

his name z***, the only fated lightning warrior destined to rid humanity of the dangers of the elementals

ADEX2497 · SF
10 Chs


HAAAAA , Shin Lang yelled as he was lifted up by some force and thrown out next thing he knew he was on the other side and the 70m crack was gone like it was never there but when he looked down he saw a round object glowing in different colors red,white,green,dark blue,light blue.

Woah wait he said fruit right? shin Lang asked himself as he picked the fruit up but the next thing he thought was to devour it so that's what he did, *nom* * nom* *gulp* he ate the fruit but nothing happened.

HAAA I should have known that bastard will sc... *thud* shin Lang suddenly drops to the ground and starts shaking untill he started shouting and breathing heavily HAAAAAAAAA *HUFF* *HUFF* HAAAAAAAA.

Shin Lang screamed,yelled for what seemed like hours to him but in reality it was only 10 minutes but suddenly stops he laid there on the snowy floor silent and still like he was dead but then,his eyes opened up in less than a second but instead of his eyes to be normal with brown pupils it was fully glowing white.

Suddenly he felt a surge of energy rush through him then he started levitating, HUUAAAAA shin Lang scream even louder like it wasn't his voice while *WOOOSH* *WOOOSH* fire coming out of every hole of his body and I mean every hole followed by water surrounding him then a tornado formed under him till it disappeared and he landed but when he did six pillars of stone formed around him only to be destroyed by the lightning that came after.

And just like that Shin Lang became the strongest warrior/emperor winning every battle and claiming kingdoms he grew his empire but he didn't want everything to end there as he grew old so he beared five sons each of them having one of their fathers elements.

as time passed shin Lang died of age and left everything to his son's but there was one problem since all sons were born at the same time they didn't know who would take lead they tried to settle things but they couldn't so a war broke out dividing shin langs large empire into six each son having control over one and they fought constantly untill they one of the sons died and it was the one with lightning.

Then fire kingdom took over them but little did they know that the lightning son bore a heir but he didn't have powers so he wasn't recognized as a threat from generation to generation till this very day the five kingdoms are still at war will the lightning kingdom wondering when they will be saved from the fire kingdom.

That is untill the day Zack Light was born even if he wasn't directly from the royal family one of the wives that the prince of their generation gave birth to him and he will be the one to change everything.

hey guys I have a feeling that this is going to be a great novel bye

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