

Emotions are a powerful thing, they can cause us to do so many things like fall in love, build relationships, or even fall into despair. Despair like Emovere has. A country that was once the most powerful & wealthiest country in all of the world has since its reign been riddled with civil wars. Until one day a powerful Queen by the name of Elpis saved the land. For the next several years Emovere would slowly prosper until she mysteriously vanished without a word, causing the land to fall back into despair. Years later a mysterious individual by the code name Tournament would make their presence known with the announcement of Tournouá Tou Menos a tournament that all would be welcome with the grand prize being Menos, a drug that can grant someone eternal happiness. In this world emotions are everything, they are the reason only a handful of its original 50 states remain, they are the reason why Emovere is close to its end and they are the reason select individuals have become very special. Felichs being one of them. An 18-year-old from the poorest city in all of Emovere hopes to enter this tournament in order to give their mother who’s dying from illness one last moment of happiness. Many will enter Tournouá Tou Menos but only one will win. Who will come out on top? What will happen after? And just who is Tournament & What are they truly planning? "You know...you can never be hurt by someone if you just...let nobody near you. I learned a long time ago that no matter what title you give a person, friend...family, it doesn't matter, they'll all turn their backs on you eventually. That's why I stopped trying to grow close to people. And sure, don't get me wrong it hurts...it hurts like hell...today I woke up and I wished I hadn't...this never-ending cycle of pain...l just want it to all be gone, I know I'll never be happy, but if I could have just one moment of peace...just one measly second...it'd be nice..." ~ Felichs

Ashe_Wayne · ファンタジー
10 Chs

Turn 9: If no one is created equal, does that not make us all special in our own way? 

As Felichs awoke they peered around their room. Sweat began to rapidly drip down their face as they started panting heavily. 

"I'm b-b-back in that room…b-b-but why? M-M-My hands…ST-ST-STOP SHAKING DAMN IT! Y-Y-You're not weak. Y-Y-You'll survive…this ti…ti…time…"


Tried as they might to get out of bed, but their breathing grew too heavy causing them to pass out. Their eyes stared blankly at the ceiling as though they were an empty corpse. The scars Felichs suffered began to repeatedly flash through their mind over and over again.

"Wh-where am I…M-My body…I can't move a muscle…oh…that's right…that damn monster attacked me and I lost…again…how will I ever save Mom if I keep on losing…I think she broke every bone in my body too…so why am I still alive? I need to get out of here…" 

Though a mighty struggle it was, they were able to slowly open their eyes. 

"Oh my love, you look so ravishing. It's always such a wondrous sight to see my beautiful sister-wife act in such an erotic manner."

"I'm pleased to see you're enjoying this, my dear. But how about my hands and yours trade places? Surely this disgusting boy won't mind."

"Sadly, I'll have to decline your offer, my love. After touching that filthy thing your hands won't go anywhere near any part of my body until they've been thoroughly cleaned."

"But brotherrrr? There's no need to be a tease. You know, with how much this is turning you on, one would believe you'd want this more often."


"Shhh, you don't have to say another word, fair brother. Instead of killing him, we can simply keep him. That way whenever one of these new urges hits we won't have to go out and capture another."

"Wh-what are you doing…G-Get off of me. Pl-Please stop…I-I-I don't want this…why is this happening to me? I know I haven't been the greatest person, but please, I'll do anything. I'll give the old man his chess pieces back…I'll work off the stuff I stole…hell you can slit my throat for the crimes I've committed, but please…please stop…"

"Oh? Look at him, my love, he's enjoying this."

"Well, of course, he is, who wouldn't be aroused to have sex with a beautiful woman like myself? Matter of fact, honey you should join in. I bet this disgusting animal would love to feel you taking their manhood."


"I'd never touch something so foul. The filthy vermin looks like it hasn't ever bathed before. Honestly, my love, you should've washed that thing, before fornicating with it." 

"I would've but you know how Margred is. Besides he's from Pauper, there's not enough water in the world to be able to clean him.

"M-Mom…pl-pl-please…help me…"

"Did it just speak? I'm shocked. Margred must've taken it easy on you. You should feel honored, boy. You're one of the few who've actually endured Margred's Rattle."

