
EMBERS OF MAGIC chronicles of two hearts

Shadows, sinister as they can be never haunt without a reason.... what will you do when you find yourself running from the shadows? This is a story about love, power, fear and vulnerability... Everyone fears what they cannot comprehend. Persian, the crown prince of one of the most dominant kingdoms wakes up one day to find out he possesses the forbidden.... MAGIC... Persian has it all rainbows and cupcakes until shadows start haunting his very being.... But why? To make matters worse, a looming war lurks in the dark..... why are the shadows haunting him and what for? what will happen when Persian finds out that the truth will jeopardize his love with his boyfriend Amon? what will happen when the ever loving royal family finds out there is a traitor in the palace? what will happen when persian realises that his life has never and will never be the same? Can persian defeat the shadows? or will he succumb to the relentless onslaught of the shadows? Can persian handle the truth or will it break him? what really is the truth? xXxX Amon watched in agony and pain as persian fell.... He dragged himself to Persian's body In a surreal moment, the body seemed to liquefy, each formless tendril of essence gently rising, dissipating into the air like ethereal gas. It was as if the very fabric of reality had unwoven itself, allowing the being to disintegrate. Amon held Persian with watery eyes "no, no, no, this is all my fault...I'm so sorry...I'm so sorry" Do not miss an episode of this heart throbbing series.... EMBERS OF MAGIC :The chronicles of two hearts

Nana_the_writer · アニメ·コミックス
30 Chs



"Amon, Amon, wait up" shouted eleanor from behind.

Amon stopped waiting gently for eleanor.

"you done with your practices" asked eleanor.

"yeah and hopefully I get to go home and take a long nap" charmed Amon.

"I always wished to grow up as a kid but now I want to be an infant again. Growing up is such hard work" complained eleanor.


Amon grew up to be such a fine gentleman.

He had more of a muscular body, his black silky lovely hair fell and bounced on his neck. His small lips were plush pink and looked so soft.

His dark brown eyes was so enchanting and so deep.

Amon saw eleanor sigh

"having trouble lately in one of the practices"

"no....yeah, it's just ma'am penelope. she's a good teacher but sometimes she needs to understand that we are not experienced wielders of Magic and we are bound to make mistakes"

Amon smiled and looked away thinking "only if my father could hear those words".

Amon and eleanor stopped in the hallway staring at a figure which they seem to recognise.

it was Amon's father, " I guess I should leave you here" smiled eleanor.

Eleanor whispered into Amon's ears "try to stay alive".

Amon smirked " I'll try".

Eleanor then disappeared into the thick fog covering the fields.

Roy smiled "how was practice today?"

"it was perfection, father" gestured Amon.

Amon and Roy were talking when they noticed several yellow postcards flying around.

One fell in front of Amon and he cleared his throat as he picked it up.

"The NOTC would love to invite all and sundry to the most anticipated contest of the year THE CONTEST OF CHAMPIONS.

The only time when magic is truly at it's highest peak of power. THE CONTEST OF CHAMPIONS is a fight held annually between the sixteen toughest people in the practice system. And it's now the time for our legions of magic wielders to rise and showcase their most impressive level of ranking in magic.

The year's pick

1. Marko 9.corya

2. Voide 10. Isabella

3. Peppi 11. Bans

4. Eleanor 12. leo

5. ulara. 13. Shirley

6. Lin 14.dimzel

7. Gwen 15. Amon

8. Arthur 16.Aura


blight fighting styles, unpredictable predictions, breath taking moments, substantial choices, unbelievable collisions and MORE....are embedded on the death battle grounds of THE CONTEST OF CHAMPIONS".

Roy tapped on Amon's shoulders " this is it son, this is the time to prove your worth to our noble family. This is the time to climb up the throne that was made for you".

Amon smiled uncomfortably "sure dad"

"And to able to win that contest, we need to train and build up that unbreakable will and strength" shouted Roy.


"Persian, Persian , come back here" shouted the Queen.

"This is so much fun" flipped Persian.

"oh heavens, I should never have allowed him to attend acrobatics practice class"

complained the Queen.

Persian continued back flipping and smiling harder and harder each time he did.

Persian finally flipped backwards into the open fields and slipped landing on his back.

"ha, ha, finally I caught up to you" panted the Queen.

"lay down, ma , I have a question" pleaded persian.

"what is it my son"

"Mother, I have a lot of questions but it all requires one answer. The great kingdom of ENCHANCIA is one big vast land. it has a lot of trees and plants and animals. There is literally enough for everyone to eat and a whole land to stay but why do people still hide" asked persian.

The Queen smiled "you are talking about the so - called witches"

"yes,, I don't know why they hide mother. I know father is hunting them like game but I feel like it is time they stood their ground and made a statement. if I knew any less I'd say the name ENCHANCIA means freedom for all. But the actions of the people in it differ variantly".

The Queen sighed " son, you need to understand that some certain things I cannot give an answer too because I do not know the answers to those questions. The king, your father has refused to say anything to me and I have decided not to ask again. I think some stones are meant to be left unturned.

Persian sighed "I Just hope.....that one day, all these savagery would stop and everyone would leave in peace".

