

A guy who wished not to be reborn. Who wanted to be away from all the constant fighting and killing. A pacifist who wanted peace and quiet. Was reborn with an objective. By a being he doesn't know nor understand. He was given a chance to make a place that he'd like and one that other's wouldn't. Given such a difficult task he tries to figures out how. Then suddenly his whole village is burned down and the people in it slaughtered. Him not being sure on what to do, saved his brother, and is filled with anger and frustration. But he doesn't realise that he'll become a Warden. A being who changes all. A being unknown to most and understood by some. And he will run into more problem's. Those problem's may even cause his own death.

R4M · ホラー
18 Chs

A New World "For" Me

The [Entity] wakes up as a baby, on a planet unfamiliar. A planet that he never had been before. He sees a face that looks like a man's but he knows that it could be a woman. The person with the man's face says "Happy birthday little man! I'm your dad!". He is then relieved that he doesn't have to call him mom because it'd be weirder than his past lives. He then hears a women's voice saying "Let me see him".

Women: "Aren't you such a sweet-looking baby? He looks so relaxed too."

Dad: "Yeah he sure does. Not much like me when it comes to that."

Women: "Well at least I have less to worry about."

Dad: "What's that supposed to mean?"

Women: "Nothing."

Dad: "Sure it doesn't."

The [Entity] is now the [Baby]. Looking at the women's face he sees that the woman isn't all that different from an average looking one. Which makes him even happier because he's glad that he doesn't have to be some cliche noble kid.

The [Baby] then realizes that his [Dad] had said it was his birthday. But since he's a baby he guesses that he's one year old. His parent's started to celebrate his birthday as he started to eat his food all slobbery like. The [Baby] thought it was funny but his parents tried to make sure he ate his food.

[Dad]: "I hope he eats it right. It took me all day to mash those apples for him."

[Mom]: "Yeah i know but he's still just a baby."

As the [Baby] goes to sleep time passes. The [Baby] only woke up to eat and would sleep. As he sleeps he thinks of what he could do to achieve his objective. One thing he plans to do is to make it from scratch by his own hands without any help. He won't ask for some money or nothing. He will craft it all by his own hands.

{Eight years pass}

The [Baby] is now eight years old. He's no longer a baby but a kid. It turns out that the [Kid]'s mom just had a baby. He helps his [Dad] prepare the food and bed for the baby.

[Dad]: "I never knew you to be such a crafter."

[Kid]: "I practiced a lot."

[Dad]: "You still used that knife even tho I told you not to!?"

[Kid]: "It's okay dad. I had used the saw not the knife. So I couldn't have cut myself."

[Dad]: "How did you use a long saw to make a baby bed."

[Kid]: "I just stood on top of the saw jumping until I got the shape I want."

[Dad]: "You have the weirdest ways of helping."

[Kid]: "It will work for now."

They then go to the house with the items on the hand made wooden sled. After reaching the house the mom starts yelling saying "THE BABY'S COMING!!!!!!". [Dad] rushing in to make sure the baby is delivered safely and the [Kid] preparing everything for the baby. Afterward, the [Kid] finds out that the sibling he'll have is a boy. Knowing that he then continues doing what he planned to do. Help his dad until his plan is set in motion.

I plan to skip only a few years in between the story so that you can see how he grows up. And how he makes what he makes. And maybe possibly see why he does it too.

R4Mcreators' thoughts