"Ahhhh! I love hearing you beg for mercy. Nobody's coming to save you, you stupid animal, so keep begging. Actually, scream, SCREAM FOR HELP — FOR MERCY— I want to hear you crying for your mother! Imagine the look on her face when she finds out she couldn't answer your pleas. It'll be absolutely marvelous!"

After many, many replays, Felichs slowly awoke once again — this time with a clearer head. 

"I-I-It was just a…I-I-I'm not in there…you sick, sick BASTARDS! I'll make y'all regret ever living. I'll make y'all beg for mercy. Just like your sick son was twelve days ago." 


"Twelve days…it's been twelve days since I got a sample size of my revenge."


"My mother's words still ring through my head."

"V! You have to do it! I-I can't stop them — they're too powerful!"

 "Stop me? Nobody will ever stop me. I scarred him. I DID IT! I got my hands on him and left a scar that he'll never forget. But it's not over yet — not by a long shot. What he did to me can not be forgiven with a simple punch to the abdomen. No…I want more. I want his life in exchange for trying to offer up mine and once Tournouá starts I'll have it. Then I'll make my way to Mori. You poor bastard. I truly have no issue with you, but I need those eyes. I can't continue to live like this. Always wondering who's going to bring harm to me. I wish you would just give them to me and I bet if you had it your way you would. As for you, you psychotic bitch, if it wasn't for priorities you'd be at the top of this list. Where the hell are you anyway? I was sure you'd show your ugly face. Well, whatever you caused me a great deal of suffering, so if I don't get to you first I hope whoever does, does the job right. But if I do get my hands on you…for everything you did to me, I'll make sure I take my time and enjoy every second of it. Malum…I simply can't stand you and it seems we both need Menos. If it wasn't for that I'd just ignore you. I have to tear apart anybody who stands in my way. I can't allow a single soul, whether important or not, to stand between me and saving Mom — that also goes for you Solis. I honestly don't know what you're after. I can't tell if you want Menos or something else. Once I get those eyes I'll be able to see whether you're friend or foe, then I'll make my decision. You seem to have a good heart, but I've met your type before. The type to smile in your face, but smirk behind your back. I really would love to hear more of your stories so I hope it's not the latter, not again. Then that leaves The Flowers of the Goddess."

"We are seven individuals who plan to take back what was stolen from us hundreds of years ago."

"Honestly I can't tell how dangerous y'all truly are. To stand against y'all seems reckless, but it also looks like y'all are ready to wage war on the entirety of Emovere and if these guys are as powerful as they present themselves then there's no way the leaders of each state don't form some kind of alliance against them. Seven people against potentially thousands? Yeah, that's just as reckless as joining them."

As Felichs stared up at the ceiling a jolt ran across their body causing them to jump out of their bed. 

"Oh I hope this message reaches you…my power has only come back in spurts, but I'll use whatever little strength I have left to make sure this reaches them."

"That voice…why are you here again? I vividly remember hearing you say we wouldn't be able to communicate again."

"If you're hearing this, it means it went through. I said before that I can't help with much, but as the days go on I fear the worst is to come, so I'm here once to try and lead you down the right path. The other night I had a Blood Vision. It was unbearable to see and will be even worse for you to experience. Your heart became empty. You became a weapon for them. That is not your purpose. You are worth so much more than that and I believe you can be the one to right the wrongs of this land, but first, you must leave Emovere before you're used for its destruction. There's a land I once hailed from known as Opibus. You must journey here and there and you'll find a man named Dux. Don't worry about the description, he does a good job of standing out from the rest of the natives. Tell him the Voice of Guidance sent you. He'll know what it means and will aid you to the best of his abilities."

"I guess it can't hear me, but what the heck is it talking about? I'm gonna be the cause of Emovere's destruction? Opibus? And why would I need protection? Could you be any more specific or are you gonna continue beating around the bush?"

"I have prepared a way for you to get there as well. Between Inanis and Emovere, thanks to King Quinn, there's a body of water that stretches out to the ocean. It's likely covered with trees and mountains so you'll be able to escape unseen. You must acquire a boat, leave this land immediately, and never return.  It'll be a long journey, but you must go when you get the opportunity, Felichs!"

Hearing the voice say their name caused Felichs' eyes to grow wide.

"H-How do you know my name? Just who the heck are you? Please answer me!"

