
He kissed her

Chapter 4

The air seemed to ripple and distort, and a faint humming

noise filled the air


Suddenly, a group of shadowy figures materialized before

them. Their faces were blank and featureless, and they moved with an unnatural,

jerky gait.


"Who are you?" Emilia demanded, her hand on the



The figures didn't respond. Instead, they began to move

towards Emilia and her friends, their hands outstretched.


"They're the Forgetters," Lyra whispered, her eyes

wide with fear. "They're here to erase our memories."


Emilia stood firm, the orb's power coursing through her.

"We won't let that happen."


The Forgetters attacked, their touch causing Emilia's

friends to stumble and falter. Emilia fought back, using the orb's energy to

create powerful blasts of light and energy.


But the Forgetters were relentless, their numbers seemingly

endless. Emilia's friends began to fall, their memories fading away.


Determined to save them, Emilia unleashed a massive energy

blast, striking the Forgetters with incredible force. The shadowy figures

dissipated, their essence erased from existence.


As the last Forgetter vanished, Emilia's friends began to

stir, their memories slowly returning.


"We did it," Emilia said, exhausted but



But Lyra's expression was grim. "The Forgetters were

just a distraction. The real enemy is still out there, waiting for us."


Emilia steeled herself, ready for the next challenge.

"Let's face them together."


And with that, they continued their journey, prepared to

confront whatever lay ahead.


As they ventured deeper into the unknown, they encountered

strange creatures and overcame treacherous terrain. Emilia's bond with the orb

grew stronger, its power coursing through her veins like liquid fire.


Suddenly, a figure emerged from the shadows. Tall, imposing,

and with eyes that burned like stars.


"Welcome, Emilia," the figure said, its voice like

thunder. "I have been waiting for you."


Emilia stood tall, the orb's energy pulsating within her.

"Who are you?"


The figure smiled, its eyes glinting with amusement. "I

am the Guardian of Memories. And you, Emilia, are the key to unlocking the

secrets of the past."


With that, the Guardian vanished, leaving Emilia and her

friends stunned and perplexed.


As they continued on their journey, they encountered more

enigmatic figures, each with their own secrets and motivations. Emilia began to

realize that the truth about her family's legacy was far more complex than she

had ever imagined.


But she was determined to uncover the truth, no matter the

cost. They continued their journey.


As they journeyed on, Emilia and Elijah found themselves

growing closer, their bond strengthened by the challenges they faced. Emilia

couldn't help but notice the way Elijah's eyes sparkled in the sunlight, or the

way his smile made her heart skip a beat.


Elijah, too, had fallen deeply for Emilia. He admired her

courage, her determination, and her unwavering commitment to uncovering the



One night, as they camped beneath the stars to rest for the

night. Elijah came out to watch the stars. Few minutes later Emilia came out

too leaving Ava and Lyra inside.


Elijah saw Emilia, he smiled at her which emilia smiled back

and walk towards him. After staying silent for a while, Elijah turned to Emilia

with a curious expression. "Emilia, can I ask you something?"


"Of course, Elijah," Emilia replied, her heart

racing with anticipation.


"What drives you to keep going, even in the face of

danger?" Elijah asked, his eyes locked on hers.


Emilia hesitated, her thoughts swirling.


 "I guess it's

the desire to uncover the truth about my family's legacy. And to protect our



Elijah nodded, his gaze softening.


"I think it's more than that, Emilia. I think you're

driven by a desire to connect with something deeper, something



Emilia's heart skipped a beat as Elijah's words resonated

within her.


"You might be right," she whispered.


As they gazed up at the stars, Emilia and Elijah's hands

touched, sparks flying as their fingers intertwined. They sat in comfortable

silence, the night sky above them, their hearts beating as one.


Suddenly, Elijah spoke up, his voice low and husky.


 "Emilia, I have

something important to tell you."


Emilia's heart raced as she turned to face him, her eyes

searching his.


"What is it, Elijah?"


Elijah's gaze locked onto hers, his eyes burning with



 "I think I'm

falling in love with you, Emilia."


Emilia's breath caught in her throat as she processed his

words. She felt the same way, but fear and uncertainty had held her back from

expressing her feelings.


"Elijah, I..." Emilia began, her voice barely

above a whisper.


But before she could continue, Elijah's lips met hers in a

tender, yet passionate kiss. Emilia's heart soared as she melted into his

embrace, their love finally acknowledged.


As they pulled back, gasping for air, Emilia smiled up at

Elijah. "I'm falling in love with you too, Elijah."


Their love had blossomed in the midst of adventure and

danger, a beacon of hope in the darkness. And as they sat together under the

stars, they knew that nothing could ever extinguish its flame.


As they sat together, basking in the glow of their newfound

love, Emilia's mind began to wander. She thought about the journey they had

been on, the secrets they had uncovered, and the dangers they had faced.


"Elijah," Emilia said, her voice barely above a



"What's going to happen next?"


Elijah's expression turned serious, his eyes narrowing



 "We still have

to uncover the truth about your family's legacy, Emilia. And we have to stop

the dark faction from getting their hands on it."


Emilia nodded, her determination renewed.


"We'll do it together, Elijah. We'll face whatever

comes next, as long as we have each other."


Elijah smiled, his eyes crinkling at the corners.


 "Together, we

can face anything, Emilia. I promise you that."


As they hugged, the stars above them seemed to twinkle in

agreement, their love and determination shining bright for all to see.