
The path unfolds

Chapter 2

Elijah Ryder McCormick  is a skilled memory hunter, trained by the

same organization as Ava. He has a troubled past, having lost his family to The

Forgetter's evil plans. This drives his determination to protect memories and

fight against those who would seek to erase them. His skills in memory

extraction and manipulation are unmatched, making him a valuable asset to the

organization. However, his past traumas have left emotional scars, causing him

to struggle with trust and intimacy.


Elijah's family was torn apart by The Forgetter's evil

plans. His parents, both memory keepers, were murdered, and his younger sister

was left with permanent memory loss. Elijah was left alone, adrift, and

consumed by anger and a desire for revenge. He has honed his skills as a memory

hunter, able to extract, manipulate, and interpret memories with precision. He

is an expert in hand-to-hand combat and uses his charisma and wit to infiltrate

enemy organizations.



Elijah's past haunts him. He can't shake the memories of his

family's brutal murder and his sister's shattered mind. The Forgetter's cruel

laughter echoes in his dreams each times he sleeps, fueling his quest for



As a memory hunter, Elijah has developed a keen sense of

intuition and a talent for reading people. He can extract memories from objects

and individuals, using his skills to uncover hidden secrets.


Despite his tough exterior, Elijah has a soft spot for those

in need. He becomes Emilia's ally and mentor, teaching her how to harness her

powers and navigate the treacherous world of memory keeping.


However, Elijah's demons resurface when he discovers a dark

connection between Emilia's family and The Forgetter. He must confront his own

biases and learn to trust Emilia, even as the shadows of his past threaten to

consume him.




Ava led Emilia through the winding streets of the old town,

finally stopping in front of an unassuming door hidden between two shops. She

produced a small key and unlocked the door, revealing a narrow stairway that

descended into darkness.


"Welcome to the Library of Memories," Ava said,

her eyes sparkling with excitement.


"Here, you'll find the collective knowledge of our

organization." Ava said


As they descended the stairs, Emilia felt a thrill of

anticipation. The air grew thick with the scent of old books and parchment. At

the bottom of the stairs, they entered a vast underground chamber filled with

row upon row of shelves, stretching into the darkness. The shelves were lined

with ancient tomes, their covers adorned with strange symbols and markings.


Ava guided Emilia through the aisles, pointing out various

sections and explaining the organization's system for categorizing memories.


As they turned a corner, Emilia collided with a tall,

brooding figure who was studying a nearby shelf. Apologetic, Emilia reached out

to steady herself against the shelf, only to find her hand brushing against the



"Sorry about that" Emilia said, feeling a jolt of

electricity at the touch.


The stranger looked up, his piercing blue eyes locking onto



 "No harm

done" he said, his deep voice sending a shiver down Emilia's spine.


Ava intervened, introducing the stranger as Elijah Ryder

McCormick, a skilled memory hunter. Emilia felt a sense of curiosity and

intrigue as she shook Elijah's hand, the spark between them still palpable.


As they shook hands, Emilia felt a sudden jolt of

recognition, as if she had seen Elijah before. But where? She couldn't quite

place it.


Elijah, too, seemed to sense a connection, his eyes

narrowing slightly as he studied her face.


Ava, oblivious to the tension, continued to chat, explaining

that Elijah was a renowned memory hunter, tasked with tracking down and

extracting valuable memories from the shadows.


Emilia listened intently, her mind racing with questions.

What kind of memories was Elijah hunting? And why did she feel this strange

sense of familiarity around him?


As they walked through the library, Elijah occasionally

reaching out to touch a shelf or run his fingers over the spines of the books,

Emilia began to notice a pattern. He seemed to be tracing a path, as if

following an invisible map.


"Ava, what's going on?" Emilia whispered, tugging

on Ava's sleeve.


 "Why is Elijah

doing that?" Ava leaned in, her voice barely audible.


"He's tracking a memory thread. A faint resonance that

only he can see." Ava replied her.


Emilia's eyes widened as she watched Elijah's fingers dance

across the shelves, leaving behind a trail of glittering silver dust.


Suddenly, Elijah stopped, his hand hovering over a single

book. He turned to Emilia, his eyes burning with intensity.


"This one," he said, his voice low and urgent.

"This memory belongs to you."


Emilia's heart raced as Elijah opened the book, revealing

pages filled with strange symbols and illustrations. He touched a finger to a

particular page, and suddenly, a vision burst forth, enveloping Emilia in a

warm, golden light.


She saw herself as a child, playing in a sun-drenched

garden, surrounded by people she didn't recognize. A woman with a kind face and

a man with a strong jawline smiled at her, their eyes shining with love.


Emilia's mind reeled as the vision faded, leaving her

feeling disoriented and wonder-struck.


"What did I just see?" she asked Elijah, her voice

barely above a whisper.


"Your past" Elijah replied, his eyes still locked

on hers.


 "A memory hidden

deep within you, waiting to be uncovered."


Emilia's thoughts swirled as she tried to process the

revelation. She had always felt a sense of disconnection from her past, as if a

part of her was missing. Could this be the key to unlocking her true identity?


Ava stepped forward, her eyes shining with excitement.


"This is incredible! Emilia, you have a hidden legacy,

one that could change everything."


As Emilia struggled to comprehend the magnitude of her

discovery, Elijah's gaze remained fixed on hers, his expression a mystery she

couldn't quite decipher.


"Ava, what do you mean by 'hidden legacy'?" Emilia

asked, her voice barely above a whisper.


Ava's eyes sparkled with excitement.


"Your family's past is more complex than you ever

imagined, Emilia. You have a inheritance that could change the course of your

life forever."


Elijah nodded in agreement.


 "You have a

choice to make, Emilia. To claim your legacy or walk away. But know this, if

you choose to claim it, your life will never be the same." Elijah said


Emilia's mind raced with questions and doubts. What did it

mean to claim her legacy? And what lay ahead if she chose to do so?


As she pondered, the library around her began to fade away,

replaced by a vision of a ancient mansion, its halls whispering secrets of the



"Welcome to your inheritance, Emilia," Elijah

said, his voice low and mysterious.


 "Are you ready

to uncover the truth?"