Opening my eyes to see blurry colors is not what I expected. What happened? Did I somehow survive?
I can't seem to move my head, and my whole body feels weak for some reason. Is this the after effects?
I'm pretty sure I signed a waiver to let the doctors kill me after there was no hope of surviving Cancer. So, what's going on?
"From now on, your name shall be, Song Yun. Son of Song Guang."
Huh, what's going on? Did someone have a baby? Why are they in my room though?
I tried to speak but I can't seem to move my mouth either. This is going to take a while, isn't it.
All I could do was sigh.
"Aw, how cute, my son is sighing" What? What a crazy coincidence. Also, why is the father talking so close to me?
Come on man, I know that you are a new father and that but can't you move a little bit away from my bed?
"Ah look, he sighed again!" Alright, what? Once is crazy but twice? I don't know if someone is pranking me or if this is real.
If someone is pranking me, then good on them, they almost got me. But what if this was real?
I know it's crazy to think so, but my mind couldn't help but wander to that place, because after all, my life support machine was plugged out and I was supposed to die.
So, what if I actually got reincarnated?
But I didn't meet any god though…
I also didn't get any cheats…
This feels like those fan fictions where a dude with no cheats somehow gets super strong though nothing but meta knowledge.
I'm beginning to dread my future. Is it going to be full of battles and stuff like that? Full of drama where my loved ones die?
Jesus, now I'm beginning to hope to not have been reincarnated.
I don't want a life full of misery and drama, I want to live a fun life. You know, an easy life, get myself a girlfriend, go to the beach, have a nice job and all that good stuff.
Sigh, I just hope some doctor who could come and check on me and tell me that I've not been reincarnated.
I don't know how long it's been but I've just been hearing this guy talking in the background with some people, some even came to see me.
Which isn't doing great for my wish that this isn't some reincarnation. Also, as time moved I'm becoming increasingly sleepy, so I haven't been able to keep up with all the people around me.
So, with all the surrounding noise I'm somehow falling asleep.
Wait, where am I now? All I see are different colors and somehow I'm sitting on the ground.
I stand up and am quite surprised when I can stand up freely. How can I stand up so easily? This day is getting stranger and stranger by the minute.
Looking down, I see my body. I was quite skinny and my clothes of choice seem to be a T-shirt and some basketball shorts. One of my favorite choices.
Alright, now I need to figure out where I am.
While the scenery in front of me is quite nice, I'd rather have a road to somewhere so I can figure out where I am.
I began to rapidly blink as everything began to change. The world itself is changing. The sky, which had many colors, began to change to the blue I was familiar with. The ground that was full of colors and flowers began to change into one big road, a road made out of asphalt.
What the fuck!? What's going on? Why's everything changing?
No wait, I wanted this place to change, didn't I? Does this mean that I'm in some kind of lucid dream?
Well if that's true then, I wish I could fly!
"Woah! I'm actually beginning to float!" Well, this should say that I'm in a lucid dream but I quickly get down. While I'd love to fly, you never do that in a dream, you have no idea when it will end and you might have that fall sensation. I'd rather not wake up like that, thank you very much.
So, what should I do now? I guess I can have some fun trying out different things.
Two hours later
"Rayleigh! I'll do it! I'm gonna become the King of the Pirates!"
Woo! Let's go!
This is more fun than I expected, I didn't think I could rewatch One Piece in my lucid dream. Of course only the episodes that I have watched. Still fun though.
The best part is snuggling in a comfy blanket on a nice couch, while watching on a big TV.
Ah, this is the best part of a lucid dream, I can just sit here and have nothing to worry about.
Sadly, I don't have anything to eat or drink, but that's okay. I can make do without any.
Now let's get back to watching episode 522 of One Piece.
*Knock Knock*
"Hmm?" Why's the door knocking all of a sudden?
"Aa, come in?"
The door opened slowly and someone who I knew yet only have seen in fiction came in. It was Raven.
How? I'm lost for words.
I know this is a lucid dream and all that but I wasn't thinking of her at all. It's not like I was unhappy to see her, she was the first goth girl I had a crush on.
"Uh, can I help you?" I asked the first thing that came to mind. What can I say, I am a polite person.
She suddenly stiffened before coming into the room I made. Once she was in the room, she cupped her fist and bowed.
Why did she do that? And why is it oddly familiar to those Chinese greetings?
"Good day senior. This one's name is Lai Ling. I am sorry to intrude on you like this but I am here to ask for your help"
What? What's going on? Why is she calling me a senior? I'm not that old.
"What can I help you with?" I asked. Not gonna lie, this is quite an auto response.
"I wish to hide myself from the world, in your body" Okay this is getting really weird, and why is she still in that position?
