
EMBERS OF MAGIC chronicles of two hearts

Shadows, sinister as they can be never haunt without a reason.... what will you do when you find yourself running from the shadows? This is a story about love, power, fear and vulnerability... Everyone fears what they cannot comprehend. Persian, the crown prince of one of the most dominant kingdoms wakes up one day to find out he possesses the forbidden.... MAGIC... Persian has it all rainbows and cupcakes until shadows start haunting his very being.... But why? To make matters worse, a looming war lurks in the dark..... why are the shadows haunting him and what for? what will happen when Persian finds out that the truth will jeopardize his love with his boyfriend Amon? what will happen when the ever loving royal family finds out there is a traitor in the palace? what will happen when persian realises that his life has never and will never be the same? Can persian defeat the shadows? or will he succumb to the relentless onslaught of the shadows? Can persian handle the truth or will it break him? what really is the truth? xXxX Amon watched in agony and pain as persian fell.... He dragged himself to Persian's body In a surreal moment, the body seemed to liquefy, each formless tendril of essence gently rising, dissipating into the air like ethereal gas. It was as if the very fabric of reality had unwoven itself, allowing the being to disintegrate. Amon held Persian with watery eyes "no, no, no, this is all my fault...I'm so sorry...I'm so sorry" Do not miss an episode of this heart throbbing series.... EMBERS OF MAGIC :The chronicles of two hearts

Nana_the_writer · アニメ·コミックス
30 Chs

CHAPTER 19 :The break out

News of the captured sorcerer reached the ears of King Kastron, and he was immediately informed of the situation. It was not often that a sorcerer found themselves within the walls of ENCHANCIA, and the king was keen to understand the threat this man posed.

Summoning the guards, King Kastron ordered the sorcerer to be brought before him in the royal chambers. The prisoner, bound in heavy chains, was led through the grand corridors of the palace, his face hidden beneath a hood.

As the sorcerer was brought before the king, King kastron studied him with a mix of curiosity and caution. The sorcerer's presence carried an air of mystery, and his abilities were not to be underestimated.

Prince Persian had been preoccupied with his thoughts, haunted by the shadows that lingered in his mind. But his thoughts were suddenly shattered when he decided to check on the captured sorcerer, only to find the cell empty.

His heart raced, and he quickly realized that something was amiss. The guards who had been stationed outside the sorcerer's cell were nowhere to be seen. Panic gripped him as he remembered his promise made to the sorcerer.

Swiftly, Persian made his way through the palace, searching for any sign of the sorcerer or the guards. It was in a dimly lit corridor that he intercepted Amon, who was walking briskly with a troubled expression.

"Amon!" Persian called out, his voice filled with urgency.

Amon turned to face him, surprise evident in his eyes. "Prince Persian, what's the matter?"

Breathing heavily, Persian explained, "The prisoner, the one we had in custody, he's gone. The cell is empty, and the guards are missing."

Amon's eyes widened in alarm. "I saw the guards earlier. They were escorting the prisoner to the royal chambers."

Persian's heart sank as he processed this information. The royal chambers were where the sorcerer would be brought before King Roy for interrogation. It was a critical moment, and Persian knew that he needed to be there to ensure that the sorcerer lived.

Amon and Persian, having rushed through the palace corridors in response to the sorcerer's disappearance, arrived just in time to witness the sorcerer being unveiled before the King in the royal chambers.

As the hood that had concealed the sorcerer's face was removed, a hushed gasp escaped Amon's lips. His eyes widened in shock and disbelief. It was him—the captured sorcerer was none other than one of highly respected and revered figure in their kingdom, a sorcerer of immense knowledge and power.

Inside the royal chambers, an air of tension hung heavy as King kastron,flanked by his advisors, confronted the captured sorcerer. The sorcerer, bound in chains, exuded an air of unwavering confidence that refused to be cowed.

The King, known for his regal demeanor and authority, initiated the conversation by addressing the longstanding rivalry between their kingdoms.

"Our kingdoms have long been rivals," King Kastron stated, his voice carrying the weight of history and enmity. "This rivalry has defined our lands for generations. Your presence here raises questions about your intentions."

The sorcerer, his expression unwavering, met the king's gaze without fear. In a voice that resonated with conviction, he responded, "Your Majesty, it was you who forced this rivalry upon us. You ordered the persecution and suppression of sorcerers in your lands, creating a false divide between our kingdoms."

King Ron's eyes flashed with indignation, but the sorcerer pressed on. "I did not come here as an emissary of a rival kingdom. I came seeking justice for those you harmed, for those who suffered under your orders."

The room fell into a tense silence as the sorcerer's accusations hung in the air.

The sorcerer's eyes bore into the King's unyielding in their accusation. "Your Majesty, ask yourself this: when have sorcerers from my kingdom attacked your people? Our magic is a force of healing and protection, not of aggression."


The king's voice cut through the room like a blade as he addressed the sorcerer with unyielding authority. "You dare to accuse me and speak of justice? You sorcerers, with your powers, believe you can do as you please, and that your magic makes you invincible."

The sorcerer's response was calm, but his words carried an undertone of resolve. "We seek not to assert dominance through magic, but to end the suffering of my people."

King Ron's eyes blazed with anger as he continued, "I despise your kind, sorcerer, for your arrogance and your belief that magic grants you superiority. Let this be known: my kingdom will never fall to magic, and your kind will not dictate our fate."

With an air of finality, the king issued his decree. "If justice is what you desire, sorcerer, then justice you shall have. Tomorrow morning, your head will be removed from your shoulders."

