
Chapter 1


[Capsules are not suitable for life]

In the dark laboratory where the capsules with dead embryos were stored, strange and terrible events began to happen. Suddenly, the capsules suddenly opened, and pieces of meat began to fall out of them, and some of them also looked like human remains. An exciting sight that caused horror.

Something inside the lab may have been out of control, and robotic arms tried to deal with this chaos, even burning some of the debris.


[Object 1534 is completed!]

The red light on one of the capsules suddenly turned green, and the smoke hiding something inside began to slowly disperse around.

Then, the glass door of the capsule abruptly opened, and a huge, muscular man with black hair fell out of it. He was completely covered with a liquid substance, and there was a black tube in his mouth that supported his life.

At first glance, this man seemed to be inanimate, but suddenly his blue eyes opened abruptly, as if waking up from a long sleep.

Quickly removing the pipe from his mouth, he inhaled heavily. The noise and nails in the lab now seemed too loud.

The man, barely rising from the cold iron floor, asked, "Where am I?".

The flying hand with glitches replied, "You are object — 1534, have been incubated and are ready to continue your creator's dream." She offered him a black cloak.

The man immediately tore off his cloak and threw it on himself. He looked around, trying to understand something, but the emotions of panic and fear seemed to bypass this person. His face was devoid of any signs of weakness or fear.

"What's going on? Who am I?" he asked, despite the lack of a sense of panic, his voice sounded confused.

"You are created to fulfill the dream of your creator," said the flying hand.

"A dream? What kind of dream is this?" - The man asked another question.

The robot slowly showed the tape and inserted it into the player. An old man appeared in front of the man, sitting in an armchair, his skin hanging from his face. Despite his appearance, Grandfather still continued to talk.

"If the object turns out to be positive, then I have not lived in vain. My name is Fendolf Moriant, if the project is alive, the era of scientists will already be in decline," sounded in the recording, which the person listened to with interest.

The man continued, as if addressing someone who will hear his recording in the future: "While robots are erasing memory, I will tell you about you and the world in which you were born! There is a folder on the table that can be opened with your finger. There's all the data about you."

A person, taking a folder, opened it and found documents containing his personal data, origin, history, and much more. It was a very mysterious find.

Project: Elevation

Number: 1534

Code name: Silver Moriant

Age: 350 years in incubation

Zodiac Sign: Scorpio

Gender: Hetero

Biology: Man and Demon

Eye Color: Blue

Hair: Black

Height:195 cm

Weight:88 kg

Personality Type: Introvert

Character: Unable to feel fear, prone to aggression, cruel, has a thirst for blood.

Phobias and mania: none

Ability to use elements:99.9%

Ability to use fusion: 95.5%

"I created you from my own and demonic DNA, increasing your compatibility with ancient elements. It took many years to achieve this. If you're alive, then the result was worth waiting for," a voice—over full of malicious laughter rang out. "

"Yes, maybe I'm crazy, but I had to prove that the strongest can be created!"

Silver listened to the recording with a detached expression on his face, looking at his cold blue eyes in the mirror. He understood that he was the result of a long work.

The shards of the mirror fell loudly on the iron plates when Silver smashed it with his fist. His eyes reflected the first glimmer of rage.

"Your goal is to find the wisest people, they will show you the way, and then you yourself will become stronger in your travels," the voice of his creator sounded through the recording. "I do not know how much the world will change in three hundred years, I think you can find an approach."

Silver focused on the words that seemed to be his new guide.

Inspired by the challenge and the idea of independence, he turned his gaze to the documents on the table.

"There's a glove on the table, put it on," the scientist said hoarsely.

Next to them was an iron glove made of light metal "Monarch", which his creator had instructed him to put on.

"The iron glove... "Monarch," Silver whispered, taking it in his hands. The antennae of the glove turned out to be sharp and looked ominous. He took a slow breath, knowing that this step could change his essence.

Silver slowly put the iron glove on his hand. Her tendrils dug into his flesh, and he felt the blood-soaked contact. With this touch, the glove seemed to become a part of his body, merging with him into one.

"There is a card embedded in the glove," the voice of its creator continued through the recording.

"It changes with the local changes of the world. The signals are transmitted from my satellite in space. After my death, a new era will begin, and it will be more convenient for you than for me. You have four types of cards:

"Territorial — detailed — tectonics — thermal, indicating the climate at the moment.

Silver listened attentively, realizing that these cards would become his reliable partner in his travels. They will help him navigate and find the necessary information.

"The Monarch charges when you sleep," the creator's voice continued to inform him.

— "Be careful, don't let me take your hand."

Silver frowned, realizing that the glove is not just a tool, but also a weapon. Its power and functions were incredibly useful.

"I'll be careful," Silver replied.

Silver silently examined the cards, slowly switching between them. Its location was in the middle of the Takar desert, where everything was destroyed, and the secrets of this place remained a secret.

The creator's voice sounded again: "I explained how the hand works. Now, I will explain how the magic of this world works. Your glove is able to increase the power of elementals by 2%. The functions are outdated, but maybe there are glove enhancement chips somewhere in the abandoned stations. Places are marked on the map with green dots."

Silver stared at the map, catching green dots that indicated possible amplifiers for his glove.

