
Eminence as a Villain

[PS: TO all readers (viewers) pls skim till chapter 15 or chap 15 alone before deciding to abandon this book.] It was a story, an incredible one in that. An impressive protagonist, lovable female characters, memorable supporting characters, fearful antagonist, and finally...forgettable mob villains, as such a character was Lucas Flynn, "But just why the heck I should be that mob villain!?" Dammit, if your going to send me to another life shouldn't you have put in a little more effort, god! Instead of making me Lucas I would be better off dead, you know? [Main Mission: 1] Survive. 2] Be a part of the story.] Well, since it had come to this I will change the doomed destiny of this character and will rule my life...no, rule this world. It seems like there is no other way than to turn this uni-dimensional character into a pakka survival artist!!

Stylish_Demon · ファンタジー
66 Chs

Against The Undead Mutant [1]

Maintaining my determined focus, I pressed onward with a brisk sprint, occasionally casting fleeting glances over my shoulder. In the distance, discernible amid the turmoil, were vague silhouettes locked in fierce combat with the encroaching horde of monsters. My thoughts raced as I mused, "Surely, those must be fellow hunters."

Though I couldn't be certain whether their efforts would merely buy us time or result in the complete annihilation of the horde, each slain monster counted as a victory. If they could manage to eliminate even fifty of these creatures, it would undoubtedly provide invaluable assistance to Bernese.

"Regardless," I reminded myself, "my immediate priority is rescuing Ana... I have faith that Bernese can handle these minor threats."

The atmosphere in the vicinity was eerily bleak and devoid of any signs of life, not even a single corpse in sight.

[You have reached your destination: Sun Weapon Shop]