"One last th-th-thing…if you want to a-a-access the Wheel of Br-Br-Breath…you m-m-must…"


Felichs continued to punch the ground until their fists were as red as a cherry. Noticing the blood they ripped part of the sheet off and wrapped it around their knuckles. 

"I have to find out how this power works. No. I will find out. That creep said something that might help."

"To use this ability on your own you must have a strong connection with your soul. If you did then like I said it'd be as easy as just saying the name or straining your eyes."

"Straining your eyes? So maybe if I focus hard enough on this ability then I'll be able to use it? But what would I even focus on, to begin with? I slowed down time it's not like I could…HOLY SHIT I SLOWED DOWN TIME! THAT'S SO FUCKING COOL. I ALWAYS THOUGHT ABOUT POWERS AS A KID AND TIME MANIPULATION WAS NUMBER ONE…damn it Felichs, focus now, and jump for joy later. Maybe I could focus on time. Like I could imagine that clock in Fortuna. The little hand and the big hand work in tandem. The big hand counts the minutes, while the little hand counts the hours. Each time the big hand passes the twelve, the little hand moves one number. Each time the little hand gets closer and closer to the next number another hour has passed. Don't forget the red hand because it's important too. It handles the seconds and when you focus on it, it seems to make the big hand appear to move even slower. Sixty seconds. Sixty seconds is how long it takes for a minute to pass, and sixty minutes is how long it takes for an hour to pass. That voice said I get five seconds. For the next five seconds, everything will move at its slowest possible output. It's not much time, but it's something I'll just have to work with. And the more I focus on the time the slower it'll pass. I can make that five seconds feel like hours. I have to get this down. I have to be able to use this power before Tournouá."

The clock's hands continued to move slower and slower as Felichs forced their eyes to stay open for as long as it took. Seconds became minutes. Minutes became hours. They used their fingers to hold their eyes open for as long as possible until the vessels popped one after another.

"Ughhh. Damn it! My eyes can't take any more of this and if I go any longer I just might go blind. Why…why can't I use it? Is my connection to my soul really that weak? What the heck am I gonna do against all of them? There's no way with these injuries and no power I'll be able to stand up against the field. Maybe I should take up Fox's offer…I'm sure it's still on the table. If I had him on my side there's no way I'd lose. I just wish I knew what he wanted. He's clearly not helping out of the kindness of his heart, so what is it, what the heck do you want? Maybe I should just sleep on it. There's only a few hours left until it starts. I'll find out what he wants and then make my decision. If it's worth it, I'll let him be my knight, but if it's not, then I'll bury him quickly like a pawn."

They crawled back into their bed, tossing and turning as reality began to set in. Felichs knew it was going to be next to impossible to win Tournouá in this state. What would happen if they lose? How much longer would their mother, Sana, be able to live? How many more times could they sing with her? What about laughing and eating breakfast together? Tears ran down their face as reality set in.

"I…won't be able to save her…I'm sorry mom…I tried…I really fucking did…but I'm useless. I can't do anything right and now you're gonna die…because of me…"

As Felichs tossed and turned all night, another individual who was set to have a collision with them also struggled to sleep. Mori laid on his bed as he stared up at the ceiling as though it was a dreary sky whose clouds showered the land with its waters of despair.

"You lied to me. You promised the surgery would work, yet here I am still able to see through these evil eyes. I can't take this anymore. I just want them gone. So why…why did you lie? I figured you were a better person than this, but it seems you're just like him. You're a sick person who gets off on lying to people and hurting them, just like him. You have a silver tongue, just like him. And Watson…I don't know what to make of you. I sensed deadly intentions when we were in that room, but they weren't directed towards me. So who? Your friend? Felichs? Or someone else? Well, whoever it is, I will not aid you whatever it is you seek. Ever since you left you've changed. You seem lost. A baby without its mother would be the best way to describe you. I can no longer be your eyes or your blade for Echo Path was the last. Speaking of which, I assume Mira and that Magna individual will be joining us too — likely both of their gang of bandits as well. Magna seemed like a leader at first, but that man who revealed himself to be their true leader clearly was a much stronger foe. So why did he feel so comfortable acting as their leader? Maybe it was a ruse. Maybe he was just feeding us to the beast…or maybe he's the real brains behind the Echo Bandits. Either way, he'll certainly be someone who should proceed with caution. Mira's no slouch herself either, but my goodness they say Menos can bring you happiness, but is so much pain worth it? I can't let myself go down the same path as you, Felichs. Your heart has grown too dark and now you point your blade at me. You yearn for what I despise. I wish I could just give them to you, then maybe we could be allies, possibly even friends. I'd love to help cleanse your soul. You're an innocent child who has been swallowed up by this disgusting world. I have no intention of fighting you. If you desire to come for my eyes, then at least make the process quick."