"Magic works from locks, these are some constellations in your head," the voice continued. "The more of them, the stronger you are. Calls accordingly, too, act wisely."

Silver took in the information, trying to understand how the magic of this world interacted with his own abilities.

"Locks should create a distortion, a closed circle, a house of one of the elements. The more, the stronger," — new instructions sounded.

Silver nodded thoughtfully. He understood that locks were the basis of his magical abilities and could give him a huge advantage in battle.

"The Monarch has a built—in ball that can show the number of your castles, the enemy's castles," the voice continued to inform.

"This will give you an advantage before you fight someone."

Silver drew attention to the status of his glove, seeing information about the number of locks and the absence of distortions.


[No distortion]

"Monarch," Silver whispered.

The creator's voice sounded again, telling about the way to test his power and magic.

"Remember, people will test you with huge crystals in the city. They are pulled out during arena battles at various festivals," the voice continued hoarsely.

"The Monarch is able to block these crystals by showing any number you think of."

Silver pondered.

"Next. The Elemental Pact," the voice continued.

"Over time, the elementals will allow themselves to be named, this moment is called trust. By signing a contract, you won't just be able to use an elemental, you'll be borrowing its magic and skills."

Silver nodded thoughtfully. The idea of making a pact with the elementals gave him even more opportunities to develop his own skills.

"Elementals have stages of elevation," the voice continued,

"They depend on your distortions. They can evolve, giving you some advantages: Spell — Element Control — Partial Pact — Fusion."

"If you already have several distortions, there is a chance that you will be able to use the element," the voice continued.

"The Pact of the Elementals... elevation... the element..." Silver whispered to himself.

"Your glove records how much you need to accumulate to open distortions," the voice informed. "Everyone can have as many elementals as they want, depending on the time. Some people can't even get hold of one, having made a deal, you will have a long, black line on your back. With each distortion, circles form on the back, the more circles, the stronger."

Silver turned his attention to the glove, thinking about the meaning of each circle on his back.

"Attention, you cannot use all the elementals at once without opening three or five distortions," the voice warned.

"Your body will be torn in two. "

The main lock is located on the stomach in the form of a triangle," the voice continued,

"To make a contract with one of the elements, you have to awaken the distortion, but right now it's not so important. You can use the elemental nonverbally, without using its abilities. Just create a pact, and he will protect you until you open the distortion."

Silver nodded thoughtfully, realizing that the possibility of non-verbal use of the elemental would give him additional protection and confidence in battle.

"I'm being loaded with information, it's so difficult," he said, imprinting every word in his memory.

"The symbol will turn red after the summoning," the old man whispered.

"To change to another element, people usually pronounce mantras. In your case, you can instantly summon another with only the power of thought, without saying these stupid rhymes."

"There is a limit," the old man continued.

"People are strange creatures, they try to become stronger by using three or five at a time, testing themselves. In fact, they die due to a huge loss of blood with their elementals together. I advise you to fight monsters by absorbing the energy of monsters. Your locks will increase, and there will be no such difficulties."

Silver learned the old man's advice.

"And what I was striving for to create you," the old man's voice sounded proud.

"You have to reach perfection. The Monarch's Pact — a red line appears on the forehead, and there are many major distortions in the form of triangles on it. This is the management of many elementals. Someone can withstand 3 or 5 spirits, but you, I'm sure you're one of a kind," his laughter echoed.

Silver felt a sense of responsibility, which means he had to become stronger than everything that exists.

Silver obediently listened to the old man's last words, feeling mixed emotions.

"And the last thing before it gets dark here, there are test tubes with summoning crystals on the table," the old man's voice sounded very rude.

"It all depends on luck and the place of your challenge. Some of them are probably no longer suitable for the contract. But I hope you can find something."

The screen quickly turned off, and Silver was left alone on the cold floor. He looked around the laboratory, seeing a lot of spoiled capsules with elements. Everything was broken, his eyes were running fast, disassembling the capsules in search of something working.

Finally, he found several whole capsules, one of which was labeled "Heavenly Synergy". Silver took it and read the instructions, realizing that this process could be the key to his next step.

"Heavenly synergy... triangle... shining circle..." Silver whispered, sitting down on the cold floor. He broke the capsule and began to make a triangle with his hands, summoning the spirit.

A glowing circle appeared in the center of the triangle, and he realized that his hand had intensified the call, speeding up the process of finding the spirit.

A drop of light fell to the ground, summoning a weak elemental. He couldn't create a pact to send him to the "Main Distortion", so Silver decided that it wouldn't hurt for him to have additional protection.

Slowly opening his eyes, Silver saw in front of him a mixture of living sand, from which an elemental appeared. He silently studied the baby with his eyes.

"I see, so the summoning depends on the location," Silver whispered, watching the creature.

"And who are you?"

A cheerful sound came from the mouth of this elemental:

"Aya Aya!, Aya Aya!"

Silver frowned, realizing that this elemental didn't have the ability to communicate.

"So you can't communicate with us?"

Silver thought coldly, considering the limitations of this creature.

Although the elemental did not have the opportunity to talk, Silver took him on his arm and put him on his neck. He put the other two test tubes in his cloak, in case he could summon someone else.