
Chapter 10- Shadow


"Contract Complete. Congratulations you are now contracted with a Necrocoil."


The black egg had cracks form along the shell quickly. The egg broke and out popped a 6 foot long pitch black snake. It had dark eyes that shined like Onyx, its scales reflected beautifully in the light as it was coiled up.

Tru found himself mesmerized by the snakes beauty as he sat it on the ground. It gave a small yawn before it slithered up to the colorful flowers.


"What would you like to name your contract?"

Tru thought long and deep as he watched the onyx colored snake nibble at the flowers. The sight made him laugh. It finished devouring all the flowers before it crawled up Tru arm and laid across his shoulders.

"Shadow. I'll name him Shadow."


"The name Shadow has been set."

The systems voice drifted into silence as a small black snake tattoo appeared on his right ring finger. He petted Shadows head as he looked through his information.


Name: Shadow

Rank: Rank F(S)

Contract: Tru Lee

Affinity: Dark

Magic Level: 0/15000


Strength(Passive)- Rank F(S)

Fortitude(Passive)- Rank F(S)

Elemental Adaptability(Unique)(Passive)- Rank S

Mana Mastery(Passive)- Rank F(S)

Mana Perception(Passive)- Rank F(S)

Dark Mastery(Passive)- Rank F(S)

Shadow Orb(Active)- Rank F(S)

Shadow Fang(Active) Rank F(S)

Elemental Breath(Active)- Rank F(S)

Shadow Walk(Unique)(Locked)(Active)- Rank F(S)

Tru's jaw dropped as he looked over the skills of the young Necrocoil. He couldn't believe his eyes at how many potiential S rank skills it had not to mention its growth.

"Just what are you, I've never heard of a Necrocoil before. But these skills have to be a cheat though right ?" Tru chuckled nervously as Shadow slept on his shoulders.

'Little guy must be full and sleepy I'll check out the rest of his skills before heading out. Tru sat under the large tree as he develes deeper into his companions skills.


Elemental Adaptability(Unique)(Passive)- Rank S: "Skill allows user to adapt to magic that the user has been exposed too over a long period of time. Skill proficiency rises in rank waking with user. UNIQUE SKILL CANNOT BE TAUGHT OR LEARNED."

Mana Perception(Passive)- Rank F(S): "Allows user to perceive and detect mana of all things. Also can different mana from user to user. Skill proficiency rises with users rank."

Shadow Orb(Active)- Rank F(S): "User collects Dark Mana in the shape of an orb and launches it forward. Contact disrupts mana flow momentarily for 10 seconds. Proficiency rises along with users rank."

Shadow Fang(Active)- Rank F(S): "User cloaks their teeth, fangs, etc in Dark Mana. Inflicts internal damage over 8 seconds. Small chance to cause paralysis. Proficiency rises with users skill level."

Shadow Walk(Locked)(Unique)(Active)- Rank F(S): " Allows user to step through shadows to a familiar location. ONLY USABLE ONCE PER DAY. Usage and proficiency rises with user rank. UNIQUE SKILL CANNOT BE TAUGHT OR LEARNED."

"Holy damn this thing is a blessing!" Tru shouted so loudly that it echoed through out the orchard.


He clutched his tomach in pain before standing up and looking around. He looked at Shadow who was sound asleep. 'Tch lucky you, now I need to find something to eat. I wonder if that deer went far? Time to go find out."

Tru exited the cave when he spotted several Turqouise Doe. He crouched down and observed the deer when Shadow woke up and began looking around.

"Hey sleepy head have a nice nap? Now it's time to work, gotta catch dinner for tonight or I'm going to starve." Shadow cocked its head at Tru before slithering down his arm and headed toward the doe.

Tru watched as it moved slowly toward the unaware doe. Black mana started collecting around shadow before cloaking its teeth. "Oh that must be Shadow Fang. Wonder what the little guy thinks he's going to do."

Suddenly Shadow bit into the ankle of one of the Doe caused it to jump from pain. It froze up as the other Turqoise Doe took off running deeper into the forest.

Seeing the Doe freeze up and see me dot make Shadow happy and he slithered back and resumed his position on Tru's shoulders. His little face look smug as if he was proud.

Tru took advantage of th is opportunity and walked up to the Doe. It stayed in place as its eyes anxiously watched Tru. He could see it breathing ever but slowly.