"Yo! Open up. We needa talk."

Mori grumbled as he slowly approached his door and as expected, at the entrance stood Watson. 

"What is it…Watson…what do you want?"

"Just checking in to see where your head's at."

"What do you mean…where my head's at…why would you care?"

"I don't alright. I just…look you better not lose tomorrow. I don't care who it is. Just let the Demon run rampant."

"I could've sworn…that I made it clear…crystal clear in fact…we're not partners…that was a one-time thing…you're on your own…"

"Idiot. Don't win. I don't care. But seeing as I owe you and don't feel like being in debt to an idiot like you." 

Watson nudged Mori back and shut the door. Before saying another he made his way around the room rubbing his hands against the walls and floor. He then leaned in close and whispered in Mori's ear. 

"If you're just gonna lose, then get out there as fast as you can. It's not gonna be pretty. And whatever you do, DON'T come back here and DON'T go back to Sollicitus either." With that, Watson made his exit. However as he began to close the door, he left Mori with one final message, "I know you hate those eyes of yours, but tomorrow they'll be your best friend — trust them."

Watson gave the door a little extra force as he closed it and Mori made his way back to bed. 

"Watson…just what exactly is going on? That's the first time I've ever seen you look worried. You had a tremble in your voice and it appeared as though you were shaking. Just what is this Tournouá Tou Menos? What is the reason I and, I assume, others were sought out? Is this truly a simple tournament for a prize or is it something more? And why has it been moved to an unknown land? I've heard of this Inanis before, but only in passing. They say the land is no longer inhabited ever since the wars began. Sadly I have yet to find out any other information. If only these eyes allowed me to see intentions that weren't just aimed my way I would've been able to read you better, Watson. Your strong desire for me to win was perplexing enough, but now you're saying I should leave immediately? Dan…Shaki…what should I do? Can I trust these eyes that have forsaken me for so long? Or should I attempt to win? I do not desire to shed any blood whether the person deserves it or not for who am I to judge another? But at the same time, I've never felt this sense of unease from him. I have a few hours, maybe I should go for a walk and clear my head."

Under the full moon sat Solis, as he gazed at the Perdita's starless sky wondering if he'd ever see as beautiful as the ones he'd see with deceased lover.

"Hopefully it's the last day of this ol' full' moon. Them damn things don't bring nothin' but bad luck. Mama…Dad…Stella…all three of y'all passed away on full moons, and now I get stronger 'cause of 'em. That just don't seem right. Then again nothin' in this world seems right. 

Solis dropped his head and began to shed a few tears before what felt like his wife's hands raised it and wiped the tears away. 

"You're right, love, I can't be thinkin' negative. I have to stay focused. First ima get my brother back and then we'll get Menos together. That Tournament fella promised me they'll talk to their lil buddies and that he should be back by my side before we leave. Afterward, I gotta get back and save Gladius. I didn't forget about you either ol friend. I'm coming for you and I'll have Menos with me too. You're the only person who never turned your back on me and even helped me recover my dad's body so I could give him a proper burial. I owe you so much that I couldn't think of a better way to pay you back. I know you wouldn't care for the whole 'eternal happiness' thing, but maybe it could cure your blindness. I know you say it's not a big deal and maybe it isn't, but you deserve to be able to see this world again. I get it ain't the prettiest it could but you just make it better. Ever since the day you lost your sight you haven't talked about yourself as much anymore and say what you want, but I just know you're hurtin' inside."

"G-G-Good evening Solis. I figured I'd f-f-find you out here." Ira said as he approached the large man. 

"What're you doin' up so late? Couldn't sleep either?"

"S-S-Sadly, no I couldn't. I don't know wh-wh-why I'm competing tomorrow, but I am. M-M-Mother expects me to win. She even s-s-sent my s-s-sister to make sure of it."

