

Hami: noun[c]. Mage. Protector. The title given to those who are able to control their Riaf, the core of all living things, and use it to move the elements at their disposal. Khaled Ben Sakir is a 'restricted' with a bad temper. He's not good enough to be a Hami but too dangerous to leave without a Riaf education. He yearns to prove himself, but hard work might not be enough.

RandomLurker · ファンタジー
33 Chs

The Uphill Climb Part 1

Sandra seemed to accept his explanation. She reached into a small wooden chest tucked beneath the desk and pulled out a smooth disc carved from polished bone embued with an obsidian gemstone. It pulsed with a faint, earthy glow. " Here's your activation key. Just touch it to the rune etched on the entrance of your segment. And remember, safety first!" she reminded him handing it to Khaled. "The Earthstone should provide the necessary ambient energy for your practice."

Khaled took Activation key. He touched the gemstone, the cool smoothness a contrast to the warmth rising in his cheeks. He knew his lack of elemental affinity hampered him, pushing his Riaf consumption to unsustainable levels. He thanked Sandra and walked towards Segment A.

Khaled strode towards Segment A, the weight of the upcoming exam and the fractured team dynamic pressing down on him.

He glanced back towards the central control booth. Sandra, ever-observant, had already noticed him. With a warm smile that crinkled the corners of her eyes, she gestured for him to approach.

"Exam jitters getting to you?" she inquired, her voice as soothing as the rustling leaves outside.

Khaled hesitated, then let out a sigh. "Something like that," he admitted. "The Tag Team Exam is looming, and…" He trailed off, unsure how much to reveal.

Sandra tilted her head, her gaze kind and understanding. "Is everything alright with your team? You know, communication and trust are just as important as magical prowess in these exams."

Khaled winced. "Things are… strained," he confessed, the words heavy on his tongue. "There was a disagreement, and…"

He stopped, the memory of the argument with Samad and Jahith still raw. Sandra, sensing his discomfort, patted the stool beside her. "Why don't you take a seat, Khaled? Tell me what happened."

Hesitantly, Khaled perched on the stool, his gaze fixed on his hands. He poured out the general idea of the disagreement, the frustration and hurt lingering in his voice and the situation about the Monsters showing up in the summoning. Sandra listened patiently; her expression thoughtful.

"It sounds like a difficult situation, Khaled," she acknowledged when he finished. "But even the strongest teams have disagreements. What matters is how you move forward."

"I don't know you or your teammates very well, Khaled," she admitted. "But I do know the power of communication and honesty. "

"Thanks, Sandra," he said "I appreciate your time and advice."

Taking the disc, he strode towards the designated segment. As he ventured deeper into the dome, the specific training sections became apparent. Stepping closer to one, you could see a sandy beach environment, complete with crashing waves created by an illusion spell and the rhythmic thump of a hidden heartbeat simulating a slumbering sandworm. Another section shimmered with an artificial frost, replicating a treacherous mountain peak.

The silence in each segment was deceptive. A touch of the activation disc, and the chosen environment would Change, the air crackling as the runes embedded in the walls flared with renewed energy. Targets of various shapes and sizes materialized, some stationary and others darting aroundly , mimicking the unpredictable movements of monsters.

The Training Dome was more than just a building; it was a living, breathing entity that pulsed with the power of Riaf and the focused determination of the students within its walls. It was a crucible where they would be pushed to their limits, where they would learn to control their burgeoning powers and forge the skills needed to protect themselves and the world beyond.

The familiar entrance symbol etched into the wall greeted him. This wasn't his first time here; he knew the drill. He pressed the Earthstone into the intricate grooves surrounding the symbol. A low hum resonated through the room, the walls shimmering faintly. Then, with a metallic groan, a section of the wall slid open, revealing a portal into his training segment.

Taking a deep breath, Khaled stepped through the portal. Gone was the sterile training environment he'd grown accustomed to. In its place stretched a dense, earthen forest. Towering trees with gnarled branches cast long shadows on the sun-dappled ground. The air hung heavy with the scent of damp earth and decaying leaves. It was a complete sensory shift, a world away from the polished floors and smooth walls of the Training Dome.

Stepping through the portal, Khaled found himself once more in the familiar confines of Segment A. The training room, a roughly twenty-meter-by-thirty-meter space, greeted him with the comforting solidity of polished stone walls. But upon closer inspection, the environment had undergone a dramatic transformation. The familiar floor had morphed into a challenging incline, formed entirely from sculpted rock, earth, and small boulders. It resembled a challenging mountain path, one that demanded focus and full-body exertion to conquer.

A wave of nostalgia washed over Khaled as he recognized Sandra's handiwork. The Training Dome Administrator, despite her gentle demeanor, possessed a playful streak. This dynamic training setup, unique to the Earth element, was a new addition to Segment A. It wasn't the first time Sandra had surprised him with such ingenuity – the floating platforms for Wind training and the illusory mirages for Fire magic all spoke to her dedication to creating a versatile and challenging training environment.

The most immediate difference, however, was the pressure building in his lungs. Professor Elara's lectures on High Mountain combat echoed in his mind – the stifling pressure of high altitudes, the thinning air that made breathing and movement harder. It was a deliberate element, a simulated challenge designed to push trainees to their limits. This, he realized, was one of the reasons he'd opted for Earth magic today – to experience these environmental difficulties and refine his ability to adapt.

Glancing upwards, Khaled spotted the source of the oppressive atmosphere. Faintly glowing glyphs, a layer distinct from the protective enchantments shimmering on the walls, pulsed with a subtle energy. These, as Sandra had explained, were ambient pressure manipulation enchantments, carefully calibrated to simulate the thin air of high altitudes.

His gaze then fell upon the training exercise itself. Perched precariously on a rocky outcrop in the center of the artificial mountain path stood a large puppet. A grin tugged at his lips – it was a Red Bao, a creature beloved by Sandra. These intricately crafted puppets, imbued with magic and controlled by Riaf stones, served as dynamic training partners. Their difficulty levels were directly tied to Riaf consumption, allowing students to train progressively.

He had faced Red Baos before, but never in such a challenging environment. These puppets mimicked not only the physical characteristics of real monsters but also their combat styles. The difficulty selection process was meticulous. Sandra, as the administrator, held the authority to modify the movements and responsiveness of the puppets.

The Tiered Challenge:

Easy: The perfect stepping stone for beginners. The Red Bao, in this mode, moved with slow and predictable movements, its attacks easily telegraphed. Riaf consumption was minimal, allowing students to focus on honing their basic spells and reaction times.

Intermediate: This level presented a moderate challenge. The Red Bao's movements became faster and more erratic, requiring quicker reflexes and a sharper focus. Riaf consumption increased slightly, but remained manageable for most students.

Hard: Here, the Red Bao truly began to mimic a formidable opponent. Its attacks were swift and unpredictable, forcing students to employ a combination of offensive and defensive spells to overcome it. Riaf consumption became noticeable; managing their reserves efficiently became a crucial element of success.

Very Hard: This level was a true test of skill and stamina. The Red Bao would be relentless, its attacks mimicking the ferocity of a real monster. Students venturing into this tier would face significant Riaf consumption, pushing them to their absolute limits. It was a test that demanded a keen sense of battle strategy and an understanding of how to prioritize spell usage.

Sadistic: This final tier was reserved for only the most advanced students, those with exceptional control over their Riaf reserves and an unyielding spirit. The Red Bao, in this mode, became a blur of motion, replicating the deadliest beasts of the realm. Riaf consumption here would be extreme, pushing the trainee to their absolute limits. Activating this tier required Sandra's direct supervision due to the immense strain it placed on both the puppet and the student.