
Emperor of Anime

With the tragic passing of his father, a young man by the name of Kira Rowe visits Japan, the place which his father loved with all his heart to pay final respect to his old man. But without him planning this he became a CEO of an almost rundown Animation studio, the last thing he got from his father. Follow the adventure of the CEO of a small Animation Studio who tries to deal with his crazy colleagues, financial problems, and being a foreigner CEO in Japan, all with one goal: to create the best anime ever. ... I will try to be as realistic as possible with this story, especially when it comes to the whole process of making an anime but of course, for the fun of the story and some other stuff, it won't be 100% realistic... ... My first novel is here, to be honest, it is surreal seeing a web novel of my own on this site. What can you expect? I am not sure, as I am new to this I decided to go with a slice-of-life story that contains some comedy and is mostly about making anime and weird characters. When it comes to grammar, everything should be fine on that front, English isn't my first language but I tried to fix mistakes while writing. Of course, if you notice any mistakes, please tell me. ... If you want to read more than 20 chapters upfront check out My Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/StoryWriter946

StoryWriter · アニメ·コミックス
49 Chs

Chapter 11 – Lost

Failure…One of the worst feelings a person can experience. When you are doing everything you can to reach the goal, to succeed, with just one mail your whole effort can go to waste.

It is tough being positive in that kind of situation, especially when the whole company depends on this.

And more than anything the feeling of disappointing someone hurts and that's the main reason why Kira is in such a bad mood. He is a boss, a boss that a lot of people depend on…

So, currently, Kira doesn't have any idea what to do next. He learnt a lot in his university days but like you all know reality is often different. In reality, you don't deal with words in a book but with real blood and flash people.

Who knows why the author and its publisher didn't accept the offer? Countless possible reasons could answer that question.

"Fuck, great fucking beginning."

With a look full of frustration Kira started swearing.

*tack, tack

After feeling lost for an hour, it was currently 9 am. And our hero was in the same position but this time with a brooding look on his face, pondering, while he was lightly hitting a desk with his finger.

"Haaah, still nothing. I can maybe contact the authors of two other manga but I want this one…Should I ask for help?"

While Kira is someone who wants people to depend on him, he is also capable of looking at the bigger picture.

If after a lot of thinking you can't find a solution, you should use your contacts, your friends and ask them for an opinion. Two heads are smarter than one.


"Hello, uncle? I need your opinion on something."

"Hahaha, my boy, did you finally learn how to ask for help…"

"Well, people do learn uncle, now let's get to work."

This time with a smile on his face and a lighter burden Kira explained the problem to Joshua.

"I see, well my boy, you just went through a school, a painful school…"

And that's how Joshua started lecturing Kira.

"Your e-mail was normal and by the book, still you should have put a bait that would guarantee you at least one meeting with the mangaka."

"Bait? What do you mean?", Kira asked.

"Nexus Animation is an unknown studio, we can't offer much and we don't even have a reputation, why would they accept our offer? Your mail was good but it didn't contain something that would tempt them to negotiate with us. You played it too safe but this still isn't a game over for us, as they gave you a polite refusal, and don't forget, this is business and there doesn't exist a businessman on this planet that would give up extra profit." 

Hearing him say that, a lightbulb flashed in our hero's mind and he gradually understood what he should have done better. In all his nervousness he played this whole situation so safe that he left it all to fate that they would accept the offer just like that. The real world doesn't function like that and in the end, Kira now has an extra bit of experience, a guarantee that will stop him from making the same mistake a second time.

"I understand, uncle, so how can I fix it?"

"Hahaha, my boy, that is easy, sincerity, show some sincerity."

Sincerity, a simple word but in this case a word that presented to Kira countless solutions and now it is up to him to decide which one to choose.

"Thank you, uncle, really thank you. I know what to do now."

With determination plastered all over his face, Kira continued.

"Uncle please go to the studio and tell the guys I am going on a business trip."

"Business trip?"

"Yes, I am going to Tokyo."