"Woah now, you have a sister? Well, why haven't yuh let me meet the lil' lady? Matter of fact, why ain't yuh hanging around her?"

"Sh-Sh-She's not…we're not…it's c-c-complicated. We don't have the b-b-best relationship. She's l-l-less of a sister and m-m-more of mother's eye to watch me."

"Watch you, eh? I wonder why a lady who seems to hate him also values him as much as she does. Well, what do you plan to do? Seems to me you're just waitin' for someone to tell you you're making the right decision by tryna leave."

"H-H-How did you kn-kn-know?"

"I figured if you got a babysitter then there must be a reason and while I may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer even I could've guessed it. Problem is did your mama guess it and if she did how do you plan on getting outta here without bein' noticed?" 

"I-I-I don't know what to do. Once we d-d-depart it's going to be much harder to get a-a-away, but if I tried leaving now mother w-w-would sure find out."

"Tell you what, if you find an opportunity during Tournouá, make a break for it. Run, and don't look back no matter what. It might seem scary to be on your own at first, but trust me you'll be much happier. And don't worry I'll keep anyone who wishes to impede you at bay for as long as I can. However, I don't plan on dying just yet so keep in mind that you likely won't have much time, so don't waste it."

"I-I-I couldn't possibly leave you o-o-on your own, and to fight my battles no less."

"Like I said, I don't plan on dying. If I feel like it could come to that then I'm gettin' outta there. 

"B-B-But how could I survive on my own? I d-d-don't know much about survival other than the few b-b-books I read." 

"Take the basics and build from there as yuh go. Watch the animals. They'll teach yuh what food is edible and which isn't. The best place to lay your head, and when the elements may come into play. Most important thing to remember is you're not alone. The Goddess gave us plenty of friends, albeit some a bit hairier than others, so trust and rely on them."

"O-O-Ok hopefully I can find a chance to leave, and m-m-make amends with Felichs as well…"

"Yeah…about that. Yuh might wanna just keep your distance from that one."


"Somethin' doesn't feel right. I always felt the hate in their heart, but to see it oozin' outta 'em — now that was a scary sight to behold. I think it'd be for the better if you did your best to avoid 'em. 'Specially after they left yuh that nasty scratch. Speakin' of I'm surprised it still ain't healed up, not even a lil bit."

"Yeah…I-I-It still aches a lot too, but st-st-still! I want to make th-th-things right with Felichs. I have to!"

"The kid's heart's too big for his own good. What should I do? He's gonna get himself killed if I leave 'em alone, but can I protect him long enough? Heck, can I even face someone like Felichs right now? Ugh, Stella would kill me if I didn't protect a child. She always told me that children are the ones who can change this world, but what if they're older and wiser? This boy's almost an adult himself. He must know what goes on in this world. Can a child like this change or are they too much like us adults?"

"Y-Y-You know I'd love to h-h-help you Solis. You stood up for me a-a-against Mother and now you're helping me form m-m-my escape. And you've n-n-never made fun of my stutter either. It's only right that I re-re-return the favor. So please, allow me to h-h-help you. You want M-M-Menos right? And your br-br-brother too? Let me help then."

"How could yuh help lil fella?"

"I might not s-s-seem it, but I can h-h-hold my own. As far as your brother, I'm a M-M-Mors. Our name carries great p-p-power. I'm sure if I use my n-n-name they'll have to give him back to you."

"It's fine lil buddy I do appreciate the offer, but I'd rather not use a child. Besides, I've already been guaranteed to get Nox back!"

"D-D-Don't think of it as using. W-W-We're friends, right? It's what f-f-friends do for each other."

"Alright, you can help, but only under one condition."

"What is it?"

"If it gets too much you do as I said and run. Run and don't look back. No matter what. And take this too."

"A-A-A piece of your shirt?"

"Nox has the best nose in all of Emovere. Keep that on yuh and we'll find yuh in no time."

"Ok. I promise i-i-if it starts to get out of hand I'll g-g-go. Not far though. I can't continue letting people fight my battles. Brother used to and…I can't let it happen again…not this time."

Meanwhile, back in Mediocris, we find the ravishing Dr. Benignus scrummaging through her once office.

"Hey Doc, how much longer are you gonna be?" Called out a man who had just finished smoking his cigarette. "Everybody's getting antsy."

