
Elysium: The land of Heroes

James is a young adult with many personality problems, raised in a twisted family. He does what he can to get by, but his past always manages to catch up with him. Finally, after making major mistakes, he believes it's time to end it all. However, a strange event shakes his life completely. A mysterious young woman asks him to remember his promise and gives him a ring that allows him to travel between worlds. Now he finds himself facing a new world where magic exists, and powerful beings are capable of splitting mountains and conjuring the fundamental powers of nature. With unusual magic and hidden masters at every corner, will James be able to overcome all the obstacles thrown at him by the new world and fulfill his ancestral promise? Will he be able to mend his personality and confront his past mistakes, or will he be crushed by the weight of tremendous guilt? Will he finally find the strength to forgive, to forgive himself?

Nitlo · ファンタジー
20 Chs

Making Friends

The factions of the land had two gathering points. One was located within the city, where they intended to assemble the artisans, constituting a small fraction of the troops that could be accommodated in a small villa. The bulk of the forces were being organized and trained in a village that was a two-day journey away by cart.

When James arrived at the villa, he noticed a hive of activity. There were more than 30 people present, far more than he had expected, which confused him slightly. He hadn't anticipated more than two or three specialists per area, unless they were compensating for quality with quantity.

"Mr. James, this is Nora, the person in charge here. She will show you the facilities and address your needs," said the guard, who promptly left after fulfilling his duties. James once again noted that he was being treated with a minimal level of respect, as if they respected someone else and had to act that way towards him. (I guess it's because of Master Strom, but it doesn't matter much since I don't plan on staying with them anyway) James thought.

Nora was a petite, freckled woman. Silver strands of hair stood out amidst her tresses, though she appeared quite young to have gray hair. James speculated that it might be something else or that the job itself was that stressful. He recalled seeing colleagues back on Earth, only 25 years old but with hair loss from work-related stress.

"Miss Nora, my name is James, and I am the runic blacksmith hired by Miss Jasmine for this expedition," James genuinely introduced himself in a cordial manner.

The cordiality seemed to momentarily catch Nora off guard, but she quickly composed herself and replied, "I am Nora Elter, in charge of managing this facility and overseeing logistics within the realm. It is a pleasure to finally meet you, Mr. James. I was beginning to worry that you might have changed your mind. The rest of the group has been here for at least a month." Her voice was slightly sharp and strictly professional.

Then, with a slightly more cordial tone, she continued, "Follow me as I show you the facilities and introduce you to the leaders of the other four groups. I must inform you in advance that, due to the absence of more runic blacksmiths, you have been automatically promoted to the position of head blacksmith. You will have a small staff to assist you with the basic elements of blacksmithing."

Nora led James through the villa's facilities, introducing him to the leaders of the other magical professions present in the expeditionary group. Each of them had a distinct appearance and attitude, ranging from apathy to slight antagonism towards James. The arcane profession was represented by Marcus, an elderly mage with a white beard and piercing gaze. Alchemy was overseen by Evelyn, a woman with red hair and vibrant eyes, always surrounded by vials and potions. Enchantment was the responsibility of Edward, a serious and reserved man with magical tattoos on his arms and an unyielding expression. Lastly, the elemental profession was led by Serena, a young and elegant-looking woman with a natural command of the elements at her disposal.

Each leader presented their respective teams and explained the functions and objectives of their professions within the expedition. James observed each of them carefully, noting the dynamics and potential interactions that could arise. Although there was a certain tension in the air, he knew that they would have to find a way to work together for the success of the expedition.

The introduction to the leaders of the other magical professions concluded, and Nora led James to his new workshop within the villa. It was a modest yet functional space, equipped with basic tools and materials. She also introduced him to the small staff assigned to assist him with the simpler tasks of blacksmithing.

However, only three people remained in James's workshop. With a surprised expression, James glanced at Nora, who commented, "The numerous applicants for assistant positions simply left after seeing that no runic blacksmiths were arriving. Almost all of them tried their luck in other professions."

"Good morning, I'm James, and I will be in charge of runic blacksmithing. I understand that you have experience as blacksmiths and are interested in upgrading to the runic version," James introduced himself enthusiastically.

The three siblings exchanged brief glances before responding. The eldest brother, Ethan, stepped forward and spoke with a serious yet respectful tone. "Yes, that's correct. My name is Ethan, and my expertise lies in traditional blacksmithing. However, I have always held great respect for runic blacksmithing and its potential. I would like to explore new possibilities and strive to acquire this profession."

Liam, the youngest brother, approached Ethan with a smile on his face. "Hello! I'm Liam, the youngest of the siblings. Blacksmithing has always been our family's passion, and I'm excited to learn about runic blacksmithing. I believe it can open up new opportunities and interesting challenges for us."

The only sister in the group, Emily, also approached James with a determined look in her eyes. "My name is Emily. Like my brothers, I have followed in our father's footsteps as a blacksmith. But I have always sought something more, something that would elevate our skills to a higher level. Runic blacksmithing seems to be the answer, and I'm ready to face that challenge."

Impressed by the determination and interest of the three siblings in runic blacksmithing, James nodded. "I'm glad to know that we share this passion and common goal. We will work together to develop our skills and create high-quality runic weapons and objects. I'm confident that with our dedication and effort, we will be able to overcome any challenges that arise during the expedition."

With this introduction, James and the three siblings established an initial connection based on their shared love for blacksmithing and their desire to reach new heights in their craft.

As a gesture of goodwill, James decided to share basic lessons on runes. Although this information was available in books that were not easily accessible to ordinary people, having someone who had actually learned the craft could facilitate and correct common errors in the mental projection of runes, a fundamental step in any runic inscription.

The young siblings were enthralled by James's lessons, and the sacrifice they had made in waiting for a master without any certainty if one would even arrive was rewarded. In James's eyes, it was clear that he was a benevolent person willing to guide them, and if they could establish a better relationship, he might even consider taking them as his disciples.

James had no experience in organizing a workshop, so the following days were quite uncomfortable for the team. As he tried to micromanage each aspect, more and more mistakes occurred, and accidents and injuries began to pile up.

By the fourth day, the situation had become unbearable. Before James could come up with any excuses or incentives to encourage them to keep trying, Nora appeared in the workshop.

"Mr. James," Nora said with a reproachful tone, "There have been complaints from the neighbors regarding issues in the workshop. Can you explain the situation?" she asked, guiding James to her office.

James gave one last look at his group, and when they avoided his gaze, he knew there was nothing more to be done. They had truly given up. He let out a sigh of resignation and followed Nora to her office.