
Embracing Shadows

Emel was a cheerful guy who had a fulfilling family... with riches to envy and pampered ... His whole life was a lie... Illusions shattered , fog disappeared.... He died without knowing why.... He didn't even know the sins he was punished for... He prayed , cried.... God didn't hear him.... Devil chose to ignore him.... In the end only darkness remained... He came back to life again.... to the times it all started.... to the times his heaven shattered.... but this time he became The Devil himself..... lost in hatred .... Embracing the shadows itself.... Will he learn the truth of his life ? Will he flip over the chessboard with players unknown ? will he become the ultimate chaos to those who wronged him.... will the Shadows become his only solace .... Will he be the pawn or the Ultimate player of this Chess with peices undiscovered and players unknown. Read to find out yourself. [Cover does not belong to me . Cover source: Pinterest.]

Trueblues · 現実
13 Chs


Emel walked up to his father in the hall .

"Good Evening Father " , He said and sat on the nearby seat available.

Mason looked upto his youngest son and thought that this boy was looking different . It was same but the feeling he gave off was different. The feeling was vague so he threw it in the back of his head .

Evya was not here today and only his father and eldest brother were here.

Mason greeted Emel and continued reading his magzine .

Everything was suddenly so quiet that it gave people illusion of Peace and Serenity.

But the storm brewing underneath was known only to the perpetrator himself.

Mason gazed his son and finally said , " You will be preparing for school next semester" .

Emel instantly looked up and met his father's gaze . Both parties stood at stalemate and finally Emel replied ,"Yes , Father" . Like an obidient little son he was.

No one know what emotions were going underneath those elelashes long as butterfly wings , Converging and Hinding all his emotions so no one would find out .

He was admitted to REGAL ACADEMY at the age of 14 , Now he thinks about it , What high IQ , What genius.

He was a fool , through and through , He couldn't help but grow suspicious , Was his brain damaged , Was something that could be thought by mere common sense needed to be taught to him . He became a stepping stone of his 'Sister' , And now he thinks , There was a lot of things that happened to could not happen by mere coincidences and more so by resources of Blezvin family.

He wondered now , Why was he homeschooled until now , He was taught obidience by his mother so he never questioned her , But he was perfectly fine with high IQ and perfect grades so why was he kept home . As if to keep him away from public eyesight.

Once the seed of doubt sprouted , He knew he won't be able to rest until he figures out . Suddenly he found out how helpless and powerless he was , He needed to have his fate in his own hands . He doesn't have strength nor resources to investigate .

'I need to do this all stealthily , I don't know of what I thought of reality was truly real or another illusion weaved by someone . One thing I'm sure now , It was not merely Blezvins who were behind my situation , Someone powerful. Far more powerful was there . I can't be careless anymore. I grew complacent of coming back . Huuu. I need to think . Time to put my IQ to use. '

' I need to not only be powerful but truly 'Powerful' . I need to have never the need to bow down to anyone. Ever. '

'Three things . Power , Wealth , Wisdom .Be it physical strength or authority , I need them to maximum . Wealth enough to have all the resources in my grasp . And wisdom , Information , An information network to keep up with everything going on in the world. '

smirk. ' I'm really suitable to be in the shadows.'

He was snapped out of his thoughts when the sound of cutlery appeared.

It was time for dinner.

Dinner was quiet and Uneventful .

Looking at his father and Brother , He suddenly had suspiscions . Was this Father truly was behind those things that happened to him later. Was he aware of all the things his daughter did to me . Was he aware of how disrespectful his servants were to me .

Now that he thinks , Was it all really for the meager amount his mother left . He knows the answer himself but does not want to give himself hope.

He shook those thoughts out.

'Not again . Do Not trust them again. ' that was what his heart was saying , but his rationality told him otherwise.

He knew that the list of things he need to investigate suddenly grew again.

Emel knew he needed a lot to prepare. Only 8 months left before he stepped into the Battlefield of powerful again. The battle of wits between children of aristocratic families where they fought an invisible battle of power in a place called school.

And with that he once stepped into his room .

Once he freshen up and lying on his bed he thought of everything .'Think Emel , Think '

Why would the richest man in the city conspire against you when he can crush like a mere bug.

Why would a cold and aloof man would make you suffer when he was awkwardly patting your head to soothe your emotions.