"Tell them I said we'll leave when I say we can. I must find it, it's very important."

"What are you trying to find anyway? You leave some medications behind?"

"First of all, they're not 'some' medications." Prescriptions are very important and can help prolong a life or take away pain." Screamed Dr. Benignus as she continued digging through her old drawers. "Second of all I'm not looking for any medications, I'm looking for…AH FOUND IT!" 

"What the…what the heck is that thing? Some kind of needle?"

"Not just any needle deary, but a very special one. You see, not all patients can handle needles, matter of fact more than seventy percent of the population has a deadly fear. With that in mind, I decided to make a needle that could harness that fear and produce a serum to instantly calm someone once injected. The look on your face tells me you don't believe me. How about we go talk to those friends of yours?"

"Wait, wait, wait before we go. I was promised something for helping you dispose of those guards, wasn't I?" The man remarked with a devilish smirk on his face.

"I swear you men and your hormones. It's like even after you become adults you're still little horny teenage boys. Fine, fine you can grope my breast, BUT only for a few seconds or until I smack your hand away."

"This is so amazing, your tits feel so good Doc. I bet your ass feels just as — OW! You hit me!"

"I said a breast for breaking me in and that was it. You continue doing my bidding and maybe you'll get passed first base."

"Your wish is my command."


The two exited the building and made their way back to the man's group who seemed a lot more nervous than first described.

"Wh-what took you two so long? You better not have been being a damn perv again, Mawlis."

The man's big smile spoke for itself which led to him being smacked in the face by the young woman.

"Look he may have done this to cop a feel or whatever, but we didn't. You said you'd pay us handsomely and we expect that payment."

"And you will get your money, but first." Dr. Benignus responded before injecting the serum into the lady.

"Woah you can't just do that!"

"Nah, nah, it's ok. I feel amazing. My body feels so soft and with the slight breeze touching my skin, I feel even better. I don't know what happened, but I need some more Doc. Please just a little more?"

"No. This is not to be wasted as I only have what's left in this barrel. Now then, let's be off. We don't have much time and I'd rather not be here when the guards are."

"We don't have to worry about the guards. Look, we took care of them!" The lady responded pointing to five or so guards piled on top of one another.

"Maybe you imbeciles did earn your pay after all. Well then, let's leave this sight-for-sore-eyes of a state and be off to my manor."

After Dr. Benignus was fired; she was also banished from Perdita, causing her to take up refuge outside of the state. Eventually, she worked her way up to turning her abandoned building into a manor fit for her ego. The group currently under employment are former nurses of hers who also lost their jobs for their connections to her. She had cut ties with them until their services were needed once again. The group was hesitant at first, but thanks to Mawlis, the group of former nurses were convinced to work under Dr. Benignus once again. 

"Remember shoes off when you enter my home. Just wait outside and I'll bring you your payment." Scoffed Dr. Benignus.

After a few minutes, she returned and handed the nurses their reward. Much to their surprise it was not a ruse and they took money and made off into the night and Benignus into her home.

"Ugh, maybe I should've fed them to the hounds. No matter, money is money and after Tournouá Tou Menos I will have made back more than enough. Well then, no time to lollygag as I have many important things to do. First I must, ah yes I haven't eaten all day." Dr. Benignus remarked as her stomach growling interrupted herself. "I'm sure my children are hungry too. Vax! Ray! Come boys is dinner time!"

Her two dogs came charging at her with excitement as she greeted them both by scratching their heads and behind their ears.

