
Elysium: The land of Heroes

James is a young adult with many personality problems, raised in a twisted family. He does what he can to get by, but his past always manages to catch up with him. Finally, after making major mistakes, he believes it's time to end it all. However, a strange event shakes his life completely. A mysterious young woman asks him to remember his promise and gives him a ring that allows him to travel between worlds. Now he finds himself facing a new world where magic exists, and powerful beings are capable of splitting mountains and conjuring the fundamental powers of nature. With unusual magic and hidden masters at every corner, will James be able to overcome all the obstacles thrown at him by the new world and fulfill his ancestral promise? Will he be able to mend his personality and confront his past mistakes, or will he be crushed by the weight of tremendous guilt? Will he finally find the strength to forgive, to forgive himself?

Nitlo · ファンタジー
20 Chs

Chapter 4: Finding a Master

Before James and Riverdale arrived at the house of the old runic blacksmith, Riverdale decided to give him some warnings.

"James, you should know that although old Strom is a very prominent blacksmith respected for his vast knowledge and dedication to runic studies, he is also known for his bad temper and unrestrained speech. This has closed many doors for him, and many say it's the reason he hasn't been able to progress," commented the old merchant with a bitter smile, as if recalling an old anecdote.

"I don't think he's that bad or different from others. I haven't met any expert in his field with a good attitude yet," said James half-sarcastically.

"Well, it's true that veterans in any field have their own pride and won't allow others to belittle them. Moreover, the competition is tough and ruthless, as resources to advance in different stages of any discipline are scarce," Riverdale responded.

"I understand, Mr. Riverdale. Is there anything in particular I should know about Master Strom or anything I should avoid?" James asked.

"The old man despises mediocrity. He has always been a staunch advocate for meritocracy. I think it has to do with his own master. But the most important thing you should know right now is never to mention his ex-wife. Every time that woman is mentioned, Strom gets in a very bad mood and becomes unpredictable. For now, let the old man assess your innate magical abilities and see if you're suitable for the craft. I've seen you work hard, so if you maintain that attitude, I know you'll fit in well with the old man," said old Riverdale, trying to instill some confidence that quickly faded as they approached the door.

From inside, they heard a barrage of profanities and the sound of objects falling to the ground. Riverdale genuinely thought they might be witnessing a robbery, so he hurried to open the door and see what was happening.

Inside, they found a muscular, short man drenched in sweat, with his hair falling over his eyes. Madness was evident in his gaze.

"Strom, what the hell is going on with you? Why are you in such a state? And who the hell were you fighting with?" asked a concerned Riverdale as he grabbed a sword from a shelf and surveyed the surroundings.

"Forget it, Tim, there's no one," said Strom, wiping his face with a rag.

"What do you mean, no one? It sounded like the whole damn building was collapsing. What the hell were you doing?" said an incredulous Riverdale.

"Just leave it," resigned Strom as he grabbed a chair to sit down.

Riverdale, still in disbelief, took one last look inside the building and also searched around.

"So, what the hell happened to you?" Riverdale looked at his old friend cautiously, as if Strom were possessed by something, it would be quite problematic.

"Bah, you old impertinent fool, just drop it. I lost my temper a little, that's all. Just tell me what you're doing here. I don't believe you were simply strolling through the neighborhood," Strom replied, and at the very end, he noticed James' presence.

Riverdale proceeded to introduce James. "Strom, this is James. I know you're looking for an apprentice, and this young man is perfect for you. He's hardworking and has a decent constitution."

"Decent constitution, you say? He's practically a stick," Strom said, shaking his head disapprovingly. Then, addressing James, he asked, "And how's your affinity?"

"I don't know. I was hoping you could test it," said the old merchant, shrugging his shoulders.

"You're teasing me. You come here offering me a disciple, and you don't even know if he has affinity," Strom said, clearly growing irritated.

Riverdale decided to cut to the chase and said, "Believe me, I have a good feeling about this boy. Why don't you give him a try?"

"You and your legendary feelings. Fine, but if he's not what you say, I'll charge you," said the old blacksmith, who apparently had a fair amount of trust in Riverdale, as his expression relaxed considerably after hearing about his intuition. On the other hand, the merchant's expression turned sour upon hearing about a possible fee, as his friend was known to be quite expensive.

"Fine, I have no problem paying the boy's fees if he doesn't convince you," Riverdale replied. He had no choice but to confront the old man directly if he didn't want to lose his trust. The old blacksmith was quite stubborn, and if he didn't respect you, it was difficult to maintain a friendship.

The merchant's move worked with the blacksmith, who was slightly impressed. He knew his friend to be quite stingy and always try to cut costs. "Very well, lad, come this way. While it's complex to measure an individual's potential, there are a variety of tests. We won't be able to do them all today, but we can start with the simplest one to determine your affinity. If you have an affinity for runes, I'll examine the rest of your abilities tomorrow. Otherwise, you pay the fee and leave," Master Strom said.

