

Sophie Wharton was just like any other normal girl who was going to step into her new life that was a college. We all can relate with her, we think college as a chance to escape from our old self and find our new self. But who knew that she will accidentally step into a magical society. The moment she stepped into magical society her life become closer to hell. Her parents were almost get killed because of her. There is something that you all should know that this magical society does not tolerate humans. Little sneak peak from chapter 5- The Invitation card "It is an emergency," Master Wayne said. "This morning a human entered here..." "You mean here, magical realm..." Draven said, looking concerned. "As a matter of fact, yes," Master Wayne said. "How is that even possible?" "She got an invitation card," Master Wayne gave the card to the headmaster. "She must have applied to our human school," Master Wayne suggested. "Even then I have not sent any invitation this year," Draven said, getting worried. "Sir, what do we do," Master Wayne asked. "Kill her," Draven said without hesitation. Find out what happened, Will she be killed even if she died will she will be able to reincarnated. Readers if you want to find out the illustration that I chose to represent my characters then follow me on: Instagram-@ryan_writer6 This will help you to visualize and will make the story interesting for you. Happy reading.

Ryan_Writer · ファンタジー
106 Chs

The Dormitory Part-I

"Where are we?" Sophie asked.

"We are in our dormitory," Laura said, getting excited.

"What...is this…our dormitory!" Sophie exclaimed. She steps forward to see the area. Her eyes shinned by the excitement, her mouth were half-opened enough for a fly to rob her inside, her elbows were attached with the body and hands were in the air.

They were in the common room of the girl's dormitory. Brightened by a big chandelier in the center of the roof. There were no portraits, the walls were empty. Under the chandelier, a sofa set was placed. A three-seater big couch and two single sofa chairs with a table in the center were sparkling. The table was made up of glass, inside of that a fire was lighted up.

"It's beautiful..." Sophie commented.

Laura smiled and nodded.

"...but where are the rooms," She asked.

"Take some more steps forward," Laura said.

Sophie walked a little at a slow pace.

With the sparkling butterflies, fence and rooms started to appear. Sophie revolved her head with the butterflies. Just above the common area, all the doors to the room could be visible. There was no ceiling to distinguish between floors. There was only one visible ceiling with the chandelier attached to it. One big spaced stair just behind the central couch became visible.

"Hi," Dakota chuckled, came from her room and was resting her hands on the fence in front of her room. She waved her hands to both of them.

"You are here,"

Sophie waved her hand with her head up. Laura smiled at Dakota.

"Get changed fast, we have to leave for the food," Dakota said, making a cute expression. "I am hungry," She holds her stomach, bent knees a little.

"Me too," Sophie said, holding her stomach.

Dakota went to her room.

"Where is my room?" Sophie asked.

"There...in the corner," Laura showed.

Sophie moved her head to her right side.

"How can you be so sure?"

"We have not even been there,"

"Before, there were only three rooms," Laura said.

"Did they build it, just now?"

"Yes, but with the magic,"

"God, I fucking love this place," Sophie giggled.

"Don't waste much time," Laura ordered. "Go and get freshen up,"

Two rooms were on the left side of the stair and two on the right.

Laura's room was next door to Sophie. Sophie opened her door.

"Welcome, ma'am," A sound from nowhere.

Sophie's eyes got widened as she enters the room, her smile got bigger.

The room was not a normal dorm room like Sophie had seen on the college websites and tv shows. It was too big to call it a dorm room.

There was a single bed but bigger than usual size in the center of the room underneath with a round carpet, an antique bedside table on both sides with a flying round lamp over it.

"Ah..." She screamed, getting excited. She jumped on the bed, got wrinkled all over the bed. Her legs were in the air. She closed her mouth with her hands as she realized that she was too loud. She sat on the bed with her hands down.

There was a dressing table in front of the bed. She walked near it. She saw her suitcase in the corner. She picked it up but felt too light. She placed the suitcase on the bed and opened it. She found it empty.

"Where is everything," Sophie screamed.

She grabbed her hairs in the tension. Her back was facing the dressing table. She looked here and there and then spotted a wardrobe on her left. She opened it.

"Wow..." Sophie smiled.

All her stuff which she got from her house was already adjusted into the wardrobe. She was amazed by that act. She remembered that she had to take a bath. She searched the wardrobe for some clothes then pulled out a pair of jeans, a t-shirt and a thin jacket.

She put them on the bed. She removed her hairband and opened her hairs. She went into the bathroom. As she stepped it got brightened she did not even press any switch to on the light. There was a small magical sun in the bathroom as a light source and it turned into a moon when there are no people.

The roof was blurred because of the sun. She removed her clothes and put them in the thing that looked like a basket under the washbasin. She stood in the bathing area she noticed that there was no tap to open or close the water.

"What the fuck..." Sophie said, getting confused.

Suddenly she whispered cold water and then the water started coming from the top. There was not a shower or anything but water continued to stream. She closed her eyes and lifted her head. She moved her hands on the face and then back to the hairs. She with ease took the bath but then she struggled to close the water stream.

"How do I stop this," Sophie murmured.

She remembered how the water started then she shouted stop. The water stopped at the moment. She took the towel which was hanging in the air. She wiped and wrapped the towel around her body. She came out of the bathroom then she realized that she forgets her hairdryer.

"What I do now..."

"I'll ask Laura, later,"

As she was going to remove her towel Laura came.


"Hey..." Sophie said. "Knocking is a thing here..." Sophie wrapped her towel immediately.

"It's okay we have seen each other naked," Laura said, sitting on the bed was facing Sophie.

"yay, but we were children back then..."

"Why aren't you ready?"

"I need a manual for this place,"

Laura laughed.

"You will learn..."

"When I came here I too faced a lot of trouble..."

"From that, I remembered you got an explanation to give me..." Sophie pointed a finger at Laura.

"I know first, get ready,"

"I forgot my hairdryer..." Sophie mentioned. "Can u lend me yours?"

"Sure," Laura said.

Laura stood and showed her hands to Sophie's hairs.

"What are you doing?"

"Keep your head straight,"

She kept her hands in front of the hairs. As she focused Sophie started to feel a sudden wave of wind.


"Wow..." Sophie Thanked. "Love you,"

Both chuckled.

"I am waiting, come fast..." Laura said, walking towards the door.

Sophie hurriedly wore the clothes and left the room. Downstairs she met Laura was sitting on the couch.

Earlier when Sophie was still in her room.

In Dakota's room.

"What happened why you called me in a hurry?," Xion asked, sitting on her bed.

"I have something to discuss," Dakota said, wearing her earring in one ear.

Dakota bent and kissed him. It was just a lip touch and then she moved but as soon as she tried to move Xion grabbed her neck and pushed her closer. He kissed her and felt warmth on her lips. He pulled her legs up and made her sit on his thighs. Dakota wrapped her hands around Xion's neck. Xion puts his hands on Dakota's hip. They continued to kiss.

"Wait..." Dakota interrupted the moment. "I did not call you for this,"

She stood up.

"What's the matter?" Xion asked.

"Did you find anything odd in Sophie?" Dakota questioned, placing her hands on the waist.

"Yes, I do, she did not have any scar when I hit her,"

"Right," Dakota gets excited.

"But how can this happen,"

"I don't know,"

"I remember when you hit me..." Dakota stopped halfway.

Xion sighed.


"Sorry..." Dakota apologized.

She sat near him and put her hand on his shoulder.

"I did not mean to hurt you," She explained.

"I know,"

"You know, I love you,"

"I know, I love you too,"

"I think I should leave," Xion suggested.

They both hugged. Xion walked through the wall.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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