
6) Some time alone

Sometimes I need some time alone. Totally alone. Not a single human. I don't need your support or motivation or sympathy . I don't need your affection , your love or your friendship. I am irritated by how things are spiralling in my life and my brain is feeling suffocated. It needs some air. Some time alone. Without thinking about anyone or anything. I don't hate you or anyone , it's just , I need some time alone to Not hate myself , trying to figure out my own ways. Through this phase , I become the worse human alive on earth. Let's just say , the human in me , temporarily dies . My heart becomes fiercely Stone cold. I say things I don't mean in the worse possible ways , to people who don't deserve a bit of it. To avoid all of this , I stay alone for a while. It's not because I want to, it's because I need to. I am sorry if I've hurt you , but I need some time alone. Alone is what I need to be right now. To pass the chaos and get a little peace .