
Emergence of an Empire.

Marcus is the second Prince of the Nexus Kingdom and he has to fight his older brother Julius for the right to inherit the throne from the King who is ill even though the forces are against him. Will he be able to ascend to the throne and lead his kingdom to a new age or will he be defeated by his, brother only the gods know.

Davdi08 · ファンタジー
3 Chs

The War Begins.

Two days passed by and during the period Marcus had coordinated the construction of the siege weapons they would need for taking over the city. On the first day they had built four battering rams but after careful considerations they had decided to build leaders. Lucky for them they had enough timber to build them since there camp was located in the middle of the Mau forest.

Marcus called for a meeting and they decided that a surprise night attack would be more suitable compared to a day attack. Instead of using siege weapons to attack the city which would result in massive loss on their part the decided to employ the use of assassins to breach the walls and open the eastern and western gates from inside and then the main army would march inside.

The task of infiltrating the city was left to Lauren and her assassins. They would enter the city a day early through the secret path used by smugglers that Prince Marcus and Pierce used to flee the city. In order to accomplish their mission Marcus had personally borrowed 2000 gold Nesus and given it to them. Once they entered the city, they were to use this the money to hire street rats, bandits and criminals. They were to pay each one of them a gold Nesus in exchange they were to simultaneously start riots and set buildings on fire in different sectors of the city when the evening bells rang.

In order for this plan to work they had to give the 50 silver Nesus before and the rest when they completed and had to be discrete. When the riots begin the garrisoned units would be deployed to quell the unrest inside the city and with the attention inside the city the assassins would be able to open the gates more easily.

The success of their plan relied on the success of the Assassins and the Mercenaries. Porter had left the camp and go and assembly his ships. Since the city was the headquarter of the Navy, 9000 of the garrisoned units belonged to the navy. According to the plan, Porter would attack the navy's ships and lure them into the open waters which would leave the city with only 7000 troops to defend the two gates.

Meanwhile, inside the Kings Palace Prince Julius was pacing around. He had not been able to sleep ever since the king died and Prince Marcus had escaped the city even though Prime Minister Mark had assured him that he would not be able to leave the city since he had the gates closed and soldiers were patrolling the city looking for him.

After Marcus had escaped from the city, Julius had tried to forcefully install himself as the King but the Prime Minister and his mother had advised him not to do it since it went against the kingdoms tradition and the Kingdoms elders would not accept it and even end up supporting his brother. This had made him to be more frustrated. The only way he would be accepted as the new king was if he killed his brother or his brother voluntarily agreed to it.

He had hired assassins in various regions of the Kingdom to assassinate him but no one knew we he was. to make things worse the Kingdoms main army had recalled their troops and vanished.

Angered, the Prince had Marquess Richard castle looted every member of the family including the servants were captured and imprisoned and the castle was burnt down as retribution. This deed angered most of the kingdoms nobles who switched their support to Prince Marcus side.


Four hours before the invasion of the city, the army started moving out. Commander Smith would lead his army and attack the eastern gate will prince Marcus would lead the army to the Western gate with the help of Sir Winston. The Princes sisters and mothers would stay behind and they would leave behind Pierce and 300 men to protect them.

It took three hours for the army to arrive near the city it was already night fall and the guards could be seen patrolling the walls. Marcus had told to put out all torches to avoid being sported. Lucky for them, most of them new the terrain very well. The troops had already themselves. once the gates opened the heavy and light cavalry would be the first to charge in led by Winston to avoid the gates being closed by the enemy after they were opened since the cavalry was faster than the infantry units.

Since there was a chance that the plan would fail Marcus told the infantry with the ladders to be ready to climb the walls if the assassins failed. The troops were ready and were waiting for Marcus command to charge in. After 20 Minutes of waiting the troops became restless but Marcus told them to wait. The bells inside the city started ringing and loud screams and noises could be heard inside the city. Large fires could be seen inside the city. The troops mood lit up as they prepared to start marching but Marcus still told them to hold.

After ten minutes of waiting four arrows on fire were shot in the sky on the southern side of the city.

Marcus saw it and then shouted for the cavalry units to charge for the gates. To avoid the units trampling each other when entering the city he had the infantry units with the 30 ladders charge for the wall. Filled with adrenaline the infantry also charged for the walls.

Th cavalry were already nearing the gates which were closed. Never the less, Winston told them to continue charge and not break the momentum by slowing down or stopping. The cavalry were nearing the gates when they suddenly opened and the cavalry stormed the city and started ramming down the garrisoned units that had been alerted by a soldier that had escaped from the assassins.

All the 100 soldiers that were guarding were fighting with laurens assassins and most of them were dead. The Infantry led Marcus arrived at wall and finished the remaining soldiers that were their. Marcus had expected it be more difficult but he had entered the city with minimal casualties. Lauren came to him and informed him that the bulk of the troops were concentrated on the Eastern gate since the Kings Palace was near the Eastern gate.

Marcus ordered the elite knights to sat behind and commanded winston to lead the cavalry and the remaining infantry and assist Commander Smith in fighting the soldiers in the Western gate. After Winston left he ordered some knights to guard the western gate and he led the remaining knights to the Kings palace.

They killed any soldiers that resisted them on their way to the palace and they arrested those who surrendered. Most of the people had fled to their homes once the riots had began and the majority of the people that were on the streets were soldiers and street rats who were mostly killed while some opted to save their lives and retreat.

They soon reached the kings palace door where the knights rammed and forcefully entered the palace. To their surprise the rooms were empty and no soldiers could be seen. They made their way to the Kings court where they were assaulted by around 70 guards. The elite Knights pushed the guards back as they gained more ground. Marcus could see Julius seated on the thrones, the queen, prime minister and Princess Cornelia standing next to him.

When Julius saw that his guards were loosing he told the Prime Minister to bring in the prisoners. Prime Minister Mark gave the command to his bodyguard who entered into a back door and brought in in chains wearing rags. Most of them looked like they had been tortured and had not been fed properly.

Julius shouted " Marcus, tell your knights to stand down or i would kill your relatives including yours sisters and mother."


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