Why would the man who raised him with everything for 4 years suddenly throw you away.

Was it he was unaware that he was not his son. ?

Was it he was angry at his lover's betrayal. ?

Or was there something I do not know.

Was he even a part of it all?

Would I hate him If he was not ?

Would I still want to destroy him ?

And the moment these thoughts popped in his head , He found his head aching.

He firmed his resolve to never waver again. But he also promised himself

' I won't harm who caused me no harm , But playing isn't called harming right ' . Darkness was enveloping him once again . He did not know how he changed but he was thinking as if nothing could interest him anymore.

He subconsciously wanted to find something to do , And revenge on those he deemed as enemies was just one of those ' things'.

A smirk was plastered on his childish Angelic face completely looking out of place .

He jumped out of bed and dashed to his study desk . Openjng it , He found a diary with A black leather covering .

Picking up a pen nearby , He started writing his to -do list.

Including the things he needs to investigate.

Then as if struck by lightning he dashed to his bathroom and heaved a sigh of relief finding unwashed clothes he wore to Hospital today. Finding the hair that he picked up , He stuck it into his diary and again found another thing he needs to do .

Relate his DNA sample to his mother.

He might had been a high IQ fool . But now with his newfound EQ he had after experiencing hell , He could not be any less adept in schemes and conspiracies.

And thinking of how genre of his life changed , He was thinking if he should read those novels and books more to know how to conspire against his enemies.

After doing all this he tucked his diary deep into the bookshelf and decided to visit his 'Ring world' once again .

Pressing onto the ring pattern , He flashed into space .

Sitting cross-legged in the wide open field , Emel started sorting out the memory and the meditation art he recieved.

Calming his breath , He started breathing even and in a pattern as described in the memory.

Ice-Wave meditation art not only was to purify his mind and body . It also strengthened both his mind and body .

Emel was hard working If one would describe. He sat cross- legged for 3 hours straight when sourrounding air changed. A cool sensation enveloped him. Temprature around him dropped but did not became chilly. Finally after two more hours , Air started to sparkle around him . He was not able to see anything with his eyes closed but the moment he sat cross- legged , he was able to feel slightest change around him .He forgot about time and was completely immersed in the new sensation when he was finally able to the energy particles described in the memory.

Ice blue particles were occasionally being absorbed into his soul. Finally after 11 hours did he opened his eyes. But something seemed to change. His Amber Gold eyes which used to give the illusion of shimmering fire had cooled down to no temprature .

Unaware of his own changes , Emel looked at his surroundings with no ups and downs. Aside for minor excitement , He showed nothing on his face.

He did not know that Ice Wave Meditation Art was not merely to strengthen his body and mind , but also stability.

People who practice Ice wave mediatation art had thier soul be of Icy nature.Thier aura itself became chilly. It wasn't gloomy but chilly itself as if surrounded by Ice . The more they practice , The less emotions they could produce .

Afterall, Only a rational mind could be of highest stability. And The less the interference of emotions , the more the rationality.

And Ice Wave Meditation Art was the highest Art practiced by the greatest Assasins in Ancient times.

Residual grey dust particles started leaving his body and he breathed out dark gas from his nostrils and his mouth.

Emel found that he was feeling fresher than ever and Clarity of his mind improved too. He could think things clearly and his memory seemed to improve too. The downside being he could remember things he never paid attention tk in the past.

Finally getting up , he walked up to the waterfall thinking of taking a bath.

Scooping up the water , when Emel washed himself up , Pain assaulted him thouroughly , As if his whole body was torn apart .

He could not faint neither he could open his eyes , finally after few hours he found out his body covered in filth. He vomited out . Using his clothes to clean himself up , he flashed out of space and ran to his bathroom .

Cleaning himself up , He could clearly see his changes in the mirror. His black hair soft and shiny. Butterfly eyelashes fluttering , Red lips as if dripping blood , Sharp features with a little less baby fat on his face than before. His body grew and he could feel strength in his bones.

Not a kind of inhuman strength , rather where he could become a greatest achiever if he practices right technique and a handy weapon.

He could feel it and finally decided he would practice martial arts along with his meditation technique.

Clothing himself , he finally threw himself to bed and decided to think everything in the morning.

Children need to eat and sleep to grow up afterall.