
Ellie: Chronicles of Light

In an unfamiliar world where a force called magic reigns supreme to the classes ruled by Kings and Queens by which they will serve as the Kingdom's shield and sword. Cale Watson, who was supposed to be a stranger of the Medieval world, became a prodigy of the sword. He pledged loyalty to the Kingdom of Ellie, and swore to protect it from the darkness and chaos.

D_vidy · ファンタジー
1 Chs


Something truly incomprehensible happened; even the advancement of science in my previous world couldn't fathom and concisely explain without touching the subject of human religion.


It is widely acknowledged that there is currently no scientific evidence to support the belief in reincarnation; however, some individuals may argue that their personal experiences and memories serve as proof of past lives. Despite this, it is unlikely that such claims would be taken seriously in a society unfamiliar with the concept of reincarnation.

In the current era, which is the Medieval period, discussing ideas of reincarnation may lead to severe consequences, including the accusation of witchcraft and potential punishment—such as being burned at the stake. As such, it is essential to provide a clear and concise definition of the concept before further discussion.

Reincarnation is the belief that the soul or essence of a person continues to exist after death and is reborn into another body or form. This belief is held by many religions and philosophical traditions around the world, including Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Ancient Greek philosophy, Native American spirituality, and African traditions.

In Hinduism, reincarnation is considered to be the central aspect of the cycle of existence known as samsara. It is believed that the soul goes through a continuous cycle of birth, death, and rebirth, and the type of rebirth one experiences is determined by their karma, or the sum of their actions and thoughts in their previous life. Hinduism also teaches that the ultimate goal of reincarnation is to achieve moksha, or the liberation from the cycle of existence and attainment with the ultimate reality.

In Buddhism, the concept of reincarnation is tied to the idea of impermanence, as all things are said to be constantly changing and in a state of flux. Unlike Hinduism, Buddhism does not believe in a permanent self or soul, but instead sees the self as a collection of constantly changing experiences and phenomena. In this view, reincarnation is seen as a continuation of the impermanent, changing nature of the self.

Jainism also holds the belief in reincarnation, and teaches that the soul is trapped in a cycle of bird, death, and rebirth, due to past actions and karma. Jainism places great importance on the principle of ahimsa, or non-violence, and encourages its followers to live a virtuous life and to avoid actions that cause harm to others, in order to reduce the accumulation of negative karma and eventually attain liberation from the cycle of reincarnation.

The ancient Greeks, including the famous philosopher Pythagoras, believed in reincarnation. They held that the soul was immortal and that it was reborn into another body after death. Pythagoras and his followers believed that the soul was reincarnated in order to gain knowledge and experience, and that the ultimate goal was to attain a state of pure consciousness that was no longer sustained to reincarnation.

Native American spirituality also includes beliefs in reincarnation, where the soul of the deceased is said to be reborn into another body. This belief is often tied to the idea of a spiritual journey, where the soul moves from one form to another in order to learn and grow. In some Native American traditions, it is believed that the soul can be reincarnated as both human and non-human beings, such as animals or plants.

Reincarnation is also a belief held in certain African spiritual traditions, such as the Yoruba. These traditions hold that the spirits of the dead can be reborn into new bodies, and that the soul's journey continues until it reaches a state of enlightenment or union with the divine.

In conclusion, reincarnation is a belief that has been held by many cultures and traditions throughout history. It offers a way of understanding the continuation of the soul after death, and provides a framework for exploring the meaning of existence and the ultimate goal of life. Despite the difference in the specifics of reincarnation beliefs and various traditions, the idea that the soul reaches a state of enlightenment or union with the divine.

Yes, I was reincarnated. And no matter how many times I'd force my brain to find an explanation of this current predicament I'm in, I failed to find one.

All I'd recall was the unusual clouds of ash outside of my window. The bag of condensed water vapor shouldn't reach this height.


Then the next time I opened my eyes there were various kinds of orbs floating in the air.

And there were two blurry faces curiously staring at me. My vision was kinda hazy, moreso, I couldn't even feel any of my limbs.

Am I paralyzed?

Perhaps, I'd have been involved in an accident that rendered me immobile.

But the floating mini orbs didn't add up if that were the case. It was my first time seeing such a scene. One color that stole my attention was a pint-size of purple.

It was freely moving in the air, and then landed in my palm where a rush of energy suddenly felt in my entire body.

A crumb of strength had returned. I used it to move my head for a clearer view of the surroundings. There were round particles far darker than purple gathered at a newborn.

It was odd as the baby was clearer in my eyes compared to the others.

I was truly clueless... And later understand what exactly happened and the mysterious existence of those floating orbs.


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