
Chapter 13: The Future Unveiled**

Chapter 13: The Future Unveiled**

As Khalid emerged from the cave, he was greeted by a world he scarcely recognized. The village he remembered was in ruins, overgrown with weeds and vines. Buildings were crumbling, and the once-thriving market square was deserted.

Venturing further, Khalid noticed signs of recent struggle—broken weapons, discarded belongings, and strange, blood-stained marks on the ground. His heart pounded as he made his way to what was left of his family's home, hoping to find some clue about what had happened.

In the remains of his house, Khalid found a tattered journal. It belonged to his younger brother, Hassan. As he read through the entries, the horrifying truth became clear. A deadly virus had swept through the land, turning people into mindless, flesh-eating zombies. Society had collapsed, and the world had plunged into chaos.

Hassan's last entries spoke of a small group of survivors who had fortified themselves in the mountains. Khalid knew he had to find them.