James felt quite lost, not knowing how to react, and had remained silent until now. However, he managed to react appropriately and replied, "Of course, Master Strom."

The old man let out a snort and led the pair to an adjoining room. There, he dusted off a table where a crystal sphere perfectly fit into a metal plate at its center. Between the sphere and the plate, there were engraved lines interconnecting in mysterious ways, as well as a completely smooth spot on the metal. Strom pointed to that spot and asked James to place his hand on it and close his eyes.

When James complied with the request, the crystal began to glow, and the old blacksmith's face lit up. The process was much faster than usual, indicating that the boy had a strong affinity. But what came next stunned them. Typically, the sphere would only display symbols of the elements with which one had affinity. For common classes, there were five classes that required an affinity that couldn't be acquired after birth. Anyone could become a blacksmith, but to be a runic blacksmith, one had to have the corresponding runic affinity. At this point, the boy displayed affinity in all five disciplines: Arcane, Alchemical, Runic, Enchantment, and Elemental.

Both Strom and Riverdale were dumbfounded, but the old merchant was even more surprised since there were two symbols he didn't recognize. "Hey, you old grump, what does this mean? I recognize the symbols for alchemy, runes, and enchantments. What are the other two? Better yet, why are there so many symbols?" Riverdale asked incredulously.

"The other two symbols are for Arcane and Elemental. I really don't know why there are so many. Usually, when more than one affinity lights up, they come into conflict, and people choose which one to focus on, but here..." Strom paused.

"What's happening here? Is there something wrong with the boy?" Riverdale said, fearing something bad.

"On the contrary, the five affinities seem to be complementing each other perfectly. They are in a strange harmony. The boy is clearly remarkable," Strom replied, genuinely impressed, with astonishment written all over his face.

"Wait a moment, you said the boy has Arcane affinity. Maybe he can join the Tower," Riverdale suddenly remembered a piece of information, but he was abruptly interrupted by the blacksmith.

"Don't even think about it, Tim. The boy has a lot of potential, but he has no backing. If people find out about his potential, he'll hardly have a peaceful day," the blacksmith said.

Both old men fell into contemplation. They knew all too well how this world worked, and although James didn't have any current talent, the fact that he had the affinities would put a huge target on his back. After all, while it was public knowledge that affinity couldn't be changed after birth, that wouldn't stop powerful people without scruples from attempting darker methods.

"Boy, while I can't do anything about your other affinities, I can teach you my knowledge of runes. The only thing I ask in return is that when you have enough mastery, you carry out my master's experiments and theories. Unfortunately, I couldn't reach his level, but if you can, maybe you can test his conjectures and prove to the world that Master Fergus wasn't crazy," Strom spoke fervently to James.

"Of course, if Master Strom is willing to teach me, the least I can do is assist him with his research," James quickly responded.

Although the boy's attitude didn't entirely convince him, Strom decided to accept him for now. He could judge his character well in the coming days and truly see the extent of his innate talents and ability to learn new things. Having affinity was just the beginning, after all.

"So, was I right about the boy or not?" Riverdale said with a smug smile.

"Bah, it was just a lucky guess. For now, I'll stick with the boy. In the next few days, we'll test his skills. After all, I'm a runic blacksmith. Runic affinity is just the beginning. We need to introduce him to blacksmithing. And considering his other affinities, perhaps he'll want to explore other disciplines as well," Strom declared, dismissing the merchant from the house.

"Alright, I understand. James, you should know that Strom may have his flaws, but he is still a top-tier runic blacksmith, even among the higher levels. Be diligent and learn a lot. I'm already looking forward to the moment you provide me with high-quality runic equipment," Riverdale said, drooling with excitement. He could truly envision the wealth that could come from being the first to trade in high-quality products.

"Understood, Mr. Riverdale. Don't worry, I will fulfill my promise," James humbly responded.

"First, focus on what lies ahead, boy. It's better to have something certain than to chase illusions," Strom intervened, slightly annoyed. He quickly decided to change the subject of the conversation. "Boy, where are you staying?"

James shrugged slightly. "I don't have a place, Master. I've simply slept in stables when possible or in empty warehouses," he said with a saddened expression. He then added, "I don't have family or anywhere to go back to, so I can continue living in the warehouses during my apprenticeship."

"Forget about those foolish things. If you have nowhere to go, you can stay here. Besides, I really need an assistant to clean up this mess," Strom said with feigned arrogance.

"Thank you, Master. I will strive to meet your standards," James responded humbly. He knew that both old men were helping him for some reason, driven by the kindness in their hearts. He had noticed his master's intention to conceal his abilities to prevent him from becoming a danger.

"Well, enough for today. Go to your room and rest. Starting tomorrow, we'll work until you collapse from exhaustion," Strom said, guiding him to his room.

In his room, James was mentally exhausted and didn't have time to reflect on the events of the day. However, a feeling of gratitude arose in his chest. Both old men reminded him in some way of his own grandfather, especially their best moments together when he helped him get ahead and find employment.

