
Where the Sun doesn't Shine

"What are you doing?" Chika said as she took a step back.

Arius currently looked dangerous in her eyes as if he was a predator and she was prey.

Arius didn't say anything as he continued his stride toward Chika while she keeps walking backward until her back hits the wall.

"Can you handle yourself, Elspeth?" Arius asked when he arrived in front of her with their bother inched apart. Their breath hitched due to the closeness.

"Of co-course!" Chika answered as she slides to the side but Arius's hand immediately blocked it, causing her to jump back and tried the other side but it was blocked as well.

With a man towering over her full of dominance radiating off his aura, every girl might feel trapped in a cage with no escape.

Chika felt that way but she didn't want to stay like that and feel intimidated. She knows that Arius is just testing her to see if she can handle herself alone while facing danger since he saw her being helpless against Mika.