"While I think you are confusing me with someone else, please take a seat and explain your situation to me" I told her as a new couch appeared and the TV disappeared.
Lai Ling POV
Sitting down on the couch that the senior had made, she prepared the story she would tell. She couldn't tell him that she was a practitioner of the dark arts, those old men usually take offense to that and think that she is a dark witch.
While the man before her didn't look old in the slightest, she couldn't take out the possibility that he was old. As someone who has had extensive study in soul arts, she would like to believe herself as an expert on the matter, and yet she couldn't get any read on this guy's soul.
It was almost like his soul was protected. Which she expected but not to this degree.
"So would you mind explaining what's going on now?"
She already had a story she could tell, something hopefully he would believe. "I was attacked and injured when I was trying to ascend to become a God in the world I came from." There she kept it short and simple. Hopefully he wouldn't be asking too many questions.
She looked at his expression, trying to read him. What she saw kind of surprised her, he had a shocked expression. Why was he shocked? He surely knew that everyone had some kind of enemy.
"Why were you attacked? Did you hurt people?" His expression turned from shocked to worried, that wasn't good. He shouldn't think of her as some kind of monster that attacked people.
"I… No, I was framed and people didn't want me to get into power, so they did their best to hinder me from ascending" She explained to the best of her ability without giving away too much knowledge.
Seconds ticked by and the senior before her has yet to say anything, he seems to be thinking about something. Oh, how she hoped that he wouldn't turn her down right now. If he did, she would undoubtedly die.
Her soul was too weak right now, should she go outside his soul protections, the world would tear her apart.
She had to convince him somehow- "So, how did you end up meeting me? You were attacked and somehow survived, right? How does that come to you meeting me?"
She gave a small sigh, she was beginning to panic there. She took a second to regain her calmness before she began to speak. "I was somehow ejected from my own world into the void, there my body quickly disaggregated into nothingness and my soul would have followed if I didn't meet you by chance. I quickly took my chances and latched on to you."
A minute tickled by this time and the senior in front of her didn't say anything. This time however she kept her calm and waited until he was done thinking.
"I see" He finally said, "I think that we were lucky to meet each other, so please by all means, you're more than welcome to stay here" He gave her a warm smile.
She quickly stood up and bowed to him, "Thank you, senior! As long as I live, I, Lai Ling, will never forget your kindness!" She said those words from the bottom of her heart.
If she was being honest, she would have expected him to want something in return, knowledge was the first that came to mind. Her body is also a thing, he could have reconstructed her body and had his way with her, she wouldn't have minded even if he had taken her Vital Yin. She would rather have that than dying.
"Please, raise your head. I'm only doing the right thing here. I'd rather not have conscience that I let somebody die when I could have saved them."
She raised her head slowly, looking at her savior in a different light now. He was so different, he wasn't a stuck up young master, he wasn't some old fool trying to force his ways on the younger generations and he wasn't some lecherous bastard that could only think with his lower half.
While she saw him looking at her when she first entered but when she started talking, he was actually focused on her and not her body.
She looked at him again, he was thin with short black hair and brown eyes. From what she could see, he wasn't that tall, maybe around average height. Though that didn't matter, he could look however he wanted here, this was his mindscape after all.
"I should probably tell you about myself if you are going to live here with me" He began to speak again and she nodded, yeah it was probably a good idea to know about her savior. "I don't think I even told you my name either" He scratched the back of his head.
"My name is Ethan Fletcher" Ethan began to tell her, his story.
By the end of it, she had to sit there for a while, not knowing what to say.
Now she is a cultivator, has been for a few thousand years, she has visited thousands of worlds, met billions of different people but she never thought that she would meet another person from planet earth.
She had met one, a few hundred years ago. He had come after her for lecherous reasons but she defeated him and then extracted his memories, what she saw had shocked her to the core.
She had known that there were thousands if not millions of different planets all around the universe, but she never thought that there was life outside her universe.
Of course, after that, she tortured ever last every last information out of that reincarnated guy. After days of torture, she finally got every last bit of information out of him.
From what she learned, he was a disgusting fat dude that somehow met his end by a metal monster he called 'Truck-kun', he then found himself reborn in her universe by pure chance.
After he had found out he was reborn, he decided to stop being a disgusting pig and do something with his life, which led him to learning about cultivation. While he had a good talent, that did nothing for his character, as he would try to get small girls to love him from a young age to get a 'harem' when he was older.
Now again, she had met a person from the same planet, she must be blessed to find reincarnated people.
"Senior Ethan, I have met another person from the same planet you hail from" It would seem like it was now her turn to tell him about the person she met.
And so, they began talking until Ethan's real body began to wake up again.
My first fic that I will be sticking too, hope you like it.
If you have any questions, please leave them in the comments and I will try to answer them.