

It's been a week since the Scouts traveled to complete the mission and Chieftain Alara is expecting them sooner or later.

Chieftain Alara is currently feeding the baby with the breast milk of a fellow she-wolf who just gave birth to a pup. The baby grows healthily but Chieftain Alara is still struggling with whether or not she'll name the baby.

The co-leader Chara has been a great help looking after the baby when she's busy with the pack's work since they are growing bigger by each day.

After feeding the baby and putting her to sleep in the crib. Chieftain Alara took out the necklace that she had hidden and examine every corner of the pendant.

By the color of it, Chieftain Alara already had a feeling that it belongs to the Werewolf Fire Clan as it also shows at the symbol.

A triangle means Fire.

Then an idea struck into her mind that she quickly went to the dirty kitchen and set out to create a fire. When it was done, she put the pendant closer to the flames then it glowed and a series of lights appeared above the pendant but what surprised Chieftain Alara the most is the image of the crown.

After she saw it, Chieftain Alara put out the fire and quickly went back into her room and hide the pendant again.

Her heart has been beating loudly as she's still trying to calm herself from what she saw.

"Sh-she's a ro-royal--" Chieftain Alara couldn't continue what she was about to say when she felt her mouth hardened and hands trembling.

"Wh-what is she do-doing here?"

Chieftain Alara is still in shock when she received a mind link from Ajax, the leader of the Scouts.

*Chief, we have arrived.*

*I'll be right there.*

She takes a deep breath and makes herself composed before facing the Scouts and how she wished that what she discovered is the complete opposite of what the Scouts will report after their mission.

Chieftain Alara let Ajax compile all the information from the different Scouts that have been sent to each clan and waited for him in the office. Her nerves are still on the wreck but she tried to remain as calm as possible when Ajax entered the room.

Both of their eyes meet and upon his arrival, the atmosphere of the room became heavy and suffocating. Chieftain Alara immediately senses that something unpleasant happened in their journey.

"Chieftain Alara, I'll go straight to the point." Ajax took a deep breath then grabbed something from his pocket before placing it on the table.

It was the Werewolf Fire Clan flag that has been burned. Chieftain Alara's eyes shake as she looks at Ajax who's radiating with guilt and sadness.

"The Fire Clan has been wiped out by the Duke of the Dark Clan. Leaving nothing but rotten bodies and ashes along their path. Nobody survived even the royal family."

Hearing what Ajax just said, Chieftain Alara blinked a couple more times while trying to take all the information in but no matter how she tried, she could not believe it.

"Are you sure? Did you see any survivors?"

Ajax shook his head as he tried to stay composed in front of the Chieftain, "Their presence is no longer around, Chief."

"How about the other Clans?" She asked.

"Upon the information's of the other Scouts, the remaining Clans are in total Chaos when they heard and felt the change of power within the Werewolf clans."

"Thank you, Ajax. Good job for you and your team. You may now rest as it's exhausting on your part."

Chieftain Alara stands up, followed by Ajax as he bowed and leave the house. Leaving a trail of the unpleasant scent of dead and burned bodies from him.

"Oh my Goddess, what will gonna happen now?" Chieftain Alara's knees gave out as she falls on the cold floor while trying to think about their future as she knows that soon, everything will start to change.

Days turn to weeks and months, news about the Duke of Dark Clans becoming the new King and the other remaining Clans didn't have a choice but to bowed under his power to prevent any internal war that will cause death and blood to be spilled again.

The dead bodies of the Fire Clan citizens are all burned to ashes in their own territory and as for the Palace, the Dark Clan ruined it to pieces and it becomes another abandoned territory next to the Water Clan.

For the baby, Chieftain Alara named her Chika which means Scatter Flower as a reference that she's been found in the river as the last survivor of the Werewolf Fire Clan.

A bud that yet to be bloom.

King - Fire Clan

Duke - Dark Clan

Monachrecreators' thoughts