me did all they could but I entered the overflow state and then there was nothing that anyone could do, they threw my body into the forest and I was taken by a pack of wolves. Quite simple really." My jaw shut itself and I became quiet, I did not know what to say.

"How do you know what happened after you entered overflow, did you not just die at that moment?" It felt very insensitive to ask but I didn't not know what else to say.

"You do not die after you enter the state, you can't function at all so it would seem that you are dead however because of all the purity in your body you are kept alive, luckily it only took 3 days before the wolves found me and I was ripped apart."

"…if you are dead then how am I able to speak to you and see you, I could not do this with the souls outside."

"I told you, I am the empress of the White Moon. I should be able to liver thousands of years in order to keep the flow of purity and balance on the planet in order. Unfortunately it has been so many years that I a not going to be able to fulfil these tasks much longer, the purity in my body is running thin which is quite ironic but regardless, I need someone to take on my role."

I looked at her with a very confused expression, unwilling and unable to talk. She merely continued on.

"So what is your name?"

"My name?"


"I was never properly given one."

"Make one."

"I don't know what it would be though."

She didn't respond, she just looked at me with a small expecting smile.


She did not say anything clearly expecting me to say more.

"I do not want a last name. I do not want to feel as if I belong somewhere."

"Ok well I am happy to meet you Kasper. I would like to discuss the issue of picking an heir but my powers are failing to keep you here and I am going to have to rest, I will let you go back to the living world now."

. . .

The sound of rushing water lorded over the noises of the forest, animals were drinking from the banks carefully eyeing the surroundings in order to dart away in case any dangers arose. The dangers were plenty in the forest, animals had mutated due to the spread of the darkness becoming bigger and stronger, not only this but they were able to utilise purity. Not to the level of humans but enough in order to become a much larger threat than before, animals were not the only to mutate. Human like creatures roam the forest able to live for centuries with much more sensitive senses.

Two of these creatures were currently hiding in the tree tops surveying the animals drinking at the purity river below. Long dark brown hair covered both of their heads and held back in ponytails, one had her bow drawn and the other held his hand on the heat of his sword.

"Raphael, I can take the stag on the left and you will go after the doe on the right."

"No sister, I want the stag. Believe me I'm ready now."

"Listen to me, you do not need to try and impress your sister. We haven't eaten for weeks after your last stunt."

"I won't…"


His sisters firm interruption caused a solemn expression to appear on his face, he knew that he had caused them to go hungry when he rushed into the wolf den in order to kill the alpha, but he wanted to prove to her that he was as capable as her.

His sisters skill with the bow trumped that of anyone, but it was not her skill that was the most impressive about her, it was her judgement, her senses were so much better than the rest of their family that she had been shunned for being abnormal.

After the humans found out about her banishment from the village they chased her for months, she was still young and so they were able to find her very easily. What the humans did not expect was to find a second elf with her, there was nothing special about him apart from his attitude but they decided to take him as well.

For decades they were used by their captors to perform chores, protect their assets and people but this was not all, under the 'care' of their master they were whipped, beaten, tortured and scarred for his enjoyment. They only managed to escape after the darkness hit, tearing down human structures it was easy to find a way out the hard part started when the two siblings realised that they had no idea how to survive in a forest, they were only children when they were taken thus they hadn't even started their training.

The flashes of their past flooded both of their minds as they looked each other the girl ears twitched and her eyes darted toward the river.

"Poor? What happened?"

"Shh. Look"

Poor pointed to a figure floating in the purity river dancing in the small waves created by the movement of the animals who were yet to realise its presence. His white hair camouflaged perfectly with the colour of the liquid purity, even his skin was almost as pale as the liquid the only other colours came from his lips and the golden rope tied around his arm.

The animals noticed his presence after he floated into he nose of the stag, startled it darted off into the depths of the forest with its mate in tow.

"Raphael if you want to prove your capabilities go down there, pull him out but do not make much noise, I am going to find other animals. If we are going to have to feed him as well then we need more food."

"Wait why do I have to pull him out, he is a human..I think."

"His aura is different but the similarities are still there, do not worry and just do as I tell you."

"Fine, Good luck."

Noor had jumped from her branch and into the next tree, her footsteps were untraceable and soundless yet she moved with such speed that Raphael's eyes could only just keep up with her.

After she had disappeared from view he took a deep breath and leapt from his branch quickly falling to the floor he dug his fingernails into he tree bark which helped slow down his fall. As his feet touched the floor he could already feel the firm slap that will come from his sister for making so much noise.

Raphael approached slowly, his experience with humans was clearly not good and this set him on edge. He never thought his sister would want to save one but knowing her instincts he was such more confident, he drew his sword from his scabbard and poked the man causing his body to shake forming ripples.

After he had poked him a few times he reached out his hands and grabbed the mans collar, pulling him onto he banks he saw he did not have any weapons but his body was well tempered. Raphael waited for an hour hoping the man would wake up on his own but nothing happened, the man was breathing but his eyes were shut, he couldn't help but pace around the mans body wondering if his sister would come back first or if the man would wake up.

It had gone completely dark and so he decided to start a fire, no sign of his sister nor whether the man was going to wake up. In fact it had become so late that Raphael was getting tired and slowly fell asleep, even though he was imagining the scolding from Noor for falling asleep on scout watch he could not help but doze off.

. . .

When I awoke my clothes were damp, the smell of smoke filled the air and the sight of a blonde haired man sitting against the trunk of a tree made me all the more curious. I thought to myself that I really need to stop getting into these situations, but this wasn't like the last times. Birds chirping filled the forest but the sound of rustling caught my attention, I looked over in its direction but my vision was interrupted by dark green bushes.

I could hear the sound of footsteps getting closer and I started to panic, there was no weapon around me so I got worried. My martial prowess is good but I have no actual combat experience, instead of fighting head on I decided to jump into the tree and as I bent my legs I infuse a small amount of purity to ensure I could get there in one leap.

My knees straightened, muscles contracted and elated as I left into he air, more specifically I lept 30 feet into the air.

'What the hell?! I have jumped high before but only about 10 feet. The good thing is is that I am well out of any visual from below.'

As I perched onto a branch a voice sounded from below.

"You can come down, I asked my brother to fetch you from the river. I brought food."

I stayed as quiet as I could. Instead of breathing I ran purity through my lungs, it was not sustainable but it should be enough. I was given away though, by my own stomach. The grumble caused a nearby bird to screech and take off out of the canopy.

"Would you like some?" This time the voice came from behind me, I turned around and saw a blonde woman with ears that pointed out of her hair and a cold look on her face.

I jumped so scared that I fell through the branches full of leaves and hit the floor with such a crash that the man who was sleeping on the tree woke up with a jolt and a small scream.