Persian's eyes widened with shock along with Amon's.

Persian felt like the judgement given to the sorcerer was too harsh and he was determined to change it.

He exhaled anxiously and inched closer to his father, the king.

"i stand before you today to speak on behalf of this sorcerer," he gestured towards the condemned.

"I believe that his fate is too severe, and I implore my father, King Kastron, to reconsider."

Murmurs rippled through the crowd as they listened to the prince's impassioned plea. Persian continued, " i understand that your priority lies in protecting your people and that it comes first but we must not forget the principles of justice, compassion, and understanding that define our kingdom. If we abandon these principles in the face of anger and prejudice, we risk becoming that which we abhor."

"I believe that perhaps..."

But Before Persian could finish his sentence, King Kastron cut him off abruptly, his tone harsh and dismissive.

"Don't speak to me about principles son....I have done everything for this kingdom so you don't get to speak to me about principles"

persian gulped his tone diminishing "but....but....I just feel like your judgement is"

"who even called for your council,you have no business here, Persian. My words are final."The prince's heart sank at his father's response. He had hoped for a chance to plead for clemency, to make his father see reason. But now, he realized that the king's resolve was unwavering, and his authority absolute.

" yes, my king" persian stepped back bowing his head as the king passed by him.

As Persian and Amon returned from the royal chambers, a cloud of turmoil hung over Amon's heart. The thought of witnessing another execution, especially one he believed to be unjust, gnawed at him. He had seen too many of his own people condemned to such a fate, and there were times he had been unable to intervene.

Amon's steps became restless, his breath quickening as he confessed to Persian in a hushed voice. "I hate it, Persian. I hate seeing the sorcerers being executed like this. It feels...wrong."

Amon took a deep breath, his eyes reflecting a mixture of sadness and determination. "Persian, I've always loved this kingdom, its people, and our way of life. But there's one thing that has troubled me for as long as I can remember."Persian nodded, encouraging Amon to continue."It's the way we treat the different, Persian,"

Amon confessed. "I've always wished that our kingdom could change, that we could find a way to coexist with them instead of condemning them to death. It pains me to see the bloodshed and the fear that this conflict creates."

Persian regarded Amon with empathy, understanding the weight of his words. "My people have heard stories about you and how dangerous you can be. It's a complex situation, Amon."

Amon nodded, his voice filled with earnestness. "I know, Persian. But I can't help but believe that if both our kingdoms could put aside their differences and find a way to live in peace."

Persian placed a hand on Amon's shoulder, a gesture of solidarity. "Your heart is in the right place, my friend. Perhaps, one day, your wish for change will come true. Until then, this is our reality."

Persian regarded Amon with a mixture of curiosity and concern. "Amon, why do you feel so strongly about this sorcerer? Is it just because of today's plea?"

Amon hesitated, his mind racing to find an answer that wouldn't reveal his own secret. He chose his words carefully. "It's not just about today, Persian. I've seen the sorcerers up close. They're not all evil, as they're made out to be. In fact, they saved my family once."

In The Palace Dungeons

The cell where the sorcerer had been transferred was dimly lit, and the air hung heavy with despair. As Persian entered, the sorcerer's laughter, tinged with bitterness, greeted him.

"So much for trying to keep your promise, Prince Persian," the sorcerer remarked, his voice laced with irony. "It seems even the heir to the throne cannot change the king's mind."

Persian's shoulders slumped for a moment, the weight of his powerlessness pressing upon him. However, he quickly straightened his posture and locked eyes with the sorcerer. "This might sound cliché, but I never break my promise."

The sorcerer regarded Persian with a mixture of surprise and skepticism. "You truly intend to help me, despite your father's decree?"

Persian nodded firmly, his resolve unwavering. "Yes. I'll find a way to get you out of here, even if it kills me. I believe in justice and my promises, and I won't stand by and watch an innocent person suffer."

The sorcerer's laughter faded, replaced by a glimmer of hope. "Huh, you are not like the others....you are actually genuine.....I am moved by your determination.

Persian sighed " well you held your end of the promise and I hold my end by helping you escape"

"escape" asked the sorcerer.

"And fortunately, I have a plan"


As the moon cast its silvery glow over the prison, Persian knew that he had to act swiftly to break the sorcerer out of his cell. The first step was to distract the guards and create an opportunity for escape.

Persian's eyes scanned the vicinity, searching for something that could divert the guards' attention. In the corner of the prison yard, he spotted a stack of crates, partially hidden in the shadows. With a determined glint in his eye, he approached the crates, his mind racing to devise a plan.

As he reached the crates, Persian noticed that they contained old, discarded items, including rusted armor pieces and broken weaponry. He realized that these could be just the distraction he needed.

Taking a deep breath, he began to carefully and quietly rearrange the crates, making a deliberate noise that would catch the guards' attention. He strategically placed the broken weapons in a way that would suggest an attempt at theft.

Sure enough, the guards, alerted by the commotion, approached the scene cautiously. Persian's heart raced as he watched their lanterns approach, the flickering light revealing their concerned expressions.

"What's going on here?" one of the guards demanded, his hand gripping the hilt of his sword.

Persian, feigning surprise, quickly responded, "I heard noises coming from this corner, and I came to investigate. It looks like someone was trying to steal these old weapons."

The guards exchanged glances, clearly torn between investigating further and maintaining their watch over the prison. Persian prayed that his distraction would be enough to create an opening for the escape.

Just when the guards were about to get back to their position, they saw a shadow moving on the walls of the cells "hey, you stop there!!".

The guards ran to chase the shadow.