

He sat there watching her face as she processed what he had said and was surprised to see the two brothers burst out laughing at her and her small pout.

"Why's it always me?" she pouted at her triplet (twin?) brothers who were laughing hysterically and I wondered how the other three at the end of the bed didn't wake up. "Do you mind if I take time to process?" she looked at me sheepishly and I smiled at her.

"A lot to take in in a single day isn't it?" I smirked at her as she laughed agreeing with me. "It's no problem dear; I'm proceasing as well." surprising myself at how gentle I was with her. I had never been a gentle man.

"....thanks." she mumbled around a yawn and I walked out of the room closing the door. I didn't know what to think. I leaned against the door and sighed heavily.

My mate who I had long given up on ever finding was right there behind the door. She was a Witch! What the fuck! I stilled as I listened to her scold her two brothers.

"Stop laughing!" followed by two thumps that I assumed was her hitting them with a pillow most likely.

"Oh come on you cannot tell you dont like him even the tinest bit." one of them laughed.

"Are you telling me you don't find him attractive if only physically?" the other laughed and I could picture them wagging their eye brows at her.

"Normac! Keep your eyes to yourself!" she laughed "and of course I noticed what he looks like! How can anyone ignore that huge mass of muscle! "

"You ignore us." They said and she huffed at them.

"You're my brothers! We're triplets of course I don't see anything but the annoying assholes you are!" a huff and laughter followed and my ego sored at the knowledge she found me attractive.

"One of you still have a mate to find and I'm betting you its a Were." she sighed as I heard them all sober up at that.

"I don't know how we are going to achieve peace. The war has been going on for so long that I doubt anyone remembers why it started in the first place."

"Goddess knows why She thinks we can do anything about it. We're twenty four and I can't even use offensive magicks without getting nearly killed each time even to protect my own Family. " I hears the sadness in her voice. I wanted to hug her. I knew I shouldn't have eavesdropped but I needed to know.

"You're a healer its who you are soul and magicks. Beside the two of us can use offensive magicks but only in self defense."

"I'm sorry you two had to use the Ritual again."

"You saved Nathaniel and Goddess knows that. That's why she let you live and didn't kill you for your transactions. Like last time when you used your powers to protect us. "

I couldnt listen anymore. It felt too personal and I knew the feeling of needing privacy. So with a harsh push I traveled down the hall and two floors down where my Guard would be.

I entered the kitchens knowing most would be feeding at this time. The head of my guard included. Turning I found her tucked in a corner eating a rare steak and a glass of blood wine.

"Tamia." I looked at her and she followed me to the council room down the hall.

"My King what's happened?" she asked concerned. Her green braids hung loosely around her face and he looked at his sister.

"The Witches have fallen asleep and will probably be out for a while now. I don't know what to do with them." he sighed finally able to drop the persona he was forced to wear as they sat together in his study.

"Everyone thought they were extinct so I'm not surprised but there's something else. "

"The Pink haired one..."

"The one that controls fire?"

"Yeah...turns out she's my mate. "

"Gods damn!" she breathed leaning back on the chair she had taken as he himself sat in his desk chair. "That's just...wow"

"The two guys that showed up are her brothers. They're triplets."

She chuckled amused but sympathetic to her brothers perdicament. "You are so screwed. "

"I know that. thank you very much sister. " he scowled at her as she smirked amused.

"So what do we do now?" she asked seriously and they both sat there thinking.

"Wait. They need rest and I dont know how to tell her she's my mate. "

" We could all use some rest Brother." she stated simply and he agreed whole heartedly. So saying goodnight and after checking the guards shift change and adding a few extra at his mates door. He went to sleep and mentally tried to prepare himself for the next day.