"I'm glad I have you two. I honestly don't know what I'd do. I wish this world would understand the good I'm trying to do for it, but no they'll praise Sana for her efforts while spitting at mine. The reason the human population fears doctors so much is because of pain. If I found a way to remove that pain factor from humans I could find a way to then make it so that their organs could fail. Then I would find a way to white blood cells work much better at fighting off diseases. I even have a plan to make their bones as tough as diamonds and skin too! Humans would become the most indestructible species alive. Afterward, I'd do the same to all my fur babies as well. Yes I would, yes I would. Nobody should ever have to die…except you Sana. You're a glory hog, but since you want attention so bad I'll give it to you. Oh, I'll make you regret ever taking him from me. That's my dad he's supposed to love me, but instead, all he ever did was fawn over you. He never even treated Mom like that…all he did was beat her and cheat on her. I'm glad she's in a better place now; sad that won't be the same place for you Sana. I'm sending your ass straight to hell and your disgusting son too. I can't believe that thing has a Wheel of Breath. It's a good thing I've mastered mine, so next time I see that creature I'll make sure to kill him and anybody who threatens to stop me…no, no, I need to focus. That boy nor is that bitch worth distracting me from Menos. I will have it and once I do I'm selling it, not to the highest bidder, but to the one who'll allow me to do as I please. Honestly, I still can't believe that grumpy old King was so angry that I accidentally killed a member of his precious council. It's not like they do anything for Perdita to begin with. Besides, it's not like I tried killing him, he just wouldn't sit still. He was just screaming the same thing over and over about someone named Vincent? Vivian? Viola? Or maybe it was Viktor? Eh, whatever it was that poor imbecile is dead if the council's so upset about it they can come find me. Hell, they were so mad, but never brought in a new member. Hey, wait a minute…didn't they have coronations for their members when they joined…so why didn't they have one for their newest member? I know I was banished, but surely I would've seen or heard something about it. Well, whatever, like I said, I have more important things to worry about. I have much to plan ahead of this tournament and I will not go in unprepared."

"So that's her, eh Aster?" Alba remarked as the two watched on from his flower.

"Yup! Can't believe we're letting her in though."

"V's word is final. I just hope that idiot knows what they're doing. Seriously, what if she wins? Are we gonna hand over Menos to the likes of her? That would be outrageous! Preposterous! Outlandish! And completely-"

"Before you say another word I probably couldn't spell, let's get out of here. I'm getting tired and I don't know how much longer I'll be able to fly us, so unless you feel like walking I'd say let's go."

"Fine, let's go, but I swear to you, Aster, I'm not letting her win — no matter what!"

As the two made their way back, Malum would find herself face to face with none other than the person she despised almost as much as her parents' murderers, Tournament.

"You sent mi hermano to that damn room and I find him all bloody and all you can say is you don't have an answer?! Cut the mentiras, I'm tired of your lies! You're going to tell what the hell happened or I'm going to raise hell!"

"I see the dog still has some bark in her. No matter. As I said before I don't know what happened to him, nor do I really care. With that said, if you continue to shoot these empty threats my way then I'll make sure to return full promises. First being this, continue to approach me as if we're equals and you'll learn just how beneath me you actually are. Do I make myself clear, dog?"

"Oh? I do make you mad don't I? And here I thought you liked me? I remember you calling me especial, maybe I'm just more special than that little boy you seem to have your eyes fixed on. Wait, wait, wait…eres una mujer cougar? It's the stamina huh? Or maybe it's the fact that if you wave a few dollars at 'em and they'll do whatever you say. Although that one's so damn poor that you could just wave a few coins and he'd do a trick. Honestly, you two are just alike, so I see why you like him. You're both alimentan en el fondo, worthless, bottom feeders that need to be expelled from this world. Now tell me what the fuck happened to my brother and this is the last time I'll ask. And you will tell me if you don't want this place to go boom."

 "What have you done, dog…"

"You know, men are pretty stupid. No matter how rich they are, a lil titty slip will have them groveling at your feet. So I bet you could imagine what they'd do if you let them cop a feel? Well, long story short I had this whole building lined with gunpowder, and trust me for mi familia, y haré lo que sea necesarío."

"You…clean up the gunpower and I'll find out what happened. And before you say something, yes I was truly unaware of what happened to him and if he was here I'd apologize to him. To you though, I'll say nothing else until it's cleaned up."

"No, no, no that's not how we're-"

"Yes, it is. You forget where you are. Your breasts aren't as powerful as my word, and my word is bond. You will have your answers."

"And why should I trust you? You used my brother as bait."

"Listen, child, if you had a brain even a quarter the size of your ego you'd see I only things that benefit me. What do I gain from not telling you who did it? I'd have to continue to hear you barking at me for the next few hours and trying to seduce my servants. Clean up the gunpowder and you'll get your answers. It's that simple, you irritant. Now go!" 

As Malum made her way outside to clean up the gunpowder she had lied about, Tournament spoke with the servants to see who attacked Viento. After a few minutes, she returned and their Tournament sat, waiting for her return.

"So, who did it?"