The next day, James began his grueling routine. He rose at the first light of dawn and headed to the workshop, ready to work almost immediately. The day would be exhausting, with only three short 15-minute breaks throughout the day for meals and even briefer ones for restroom visits.

The itinerary that awaited him was as follows: first, he had to dedicate an hour to morning exercise to awaken his body. Then, he had another hour to prepare the materials needed for Strom's work from the previous day and tidy up the workshop, ensuring everything was in its place. He took his first break, using those fifteen minutes to rest and regain energy.

After his brief break, he dove into three consecutive hours of assisting Strom at the forge. His job involved feeding the forge fire, ensuring the heat was constant and appropriate, and moving heavy metal pieces back and forth in the workshop. Each movement required strength and skill, as he had to place the materials in their correct positions for Strom to work on them.

The forge room was bustling with activity and heat, with the constant sound of roaring fire and hammering resonating in the air. James moved with dexterity, avoiding any accidents as he carried out his assigned tasks. Sometimes, his face lit up with a focused expression as he tried to handle the more challenging pieces with precision.

As the morning progressed, James could feel the fatigue building up in his muscles. Every movement became heavier, but his determination didn't waver. He knew this was the path to learning the craft and proving his worth. While continuing to work alongside Strom, he observed the runic blacksmith's gestures and techniques attentively, absorbing every detail like a knowledge-thirsty sponge.

Time passed mercilessly, and when the moment for the second break arrived, James felt exhausted yet satisfied. He took a few minutes to rest and catch his breath, knowing that there was still much to be done before the day's end.

At the end of the break, Strom stepped out to talk to James. It was time for the apprentice to start crafting small metal pieces that would help maintain the forge's stock. This was a common task for apprentices as it freed up the masters' time for more complex work. However, since it was James' first day and he didn't know anything yet, Strom decided to dedicate these hours to teaching him how to handle the tools and forge procedures.

Strom approached James and showed him a series of tools they used in the forge. He explained how to properly grip the hammer and apply the necessary force with each strike to shape the metal. James paid close attention, trying to absorb every detail and memorize every movement.

Next, Strom showed him how to use the anvil, explaining its different parts and how to position the metal correctly for working on it. James followed each instruction carefully, feeling the excitement of having the opportunity to work with these ancestral tools.

After teaching him about the basic tools, Strom proceeded to explain the different forging procedures. He showed James how to heat the metal in the furnace to the appropriate temperature, how to handle the tongs to hold the hot pieces, and how to strike the metal on the anvil to shape it.

With patience and dedication, James followed each step and practiced over and over until he began to feel more comfortable with the tools and movements. As the hours passed, his confidence and skill grew.

Strom also taught James about the different types of metals and their characteristics. He showed him how to identify steel, iron, and other materials used in forging, explaining their properties and specific uses. James listened attentively, eager to learn and understand everything he could about the craft.

Over time, James began to forge the small metal pieces with greater dexterity. Following Strom's instructions, he carefully forged nails, hooks, and other elements that would be used in future projects. Each hammer strike became more precise, and his skill was reflected in the quality of his work.

As the day drew to a close, James felt tired but satisfied. He had learned a lot on his first day at the forge, thanks to Strom's teachings. Grateful, he bid farewell to his master and committed to continue practicing and improving in the art of blacksmithing.

Strom also dedicated time to teach James about runes. Sitting in a corner of the workshop, the runic blacksmith showed him the different types of symbols and how they could be used to enhance a blacksmith's creations. He explained that runes were magical inscriptions that bestowed special properties upon weapons and armor.

With patience, Strom showed James the basic principles of runes, how to draw them accurately, and how to infuse them into the metal during the forging process. He explained that each rune had a unique meaning and had to be traced with the proper intention to achieve the desired result.

Strom taught him the most common runes used in blacksmithing, such as the fortitude rune to increase the resilience of armor, the sharpening rune to improve the edge of a sword, and the protection rune to enhance the defense of a shield. James observed attentively, aware of the importance of mastering these runic techniques.

Then, Strom focused on the applications of runes in the field of blacksmithing. He showed James how they could be used to enhance material strength, make weapons more effective against specific creatures, or even add magical properties to forged objects.

James marveled at every new piece of knowledge he acquired about runes. He envisioned how he could use this knowledge in his future creations and how he could make a difference in the world of blacksmiths.

At the end of the lesson, Strom smiled and congratulated James on his dedication and progress. He encouraged him to keep practicing and experimenting with runes as they were a fundamental part of the art of blacksmithing.

With his mind filled with new ideas and knowledge, James bid farewell to Strom and left the workshop. As he walked through the streets, he carried with him the excitement of discovering a new aspect of the blacksmithing trade and the determination to perfect his skills in rune handling.

From that day on, James committed himself to study and practice runic techniques, combining them with his forging abilities. He knew that runes would be an integral part of his journey to becoming an exceptional blacksmith.

You can also check out my parallel work available on Amazon and Kindled Unlimited called the Greybear Saga: A Light Is Born. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C7LY3Y16

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