
Embracing Love in Parallel Worlds

Lee Taemin, a beautiful and captivating man, works as a Division 1 officer at the Universal Management Center led by a supreme director. One day, he is summoned by the deputy director for a very important special mission. Initially confused about the reason behind the call, Lee Taemin bravely and confidently signs the contract and agrees to carry out the mission. In the course of his mission, Lee Taemin is assisted by System 001, a companion system that provides necessary guidance and information. The mission involves supporting and accompanying the protagonist of different worlds, individuals destined to achieve great success but must face various challenges in their life journey. As Lee Taemin walks towards the room of System 001, he enters an empty space that suddenly transforms into an extraordinary sight, with millions of sparkling stars in the sky. He senses the presence of the system and strong energy around him. With enthusiasm and conviction, Lee Taemin steps forward into the beautiful scenery, ready to embark on a new adventure as the companion of the world's protagonist. The transmigration begins, and Lee Taemin feels the sensation of gliding through different dimensions.

Wowoplus · ファンタジー
7 Chs


001: "Sir, why don't you take him to the hospital?"

Lee Taemin: "He's hiding from people who want to kill him. He could be found there. It's safer for him to stay here than going to the hospital."

After a while, Xu Feng Yang finally woke up from his sleep. He saw Lee Taemin sitting beside him.

Lee Taemin: "How do you feel now? Are you feeling better? Here, drink some water."

'Ding~. Congratulations, target's emotional rating increased by 3%.'

Suddenly, a notification from 001 sounded in his head. He had managed to earn a positive impression from Xu Feng Yang, albeit just a 3% increase.

Xu Feng Yang weakly nodded while rubbing his eyes. He felt a bit dizzy, but the comfort he felt in his surroundings made him feel at ease.

Lee Taemin: "Would you like to eat something?"

"No, thank you." Despite his words, a growl from Xu Feng Yang's stomach contradicted him.

Lee Taemin: "It's okay. I'm hungry too. I'll cook for us. Let's eat together."

Lee Taemin then stood up and walked to the small kitchen. Seeing the limited ingredients in the fridge, he decided to make simple porridge for both of them.

Even with simple ingredients, he managed to make a delicious meal. He cooked the porridge carefully, mixing the ingredients with full attention.

After finishing cooking, Lee Taemin brought a bowl of porridge to the table next to Xu Feng Yang's bed. He placed it in front of Xu Feng Yang with a gentle smile.

Xu Feng Yang looked at the seemingly plain porridge, and although hesitant, he decided to give it a try. As Xu Feng Yang tasted the porridge, he was surprised by how delicious it was. The porridge was soft and warm, giving an unexpected sense of pleasure.

Xu Feng Yang looked at Lee Taemin with admiration in his eyes and asked, "It tastes so good. How can you make such a simple porridge so special?"

Lee Taemin smiled gently, hearing the praise. He sat next to Xu Feng Yang, their eyes meeting with curiosity.

Lee Taemin asked gently, "I'm Lee Taemin. I'm sorry if I'm being too nosy, but I want to know about your identity and how you ended up injured and unconscious in that dark alley last night. Could you tell me about it?"

Xu Feng Yang sighed, feeling hesitant. He started speaking with a sad voice, "I am Xu Feng Yang, an office worker. A few months ago, I got fired from my job and couldn't find another one. I couldn't afford to pay my rent, so I was kicked out by the landlord."

Lee Taemin listened with empathy, feeling sad to hear about Xu Feng Yang's situation. "I'm truly sorry to hear that, Xu Feng Yang. You must have faced a lot of difficulties. But how did you end up injured and unconscious in the alley?"

Xu Feng Yang shook his head softly, trying to maintain his story. "As I was passing through the alley, suddenly a few people approached me and demanded that I give them my money and belongings. I refused, and they ended up hitting me because I wouldn't give in."

Lee Taemin sat beside Xu Feng Yang, listening to his story with a profound gaze. Although Lee Taemin knew that Xu Feng Yang's story was not true, he chose to nod and not reveal his suspicions.

Lee Taemin knew that Xu Feng Yang was a member of the northern mafia group in City A and had just escaped an assassination attempt. He knew that Xu Feng Yang wouldn't easily share the truth about his identity and what really happened with a stranger.

Lee Taemin: "Xu Feng Yang, I am deeply concerned about what you've been through. Do you want me to report this incident to the police?"

Xu Feng Yang looked at Lee Taemin but shook his head.

Xu Feng Yang: "Thank you for your kindness. But I want to report this case to the police myself. I don't want to involve you in this mess."

Lee Taemin: "If you feel more comfortable reporting it yourself, I fully support you. Don't hesitate to ask for help if there's anything I can do for you."

Lee Taemin: "Xu Feng Yang, do you have a place to go? I'm worried that you'll have a hard time after this incident."

Xu Feng Yang sadly shook his head, looking down with tired eyes "I don't have a home or family. I really don't know where to go. Can I stay at your place for a few days? I'll try to heal my wounds and find a job. I promise to pay the rent for staying here."

Lee Taemin was actually hoping for this. He understood that having Xu Feng Yang stay close to him would make it easier for him to help and monitor Xu Feng Yang, and also carry out his mission more effectively.

Lee Taemin: "Of course, Xu Feng Yang. I also live alone and have no family. You can stay at my place for a while. I want to help you recover and find stability. Don't worry about the rent; we can figure it out later."

Xu Feng Yang: "Thank you so much, Lee Taemin. I am truly grateful for your kindness. I won't bother you more than necessary. I'll find a job and pay for my own place to stay."

Lee Taemin smiled warmly, reaching out to gently touch Xu Feng Yang's shoulder.

The day had turned into a late night, and a peaceful atmosphere filled Lee Taemin and Xu Feng Yang's residence. However, there was a problem. Lee Taemin's apartment was just a small one with a kitchen, a bathroom, one bedroom, and the living room with only one small sofa.

Lee Taemin: "You sleep on the bed. I'll sleep on the sofa."

Xu Feng Yang: "How can the owner of the bed sleep on the sofa? I'll sleep on the sofa."

Lee Taemin: "But you're injured; you need a good rest. The sofa is too small for you to sleep comfortably."

Xu Feng Yang: "But your face doesn't look okay either."

Lee Taemin with bruised face: "..."

They both lay down on the comfortable bed after arguing about who would sleep on it. The bed was originally bought by the original body with Feng Yi when they moved to City A, so the bed was spacious enough for two people to sleep, giving them enough space to rest comfortably without feeling cramped.

The next morning, the morning sun gently illuminated Lee Taemin's room. He opened his eyes, still feeling a bit drowsy, and saw Xu Feng Yang still sleeping beside him.

He got out of bed carefully not to wake Xu Feng Yang. He walked to the kitchen with light steps to prepare breakfast.

After making sure everything was ready, Lee Taemin brought the breakfast plate back to the bedroom. He placed it carefully on the side table next to Xu Feng Yang's bed. Next to the plate, he left a small note.