"First, a question if you will. How does your back feel?"

"My back? What kinda question is that?"

"Well, I don't mean to be a pervert, but your breasts are rather large and I hear Rose voicing her frustration about her breast every single day. Eventually, we found an exercise she could do to relieve some of that stress. I figured it might help you."

"Are you…look I don't know what you think of me, but I'm not some hooker. I'm a married woman who loves her wife very much, so if you think you're gonna get in bed with me you got shit twisted."

"Pahaha, oh trust me, dog, I'd never want that. I just simply wanted to know if your back was hurting you or not."

"Fine, yes it sometimes aches here and there, but I'll be fine."

"Well that's good to hear, but I think you'll still want this exercise, because after what I tell you, you're going to wish you had something to heal the pain in it."

Tournament showed Malum a picture and after assuring her it was real, even taking her to the servants to see the footage through the flowers, Malum fell to her knees and sobbed like she had never sobbed before. 

"It can't be…this can't be fucking real…I killed for you…I protected you…I gave you a family…I gave you food, clothing, and a roof over your damn head…and this is how you repay me…I loved you…you sick bastard…you're dead to me…YOU'RE FUCKING DEAD TO ME! And those aren't just words — they're a promise!"

As Servus looked on at the two he noticed something he thought he'd never see before. 

"Is that a tear? For her? Surely my eyes must be playing tricks on me. Or is it that your heart's opening up to the poor girl, master?"

Tournament knelt beside Malum. 

"You know, I recall meeting this man a few years ago — the rather peculiar type — who, for some unbeknownst reason, continuously pursued a conversation. Around this time I had not but a lot, so I was surprised to see someone wanted to have a conversation with me. With that said, I turned the man down each time. Why, you ask? Who knows. Nerves? Fear? Desire to be left alone? Or was it all of the above? Honestly, I couldn't say. I never once sat and asked myself why. One day I finally decided if I had seen the man, or had he seen me, that I would take up his offer, but alas I was too late. The whole town was alerted of a kidnapping and the man's description was an exact match down to the dirty laces on his shoes. Sometimes I still wonder what that man wanted to converse about. Was he attempting to pick up on me? Maybe he needed directions somewhere. Or he struggled with the common language and assumed I spoke his native tongue. Whatever it was it still irks me to this day that I never got to hear it. 

"What was…what was the point of this story?" 

"Eh? Oh, yes yes, well you see, that's for you to figure out. As I have made clear on numerous occasions, I do not care for you, nor do I desire to help you — especially in your current state. With that said, I sought out special individuals, and if that something I saw in you still slumbers deep within then that's a bonus for me. Honestly, had you listened to me before this issue wouldn't have arisen. Anyways, chop chop, get up and back to your room. It's not necessarily a rule but I'd rather not have you loitering in any room that isn't your own for an extended period of time. Oh, and next time you're going to tell a lie, at least know who you're lying to. For Eirini's sake, I stay here twenty-four seven. I think I'd know if my house was tampered with."

Malum picked herself up and exited the room — dragging her lifeless body like that of a zombie. As her pace grew slower and slower, her steps became that much heavier as they echoed through the halls as if her feet were that of a giant. That night, what little light had shone at the end of the tunnel had now been covered by the landslide of betrayal that blocked its exit. She stumbled towards the side door of the manor before finding herself resting upon a bench. 

Watching on was Tournament and Rose from atop The Council's Manor. 

"Hmm. You ever wonder if this is all some kind of nightmare, V? As if upon reincarnation we're forced to endure this pain for whatever crimes we may have done in our past lives?"

"Pahaha. I didn't expect you to have such a worried heart for the child, my dear Rose. Well, just remember she's no saint. That girl has committed more crimes than any other person in this country. If it weren't for the wars, she'd have a bounty on her head that could allow one to buy an entire state. With that said, she's surrounded herself with fools. To bite the hand that feeds you is a deadly mistake — especially when that hand has three dozen bodies on it." 

"She's not the only one I'm afraid…"

"Oh? Do tell."

Rose leaned in and whispered into Tournament's ear. 

"So they've made their move then? Well, no matter. This day was bound to come sooner or later."

"It's a shame though. I grew to like them too." Rose responded as she left Tournament to themself. "Oh well, within a few days we'll have found their replacement."