
Elena's destiny

Hi my name is Elena, am 21 years old. I am the crown princess of Belvonia. Being a princess seems to be most girls dreams since everyone admires the gowns and admirations but my life was different, Since I was born, I have never been allowed to leave the palace. Everything I do is in the hands of my father. I am not even allowed to breath without his permission as he is over protective of me. My life changed when I met Chris And I went on a journey to no return...a journey of betrayal and forgiveness, hatred and love, adventure and destiny....at the end romance Will you join me? "Marry me" Chris said and her words got stuck in her throat "Will you", he asked with a cold stare "U-uhm"

Obi_Nelo · ファンタジー
21 Chs

chapter 9 my magic

"but you know that's impossible dear princess" he said with a wide smile

"Why is that" I asked

"Well it's because your father built the whole castle with croil stones and so my bender magic won't work here" he replied

"But then how were u able to come to my room" I asked

"I didn't use magic, u did" he said with a proud smile

"Hmph am not magical I am from Belvonia and not Bentrish" I said firmly

"See princess your dad didn't tell you about your power" he said

"What power" I asked

"You will have to see for yourself" he replied

"Okay then how do u show me" I said

"Then I will have to teach you how to use your teleportating power" he said

"Okay so what do I do" I asked confused

"Now close your eyes and picture the place you want to go, I'll hold you" he instructed 

I did what he said and when I opened my eyes we were at the lake where we say the fireworks.

"Wow so it's true, that means you were right my dad was telling me a half truth" I said hurt

"Now if you're done sulking let's go" he said and took my hand

"Wait just because my dad wasn't telling me a full truth doesn't mean I trust you" I said

"Don't worry I won't dare hurt my fu....." He said and suddenly stopped

"What do you mean by fu....." I asked

"Don't worry about that, are you ready" he asked and I just nodded

Then I met myself in a word cold place where the place looked as blue as chris eyes then I got shocked realising that we were deep inside the sea but we were actually in a bubble that was floating further down deep into the sea.

"Wait where are you taking me" I asked worriedly

"Will you just calm down, haven't you heard the saying water has memory" he asked and smiled

"Well yes but dat only happens in fairytale films like frozen" I said

"It seems you like fantasy" he said

"Well I just wish my life could be a fairy tale" I said with a sad smile

"Well imagine your life was a fairy tale will i be your fairytale prince" he asked sarcastically.

I wanted to speak but I just stayed quiet and tried to change the topic

"How much longer till we get to wherever you are taking me" I asked anxiously

He chuckled and said we will be there soon

"Oh here we are" he said

"But where, there is nothing here" I said confused

"Wait a bit longer" he said and closed his eyes then I saw something like a tornado coming towards us

"Wats dat" I said frightened but he didn't answer me then the thing reached us but it didn't harm us instead it showed something that seems to be the past and I could see a little boy floating in mid air.

"Who is this" I asked Chris then he slowly opened his eyes

"That's your father" he replied