The Queen sighed ".....I tell you, Not even the gods can do that. What you speak of is merely impossible".

" Father said that the reason for the death biting rivalry between the two kingdoms lies within the luminaries and the stars. They dance to tell the story" said Persian who was gazing at the bright sky.

The queen sighed "Son, it is about time, I told you what reality really is. The world we live in is a decimate world full of hatred and defiance. I was once a naive little princess who had everything she did dictated for her. Who believed everything she was told but at the end I got to really know the truth.

And that's when I realized that, the world is a cruel place and people will do everything and get rid of anyone who gets in their way just to get what they want.

Don't trust everything you are told, because people will always choose power and wealth over you.

The Queen was interrupted by the heavy breathing of the sleeping prince.

The Queen kissed her son on the forehead and said " I will protect you till my very last breath". The Queen then got up and went into the palace.

The sleeping prince opened his drowsy eyes and sighed "it must have been hard living like a puppet".


Amon was sitting under a tree feeling the cold breeze of the wind.

When someone covered his eyes " eleanor, I know it's you. Your hand always smell like turkey wings".

Eleanor hit Amon's shoulder "hey, it's not nice to say that to a girl you know".

" so in other words, I shouldn't tell the truth" backfired Amon.

"no...not that but you shouldn't be too honest sometimes you need to say the opposite of that just to make people feel good" suggested Eleanor.

"so you are telling me to lie" smirked Amon.

Eleanor replied "just forget it".

" did you get the postcards the practice system sent out?"

"yes, my father read it with me and so many words were said...." replied Amon.

Eleanor sighed "you do know we are gonna have to fight each other very soon"

"can't wait for that " smirked Amon.

"good, do not hold back because I certainly will not" said eleanor.

Amon said " I certainly will not".

"but before that, you gotta be happy and celebrate, for your birthday is in two days" shouted eleanor.

Amon sighed looking at the swaying leaves of the tree


Eleanor sensed the pain in his voice but she ignored it and continued dancing to the rhythm of the wind.


" he's on his way, hide , hide, hide" whispered eleanor.

Amon slowly opened the door and stealthily walked in.

suddenly they jumped out "surprise!!!!!!!!"

And Amon couldn't help but smile.

Morgana put the birthday hat on his head

"mom, I'm not a baby anymore" lamented Amon.

"nonsense, you will always be my little boy" smirked morgana.

Eleanor put the cake before him and they started singing.

"happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you. happy birthday dear Amon.

Happy happy birthday to you".

Morgana shouted " blow out your candles darling and make a wish"

Amon was about to blow the candles out when the door slammed shut.

"what??. what am I witnessing" asked Roy.

Amon sighed. "it's your son's birthday and we thought we would make it a little memorable for him" replied thesis.

"you thought??. Did he ask for all this, No!. My son is a warrior and warriors don't have time for all these useless things.

My son is a warrior and is destined for great things, he should not be involved in such silly games. In fact, I have had enough everybody outtt".

Eleanor sighed and got out along with everyone.

Roy looked at Amon " And you, I am so disappointed in you. There I was trying to make you the warrior I think you could become and here you were being a twit.

The CONTEST OF CHAMPIONS is just tomorrow and you have not trained. And here you are celebrating a day that is as normal as others.

Will you get out and go train for the contest!.

Amon got up and walked out to train.

Morgana just took the cake and put it on the kitchen counter.

Roy asked "why are you quiet, say something?"

"what do you want me to say, ....what do you want me to do. You want me to say something or fight back because that is the only sensible language you understand. Well no more, roy. just as he is my son so is he your son. you can do anything you want to him, I'm done trying"

Roy sighed out of frustration.

"but do know that if my son never becomes happy, it will be on your shoulders and trust me when I tell you that , I, morgana will never forgive you ever if my son becomes miserable" morgana then stormed out of the room.

Roy looked through the window watching his son train in the stale night " happiness is never the key , morgana but power and I know you are too feeble minded to understand".

Through out the night,

Amon could not sleep, several thoughts run through his mind.

was he gonna win the contest? What if he lost, what then?

Did he really wanna win ? Did he really wanna make his dad proud?

And what about his mom? His mom seemed really sad these days.

And the question that buzzed his the most was eleanor.

what if he's clashed with eleanor? would he be able to fight with her?

Amon cooked himself up in the corner of the bed. He didn't want the day to break. he didn't want the sun to rise but once again he was powerless against nature.


it was a bustle afternoon and the colosseum was packed with people.

They were all ready to see the breath taking fights and the hair pulling collisions.

They were rumbling about, lamenting when the Capel(the head of the practice system) rose into air and spoke.

"I humbly welcome everyone present here to the MOST ANTICIPATED CONTEST OF THE YEAR. The contest where dreams are pulled into reality. A contest where the only way to survive is to be the beast you are.

I welcome all and sundry to THE CONTEST OF CHAMPIONS".

The whole crowd went nuts screaming and shouting their lungs out.

" so without wasting much time, the rules are as follows.

1.To win, one has to be knocked out or has to utter the words "I Quit"

2. Follow the first and second rules

so with the power invested in me by the chard of our land, I commence this contest.