He took the black gauntlet and stabbed straight to the magic stone of the Turquoise Deer.


"Rank F Magic Stone absorbed"

"+5 Magic Level"

"Current Magic Level 905/1000"

Tru quickly harvested his kill as Shadow watched quietly. He opened up his map and saw he wasn't too far from his destination.

'Let's hope those other two made it out. But we can't worry about that right Shadow?" He grinned as he walked while stroking Shadow's head. He was mesmerized by the Necrocoil's black scales.

He continued his hike while passing through the forest. He pointed out and explained the various creatures to Shadow as the strolled. He spotted a tree filled with apples, he grabbed a few to snack on as he walked.



'What is that? It shaking the whole ground?' Tru stopped and looked around as Shadow too was on guard. They walked a bit further and came to a large clearing. Before them they saw a giant green lizard standing off in front of a large brown bear.

The bear had red fur around its neck almost as if it worn a necklace. It stood up on its hind legs and reached well over thirteen feet tall. It was a Rank B Red Mane Grizzly Bear.

The green lizard was over ten feet tall and its length extended over thirty feet. It flicked it tongue back and forth as if it was tasting the bear before it even touched its lips.

It was a Grand Basilisk, a massive magical beast that held no elemental affinity. Though it was known for its robustness and its colossal strength. Not to mention it was blessed with a deadly poison that most would succumb to in mere moments.



Name: Red Mane Grizzly Bear

Rank: Rank B

Affinity: N/A

Magic Level: 222000/400000

Description: "A large brown bear with red fur along its neck. It's has a high fire affinity from birth. It is a fearsome force once it reaches adulthood. Excels in physical combat."


Strength(Passive)- Rank A

Fortitude(Passive)- Rank B

Mana Mastery(Passive)- Rank C

Pyro Mastery(Passive)- Rank C

Wrestling(Passive)- Rank B

Blazing Claw(Active)- Rank B

Fireball(Active)- Rank C

Elemental Resistance(Passive)- Rank C

Heat Cloak(Unique)(Active)- Rank B



Name: Grand Basilisk

Rank: Rank B

Affinity: N/A

Magic Level: 399452/400000

Description: "A massive lizard with enormous strength but no mana. It has sharp claws and fangs that inject a deadly position into its foes. Often referred to as a small land dragon"


Strength(Passive)- Rank A

Fortitude(Passive)- Rank S

Poison Fang(Active)- Rank B

Elemental Resistance(Passive)- Rank A

Poison Resistance(Passive)- Rank S

Burrowing(Active)-Rank C

Heightened Sense(Passive)- Rank D

Thick Hide(Passive)- Rank A

Swimming(Passive)- Rank C

Regeneration(Passive)-Rank B

Tail Sweep(Active)- Rank C

Tyrant's Roar(Unique)(Active) -Rank B

Predator's Aura(Unique)(Passive)-Rank S

The two observers watched as the Red Mane Grizzly charged at the lizard. It slammed its shoulders into it knocking it back. It cloaked its claws in Pyro Magic and began swiping furiously at the lizard until it fell down.

It collected Pyro mana at an intense rate as its aura soared. It then became heavily cloaked in fire as if it was burning up.


Heat Cloak(Unique)(Active)- Rank B: " User wraps themselves in pyro magic. Skill enhances the all elemental attacks of same affinity. Burns through mana fairly quickly. Duration increases with user rank. UNIQUE SKILL CANNOT BE TAUGHT OR LEARNED. "

Usage time: 4 minutes.

Shadow and Tru watched on as the flaming grizzly lifted the basilisk by its tail and slammed it to the ground. The impact caused the entire ground to tremble.


The Red Mane Grizzly roared in victory as the Basilisk laid there with out motion. Its Fire Cloak vanished as is it started walking away.

"Damn guess the lizard was outmatched, come on Shadow let's see if we can get some of the spoils after it leaves." Tru stood up and walked forward when Shadow pulled on his arm.

"Hey now don't be afraid one day you'll get even more powerful than they will. It's scary I know but it gets easier." Tru squatted and consoled the young magical beast when he stood up and saw that the lizard had disappeared without a trace.

"…what the hell…where did it go?" Tru looked around furiously when the ground started rumbling furiously.