

"What!?" Chika said in disbelief with her eyes wide open while looking at her adopted mother.

Alara and Chara look at one another as they were surprised at the sudden change in Chika's behavior.

"No, no. Give me the necklace." 

Chika extends her hand with her palms wide open. She had a strong urge to yell but decided to calm down before she make it worse. 

"Dear, the necklace did harm to you. I don't want it to happen again. Who knows what will take place the next time you touch it." Alara insist as she didn't mean to harm to come to Chika as she only wants what's safe and good for her.


Chika couldn't help but groan in frustration as she grab a handful of her hair and pull it out.

"Chika! You're hurting yourself!" 

Chika snapped towards her mother as her eyes unconsciously glared at her due to her bottled-up emotions.